Dan. 9:27

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    Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Is this verse speaking of Jesus Christ, or Antichrist?


    To ?

    I had expected to hear some one say, Antichrist, since almost all ministers say, that is the seven year tribulation of Antichrist.



    I have to say, it amazes me how little interest is shown in the things that matter so much.



    in dan;9-27 refers to Jesus who will confirm the covenant but will be put to dead in the middle of the week or 3.5 years (total time of is ministry)



    You are right when you say it is speaking of Jesus, but he “did” confirm the new covenant, and he “was” put to death.
    So, why do you think so many ministers say that this scripture, Dan. 9:27, is the time Antichrist will appear?



    Hi georg
    christ as to be there and preach to bring back the lost sheep of Israel ,only then the anchrist (the one who do not want him as king)could fight against the thruth now revailed.
    this is why the apostels recognised that the antichrist was well underway at there time.



    The fact that Paul mentioned Antichrists shows, they have been around since the death of Christ.
    They were individuals that realised, there is money to be made; no different then today's organized religion; they are however, are not “THEE” Antichrist.
    “THEE” Antichrist is first mentioned in Dan. 7:8. Verse 7 and 8 speak of the Roman beast/empire, the horns represent kings, ten does not mean ten individuals, it is the number for all the kings that would rule during the entire Roman period. The bible says, “the little horn came up among them”, this simply means that he had his “beginning” during the Roman rule.
    In v. 20 it says, “before him three horns/kings fell”; if you are really interested to know who they were I will tell you.
    In v. 21 it says, “he made war with the saints”; remember, the saints are the temple of God. The same is said about him in Rev. 13:7.
    In v. 25 it says, “they (the saints) shall be given into his hands 3 and a half years”, you read the same in Rev. 13:5.
    In v. 24 it says, “he shall arise after them (the Roman kings)”; what this means is this, he did not come to power until after the Roman empire had collapsed, the western half that is, the eastern half lasted till the middle of the 15th Century.
    In v.25 it says, “he shall speak great words against the most High”; the same is said about him in Rev. 13:6,7.
    In Dan. 11:36 he is referred to as the god of gods; if you understand that “god” is not a name and does not always refer to God in heaven, it is more of a title meaning, a strong one, or powerful one, a king or ruler, you will know that “god of gods” refers to a man that ruled over other kings because they feared him.
    This “king” referred to in v. 36, that did everything according to “his” will, that dared to stand up to this “god/ruler of gods/rulers, that brought about the indignation (humiliation) of this god/ruler, was none other than Napoleon.
    So, you see, hoping for Antichrist, the seven years of tribulation, the rapture, is all in vain.



    Hi Georg
    I do not see it this way,the antichrist who fulfill the best the man of lawlesness ,and put himself above everithing wath was called god,was Constantin ,in 325 ad,when he took all the existing (99%)christian sectes or denomination,and created the universal religion of the romain empire whit him as the suprem master,he was not particulare if it was the thruth or not.since daniel prophesy said that the romain empire will disipair whitout man hands ,this means it will fade away ,and this is exacly wath happen ,but after 325AD wile this was going on, the religion sector of the empire was getting stronger and became the harlot from revelation ,she start to look after herself by making deals with the different kings in the slowly calapsing empire,and prevent the thruth to be known,as she was progressing in her corrup ways she ad some of sect who moved out of her autority ,those are her dauthers doing for themselfs wath the harlot as done for herself.and this is still going on today,this is why religion still preaching the same lies and practice the same abominations that only thrue christians can understand,
    Dan 7. refers to the greek empire ,(leopard)and we know in history that when Alexander died is four generals divided the empire and the ad wars between themselfs and at the end one ofspring of one of the generals succeesfully conquerd all the others.in dan;7;19 it talks abode the fourth beast this is the romain empire.



    Many Roman emperors set themselves up us gods, Constantine was not one of them. He in fact stopped the persecution of Christians in 313 AD. Constantine only insisted that all of his soldiers were baptised. Not until 565 AD, when the pope took over as ruler of what used to be the western Roman “leg” of the empire, did he (the pope) begin to persecute all who would not except his doctrines, he was and still is, “the Antichrist”. You need to check out the history of the popes, you will find out just how “holy” the were.
    Also, the Roman empire did not just fade away, the eastern “leg” lasted till the middle of the 15th Century, when the Muslim Turks finally defeated them, by then all that was left of the empire was the capital, Constantine.
    You're right, Dan. 7:19 speaks of the Roman empire, but it is not one of the four generals from Alexanders army.



