Daily Devotions

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    Daily Devotional



    AN AMAZING FACT: At midnight, March 12, 1928, one of the worst catastrophes in Californian history occurred: The St. Francis Dam broke. Twelve billion gallons of water washed down the San Francisquito Canyon, killing hundreds in its path.
    The official body count was 450 dead, but the actual number was substantially higher, since San Francisquito Canyon was home to hundreds of transient farm workers who were never counted. This would likely have brought the death toll to higher than the famous 1906 San Francisco quake.

    The dam broke just under two years after its completion. More than 900 buildings and $13 million in property were destroyed in the resulting flood. But the greatest tragedy of this disaster was that no one needed to perish!

    There was ample warning time on the morning it broke. A worker at the dam saw water leaking through the dam wall. He warned his boss, William Mulholland, about this danger. After looking at the dam, Mulholland, who also designed the structure, decided that there was no cause for concern. But that night, the dam broke, sending a wall of water as high as 140 feet down the canyon through Saugus, Fillmore, Santa Paula, and finally the Pacific Ocean. It traveled 54 miles in 5.5 hours, destroying everything in its path.

    Another disaster loomed over the city of Nineveh. God called Jonah to warn the people, but the reluctant prophet ran the other direction. Through some unusual turn of events, Jonah finally carried out his duty and saved a large city of people who might have perished.

    We also have been given a message of warning to give to the world. It is found in Revelation 14. Will we ignore the warning signs? Will we run like Jonah or respond like Mulholland saying, “There is no cause for concern”? Let us be sober and responsible and do our part to warn our friends of impending disaster.
    And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Revelation 14:6 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Revelation 14:7 

    God bless



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    Hi To all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Our earth is filled with environmental extremes—high mountains, deep valleys, dripping wet jungles, burning dry deserts, and frozen tundra. People roam the world looking for the perfect climate that is ideal for vacation or retirement, where it not too hot or too cold. Since everyone talks about the weather you might be wondering, “Where are the hottest and coldest places on Earth?”
    As for the hottest place, most people guess Death Valley in California. If you did you’re a close second. On July 10, 1913 temperatures in Death Valley got up to 134 degrees F. But the highest temperature ever measured was recorded in Libya on Sept. 13, 1922 in ‘Aziziya. It reached 136 degrees F and that was five feet above the ground in the shade! In fact, there’s a good chance on the day this record-breaking temperature was recorded in 1922 there were other desert places that were even hotter, but most humans don’t inhabit the hottest places on Earth so there are no weather stations or sensors to record the extreme temperatures.

    So, where is the coldest place on Earth? If you guessed Antarctica you are right. In fact Antarctica is so cold that the warmest temperature ever recorded was only 58° F in Hope Bay. Strangely enough, Antarctica is one of the driest places on Earth even though it is surrounded by one-third of the world’s fresh water. Of course it’s all frozen water. In case you are still wondering, the coldest temperature ever measured on Earth was on July 21, 1983 at the Vostok Station in Antarctica—they recorded minus 129 degrees F. Burr!

    So what did Jesus mean when He said He would prefer we were spiritually hot or cold rather than lukewarm? Christ was so adamant about this that He said, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:16). That’s pretty strong language.

    Nothing seems to be more repulsive to God than lukewarm Christians, people who act and talk like they are followers of Christ, but do not live the life of Jesus. Not only do their lives represent a hypocritical façade, but they present this false life to the world, leading others astray. The Lord can work with a hot or cold Christian. But it is difficult to motivate the lukewarm, apathetic person who feels no need of change. For them, the temperature leading them to destruction is just right.

    “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
    Revelation 3:15

    God bless



    Hi To all


    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: The leafy seadragon is a marine fish in the same family as seahorses and is found along the southern and western coasts of Australia. It gets its name from its interesting appearance. This sea creature has the ultimate camouflage outfit! It has long, leaf-like appendages growing out all over its body. These protrusions don’t help it to swim but are simply for helping it hide from predators.
    The leafy seadragon does have pectoral fins on its neck and a dorsal fin near the end of its tail, but these fins are transparent and difficult to see. As it slowly moves about, it has the appearance of floating like seaweed. This illusion helps it blend in to its environment. It can even change its color to match its surroundings.

    The name for this fish comes from its resemblance to the mythical dragon. Seadragons grow to be about 8 to 10 inches long and mostly eat plankton and small crustaceans. They have long, pipe-like snouts like the seahorse, through which they suck up small bits of food. Unlike the seahorse, seadragons do not have curled tails that can hang on to objects. They actually don’t move very much and have been observed staying in one place for up to 68 hours.

    The greatest threat to these beautiful creatures is man. Some people catch them to use in alternative medicine. Others simply are fascinated by them and capture them to put in aquariums, though they are difficult to maintain. Pollution has negatively hurt these little fish, and they are now officially protected by the government of Australia. In fact, the leafy seadragon is the official marine emblem of the state of South Australia.