    Quote (Cindy @ Feb. 26 2009,03:01)
    Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Is this verse speaking of Jesus Christ, or Antichrist?

    1] Then he shall confirm a covenant 2] with many for one week; 3] but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. 4] And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, 5] even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.

    1] He shall confirm a covenant: The “he” Gabriel mentions is the prince who is to come mentioned in the previous verse. If we know that the prince's people destroyed Jerusalem in 70 a.d., then we know this coming prince has his ancestral roots in the soil of the ancient Roman Empire.

    Therefore, the prince who is to come will in some way be an heir to the Romans, even as the final world government is an heir to the Roman Empire (Daniel 7).

    2] He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week: The coming prince will make a covenant with Israel for the final unit of seven years, completing the seventy weeks prophesied for the Jewish people and Jerusalem.

    Covenant with many: The word many here is a specific reference to Israel, not a general reference to a group. The ancient Hebrew says, “covenant with the many.”

    With this covenant Israel will embrace the Antichrist as a political messiah, if not the literal Messiah. Jesus predicted this in John 5:43: I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

    Taking the description of what would be accomplished in the 70 Weeks from Daniel 9:24, we know that the 70 Weeks are not yet complete. Yet the events promised in the first 69 weeks are fulfilled, indicated that there is a lengthy “pause” in the 70 Weeks, between the 69th week and the 70th week. The 70th week will begin when the coming prince shall confirm a covenant with the Jewish people. These “gaps” or “pauses” in prophecy may seem strange to us, but they are common. Comparing Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 1:31-33 shows another significant “pause” or “gap” in prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah.

    We can think of it in this way: God has appointed 490 years of special focus on Israel in His redemptive plan. The years were “paused” by Israel's rejection of Jesus. Now, there is no special focus on Israel in God's redemptive plan because this is the time of the church. God's focus will return to Israel when the church is taken away (at the rapture) and the last seven years of man's rule on this earth begin.

    “The 70th week will begin when the Jewish people are restored in unbelief to their land and city; and among them will be found a faithful remnant, owning their sin, and seeking Jehovah's face.” (Henry Ironside writing in 1911)

    3] In the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering: The coming prince will break the covenant with Israel in the middle of the seven years, the final “week.”

    The Book of Revelation sees this seven year period with both its halves as yet future (Revelation 12:6, 13-14; 13:5-9, 14-15). The middle of the week and the end of sacrifice had not yet happened in 90 a.d.

    4] On the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate: The ending of sacrifice will come with abominations, followed by tremendous desolation.

    Abominations translates an ancient Hebrew word (shiqquwts) that is connected to horrific idolatry (Deuteronomy 29:17, 1 Kings 11:5-7, 2 Kings 23:13). The idea is that the coming prince breaks the covenant and brings an end to sacrifice and offering by desecrating the holy place of the temple with a horrific idolatry.

    Jesus called this the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) and indicated that it would be a pivotal sign in the Great Tribulation. Paul referred to the idolatry of the coming prince in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

    5] Until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate: This breaking of the covenant and abomination of desolation has a promised consummation. Before the 70th week is completed, each of the things described in Daniel 9:24 will be accomplished and everlasting righteousness will reign.

    Jesus said to the Jews of this day: If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! (Luke 19:42) David said of this day in Psalm 118:24: This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.



    hi Georg
    I did not said that one of the generals of alexander became the romain impire.
    I would ask you to go on the internet and look for nicea document and is history it will bring you up to date in what happen then,the fact that he stop persecution of christians this does not mean that he is doing GOD s will,understand that he is the first and the only one who did this,and sure there still were hard time in the romain empire ,because of theyr power fighting,but in the long run Dan;12 -45 comes to be thrue.
    the romain impire was dead way before the 16 century the harlot was well seated read history on the dark ages.ther is moore to be said but my time is short


    hi Georg
    Dan;7-19 to 28,is related to the fourth beast that is the roman impire ,they were the rulers when Christ ame, the put him to dead the also killed all the apostels(the saints)not known the others in numbers,
    read Dan 11-45.
    Chap 12 deals whit the coming of Christ untill the year 70 (titus)



    Have you ever wondered what the 70 weeks were all about, Dan.9:24?
    They are a prophecy, showing when God would pour out his Holy Spirit to the Gentiles.
    At the end of 69 weeks, v. 25, Jesus was baptized.
    Immediately after his baptism began his ministry, 70th week, v. 27.
    We know that Jesus came to save the world, all people; so why did he say this to the woman?

    Mat 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
    Mat 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    And why did he tell his apostle this?

    Mat 10:5 ¶ These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
    Mat 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    It was Jesus who confirmed (preached) the covenant (new covenant) with many (all over Judea) for one week (7 Years) only he was cut off in he middle of the week (after 3 and 1/2 years). It was his sacrifice on the cross that caused the old covenant sacrifices to cease. After the apostles finished preaching the gospel the rest of the week, this happened.

    Act 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    Jesus had told them he would do that.

    Jhn 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

    Unless you are a Jew, you and I are the other sheep.
    That is, what the 70 weeks were all about.


    Tim Kraft

    Has the final day of Judgment has come? The word of God is the final judgment. You have been judged as perfect in Christ! You are the righteousness of God in Christ! If you believe your righteousness in Christ, then your judgment is over! Judgment is by faith. God said it, that’s final! The great judgment is at hand and the eternal word of God (Jesus) has gone forth to judge the sinner or one that thought he was in sin, as righteous. Remember, the eternal word of God was, is now and forever will be. Gods word has purified like fire any wrong doing or sin. God’s word is purifying and God’s word will purify. Gods word (Jesus), has cut away the chaff from the wheat and is separating the goats from the sheep and is making mankind perfect once and for all. It is for all that will believe. Those who disbelieve have denied their perfection/salvation and condemned themselves to pain and suffering on Earth. Can you hear the Spirit call? Now, you judge yourself, either perfect in Christ through believing what Jesus says or condemned to hellfire somehow for eternity! You are the ruler of your Kingdom, not anyone else’s. The choices of what to believe are yours alone. Jesus said, “judge not others, lest ye be judged, for by the same judgment you use for them, it will be measured back to you”!
    There is therefore now, no condemnation in Love. Condemn no one, lest you be condemned. Did you hear? Don’t judge/condemn what people do as wrong in Gods eyes. If they are transgressing your personal space ask them kindly to correct the situation. You see, telling someone their wrong in God’s eyes, or that they are sinning, is totally different than telling them you don’t like something their doing. In other words don’t tell them they are sinning or doing wrong against God! That is not your right to judge. If you judge at all judge in righteous judgment. All are righteous in Christ. What they are doing may or may not be wrong in your eyes or your brother’s eyes but if you judge it wrong for him in God‘s eyes, then the judgment becomes yours personally. You rule (you) God’s Kingdom. You’re free to do and experience anything in and of yourself, but leave others alone to rule their own Kingdoms. Your freedom is their freedom. If you attempt to condemn others it will not affect them but it will affect you because you are condemning yourself. Actually with the freedom given in Christ, there are no rules or laws from God. So, if you take your power and set a rule or law for another person it doesn’t effect them, it establishes a rule for you where there was no rule, only freedom. For those of you who think that there will be a final, great white throne judgment day before God, and God will be the judge, know that, he will judge you by the same eternal word he gave to Jesus to give to all who would accept. You were cleansed, you are clean and you will be clean! Now, then, always, Heaven is home. You don’t try to get there, you live there. You are spirit, animating a soul and living in a physical body in the Earth. The essence of you is the eternal life force or Soul of God and you are experiencing life in physicality. There’s Heaven and Earth and when you leave your physical body, you are in Heaven. We have been made free in Christ. Where there is freedom, there is no law, where there are no rules, there are no laws and there can be no punishment! This is in relation to God, not this earthly physical world. Here there are rules, and laws. Gods kingdom is peace, love, and joy in the holy spirit. No law needed! Do I believe in reincarnation as truth, yes absolutely! Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah whom it was for-told or prophesied he would come back into the world again. Try to expand your mind a bit and live outside the small box you have created. You have not only lived many, many lives here on Earth but I believe you are living multiple contiguous lives or parallel lives right now. Come on, stretch your mind a little, if you really believe you are the offspring of God, the Source of all Existence you will investigate a little about who and what you really are and are capable of doing. Its recorded that Jesus used teleportation, transfiguration, walked through walls, through people, walked on water, created money in a fish, stilled the wind, opened blind eyes and many more supernatural evidences of his control of the physical world. If you are just finding out that you are a child of the creator of all, are you not interested what your family inheritance might be. Especially if you are the creator’s son. An unlimited creator wants for nothing!! “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”! He just creates it himself!! Therefore, what could he possibly need? Give love to all, always. Give all people your same freedoms and gifts that God has given you and you will experience joy unspeakable. Bless all, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 31 2009,02:40)
    Has the final day of Judgment has come? The word of God is the final judgment. You have been judged as perfect in Christ! You are the righteousness of God in Christ! If you believe your righteousness in Christ, then your judgment is over! Judgment is by faith. God said it, that’s final! The great judgment is at hand and the eternal word of God (Jesus) has gone forth to judge the sinner or one that thought he was in sin, as righteous. Remember, the eternal word of God was, is now and forever will be. Gods word has purified like fire any wrong doing or sin. God’s word is purifying and God’s word will purify. Gods word (Jesus), has cut away the chaff from the wheat and is separating the goats from the sheep and is making mankind perfect once and for all. It is for all that will believe. Those who disbelieve have denied their perfection/salvation and condemned themselves to pain and suffering on Earth. Can you hear the Spirit call?   Now, you judge yourself, either perfect in Christ through believing what Jesus says or condemned to hellfire somehow for eternity! You are the ruler of your Kingdom, not anyone else’s. The choices of what to believe are yours alone. Jesus said, “judge not others, lest ye be judged, for by the same judgment you use for them, it will be measured back to you”!
    There is therefore now, no condemnation in Love. Condemn no one, lest you be condemned. Did you hear? Don’t judge/condemn what people do as wrong in Gods eyes. If they are transgressing your personal space ask them kindly to correct the situation. You see, telling someone their wrong in God’s eyes, or that they are sinning, is totally different than telling them you don’t like something their doing. In other words don’t tell them they are sinning or doing wrong against God! That is not your right to judge. If you judge at all judge in righteous judgment. All are righteous in Christ. What they are doing may or may not be wrong in your eyes or your brother’s eyes but if you judge it wrong for him in God‘s eyes, then the judgment becomes yours personally. You rule (you) God’s Kingdom. You’re free to do and experience anything in and of yourself, but leave others alone to rule their own Kingdoms. Your freedom is their freedom. If you attempt to condemn others it will not affect them but it will affect you because you are condemning yourself. Actually with the freedom given in Christ, there are no rules or laws from God. So, if you take your power and set a rule or law for another person it doesn’t effect them, it establishes a rule for you where there was no rule, only freedom. For those of you who think that there will be a final, great white throne judgment day before God, and God will be the judge, know that, he will judge you by the same eternal word he gave to Jesus to give to all who would accept. You were cleansed, you are clean and you will be clean! Now, then, always, Heaven is home. You don’t try to get there, you live there. You are spirit, animating a soul and living in a physical body in the Earth. The essence of you is the eternal life force or Soul of God and you are experiencing life in physicality. There’s Heaven and Earth and when you leave your physical body, you are in Heaven. We have been made free in Christ. Where there is freedom, there is no law, where there are no rules, there are no laws and there can be no punishment! This is in relation to God, not this earthly physical world. Here there are rules, and laws. Gods kingdom is peace, love, and joy in the holy spirit. No law needed!                                                                                                                                         Do I believe in reincarnation as truth, yes absolutely! Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah whom it was for-told or prophesied he would come back into the world again. Try to expand your mind a bit and live outside the small box you have created. You have not only lived many, many lives here on Earth but I believe you are living multiple contiguous lives or parallel lives right now. Come on,  stretch your mind a little, if you really believe you are the offspring of God, the Source of all Existence you will investigate a little about who and what you really are and are capable of doing. Its recorded that Jesus used teleportation, transfiguration, walked through walls, through people, walked on water, created money in a fish, stilled the wind, opened blind eyes and many more supernatural evidences of his control of the physical world. If you are just finding out that you are a child of the creator of all, are you not interested what your family inheritance might be. Especially if you are the creator’s son. An unlimited creator wants for nothing!! “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”! He just creates it himself!! Therefore, what could he possibly need? Give love to all, always. Give all people your same freedoms and gifts that God has given you and you will experience joy unspeakable. Bless all, TK

    You believe in reincarnation? Wow.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 29 2009,16:06)
    Hi Georg
    I do not see it this way,the antichrist who fulfill the best the man of lawlesness ,and put himself above everithing wath was called god,was Constantin ,in 325 ad,when he took all the existing (99%)christian sectes or denomination,and created the universal religion of the romain empire whit him as the suprem master,he was not particulare if it was the thruth or not.since daniel prophesy said that the romain empire will disipair whitout man hands ,this means it will fade away ,and this is exacly wath happen ,but after 325AD wile this was going on, the religion sector of the empire was getting stronger and became the harlot from revelation ,she start to look after herself by making deals with the different kings in the slowly calapsing empire,and prevent the thruth to be known,as she was progressing in her corrup ways she ad some of sect who moved out of her autority ,those are her dauthers doing for themselfs wath the harlot as done for herself.and this is still going on today,this is why religion still preaching the same lies and practice the same abominations that only thrue christians can understand,
    Dan 7. refers to the greek empire ,(leopard)and we know in history that when Alexander died is four generals divided the empire and the ad wars between themselfs and at the end one ofspring of one of the generals succeesfully conquerd all the others.in dan;7;19 it talks abode the fourth beast this is the romain empire.


    Dan. 7:19-24 do speak of the Roman empire, but after, “the ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom”, it begins to speak of another king. This is the king referred to as the “little horn” in v. 8. Notice what it says about him.

    Dan 7:25   And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.  

    Now compare this to revelation.

    Rev 13:5   And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.  

    This is the same “beast/king/ruler”, he is also referred to as “the beast/king coming out of the earth/people” v. 11; he is also referred to as the impostor, same verse, “he had two horns like a lamb (Christ)”; he is also referred to as the image, v. 15, “and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast”.
    Why is he referred to as the image? and of what beast?

    Rev 13:12   And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,…

    The beast before him was the Roman beast/king.
    He not only exercised all the powers of Rome, he in fact structured himself after the Romans.
    He, Antichrist, the pope, is the emperor;
    the Cardinals are the Senators;
    the Bishops are the Governors;
    the priest are the Mayer's.
    That is why he is called the “image” of the beast/Rome.
    You are right when you say, the Catholic church is the whore and her daughters are all the Protestant churches.



    hi Georg
    you mixing to many things ,Daniel visions talks abode the fullfillment of Gen;3-15,and the conclution of this prophesie was when Christ died on stake,in Daniel 7 to 12, talks abode the time of Christ like when,how,power in place doing wath,and the works of Christ, and the end of the moses covenent who came to is end in 70 AD with TITUS,



    God made a covenant with Israel, he wrote it on two tablets and gave them to Moses, this covenant is also referred to as the “Law of Moses”; I assume that is what you refer to when you said, “the Moses covenant”?
    When Jesus died on the cross, the old covenant (the law of Moses), was replaced with the new.
    AD 70 marked the end of the nation Israel, not the end of the old covenant.

    When you say, “you mixing to many things”; what exactly are you referring too?
    Also, what do you mean by, “in Daniel 7 to 12”? I mean, what chapter and verse? 
    And I sure don't know what Gen. 3-15 has to do with Daniel?



    hi Georg
    first lets connect Leviticus 27-34 and Deu;4-39 so now we know that it is not only the 10 commendements but all has one ,now connect Matth 24;15 to Dan 11;28-32 .
    has i have said before Dan;7 and 8 relate the way the 4th beast will become the beast and wath it will do and how it will be destroied or ending.

    before i keep going i would like to ask you some question,
    in John 15-26 it talk abode 'the spirit of thuth' wath is it ?
    in john 18;37 it talks abode 'to testify to the thruth' wath this mean?

    have more later,



    The spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit, God's Holy Spirit.
    Jesus came to bear witness to the truth, what is truth? God's word is truth. The old testament have many prophesies about Jesus, by fulfilling those prophesies Jesus was witness to the truth of God's word. “Every one that is of the truth” meaning, every one that loves the truth will listen to him.
    How can the fourth beast become the beast? “BEAST”, is a word used to describe worldly kingdoms/governments. The Roman beast was the fourth beast in Daniels account, but on the head of the beast with seven heads, Rev. 12:3; 13:1; and 17:3, Rome is the sixst head. All seven heads/empires represent “one world governments”. It is the eights, which came out of the seventh, which represent the feet and toes in Dan. 2:33-35, that will be destroyed shortly. We have been living in the days of these kings since 1946, they are the “United Nation”.
    Mat. 24:15 refers to Antichrist, the abomination is the Mass sacrifice of the Catholic church.
    Dan. 11:28-30 is talking about the king of the north, France under General Napoleon, invading Egypt, the king of the south. The ships of Chittim were the British Royal Navy under the command of Admiral Horatio Nelson, who destroyed Napoleon ships and rendered him landlocked; Chittim is the Island Cyprus.


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