    The Bible speaks of another dragon that is a master of camouflage. Satan does not directly reveal himself but uses a variety of means to hide and deceive. From Eve in the Garden of Eden to our day, the devil is seeking to lead us astray through trickery. Jesus warns us, “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand” (Matthew 24:24, 25). As the coming of Jesus moves closer, look carefully at the claims of Christians. Not everything you see is truth.
    And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Genesis 3:13 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: In September in 490 B.C., Darius the Persian king sent an army of 25,000 to crush an army of 10,000 Athenian troops fighting for liberty. The Greek general, aware that his army was greatly outnumbered, sent Pheidippides [fi-dip-i-deez], one of the fastest runners in Greece, to carry the urgent request to Sparta asking for reinforcements. Pheidippides covered the 147 miles in a day and a night. The Spartans agreed to come following the full moon.
    After eating a small meal, and with no sleep, Pheidippides ran with the message all the way back to Athens, again in 24 hours. Almost immediately after arriving, poor Pheidippides had to then march with the army to the plain of Marathon, where they engaged in a fierce but triumphant battle against the Persians. As soon as the fight was over he then ran the 23 miles back to Athens. Upon reaching the Athenian marketplace Pheidippides shouted, “Victory, victory!” and then fell dead. Some think it was the 23-mile marathon that killed Pheidippides. It was more likely the lack of sleep, lack of food, the infantry battle, and over 300 miles of cross-country running in four days that killed him.

    The first Greek marathon runner has nothing on Dean Karnazes. Men’s Fitness Magazine says, “Dean might just be the fittest man in the world” (March 2006). Dean has traveled the country, speaking and running ultra-marathons to promote the importance of physical exercise and good diet. He recently ran 50 marathons in all 50 states in 50 consecutive days, finishing with the New York City Marathon. As a finale to his incredible achievement, he then ran back from New York City to St. Louis, Missouri, covering nearly 1,300 miles along the way.

    A lover of the outdoors, Dean has pushed his body and mind to inconceivable limits. Among his many accomplishments, he has run a 135-mile ultra-marathon across Death Valley in 120-degree-Fahrenheit temperatures, and a marathon to the South Pole in minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Did you know the Bible tells about a prophet that fled 40 days and 40 nights, covering over 1,000 miles on only one meal? “And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, ‘Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.’ So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God” (1 Kings 19:7, 8).
    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

    God bless





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    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: The smallest bat in the world also happens to be the smallest mammal in the world. The bumblebee bat is only about one inch long and lives in Thailand and Myanmar. It weighs about as much as a dime. It really is about the size of a large bumblebee. This reddish brown (or gray) little creature has no tail, but has a wingspan of about 6.5 inches.
    It is formally called Kitti’s hog-nosed bat (you can guess why) and lives in limestone caves along rivers. Like many endangered animals, its habitat has been disturbed by mankind. It was mostly unknown to the world until 1974 when scientists were classifying bats in Thailand.

    Like most bats, the bumblebee bat flies out of its roosting place at night to catch insects. Its activity is briefer, 20-30 minutes in the evening and then again before dawn, because short flights are easily interrupted by heavy rain or cold temperatures. Though very small, the bat’s long wing tips allow it to hover like a hummingbird.

    Female bats give birth to one baby bat a year, and it takes about a year to raise their young. Since this takes so long, it makes these bats even more susceptible to extinction. Burning forests near these limestone caves has hampered their survival. Some indicate there may only be about 2,000 of these cute (can you call any bat cute?) little guys left.

    Someone else was concerned about the number of God’s prophets becoming extinct. Elijah felt all alone after he ran from Jezebel. While hiding in a cave, God called to this prophet who thought he was the last one left. Elijah said to God, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life” (1 Kings 19:14).

    But Elijah was discouraged and blind to the truth. The Lord said to him, “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him” (verse 18). Sometimes we may feel so alone that it seems we are almost extinct. But when the Lord opens our eyes, we will realize there is always a remnant that is faithful to Him. Are you part of God’s endangered species?
    And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. 1 Kings 19:14 

    God bless



    Hi to all



    AN AMAZING FACT: Lake Peigneur was a modest, shallow lake of fresh water near New Iberia, Louisiana. Early in the morning on November 21, 1980, a drilling team was probing for oil under the lake from a large floating platform. They knew something was wrong when their drill suddenly seized up at about 1,200 feet and the large derrick began to tilt, pop, and collapse beneath them. The 12 men working the rig escaped to the shore and watched in amazement as the huge $5 million drilling platform overturned and disappeared into a lake that was less than 10 feet deep!
    Slowly at first, the water around that position began to revolve, but it steadily accelerated until it became a fast-moving whirlpool a quarter of a mile across. Soon it swallowed another nearby drilling platform whole, a barge loading dock, 65 acres of soil from Jefferson Island, plus a sundry of trucks, trees, and structures. Eleven barges were pulled from that canal and swallowed by the swirling abyss. The whirlpool overtook a manned tugboat on the canal. The crew had to leap off onto the canal bank and watch helplessly as the lake consumed their boat.

    Meanwhile, far beneath the lake was the Diamond Crystal salt mines, where miles of cavernous tunnels, some 80 feet high and 50 feet wide, were rapidly filling with water. Evidently the drillers had miscalculated their position and had punched a small hole into the colossal salt mines a thousand feet below. Fortunately, one of the mine workers quickly sounded the alarm and all 50 miners managed to barely escape with their lives. After three hours, the 1,300-acre lake was drained of its 3.5 billion gallons of water. Over the next two days the canal refilled the crater with ocean water, and nine of the sunken barges popped back to the surface like corks. The drilling rigs and tug boat were never found. And all this started with a little hole about a foot across.

    The Bible teaches that little things can make a big difference. Achan once thought it would be OK to bend the rules just a little bit. He knew he wasn’t supposed to take any of the spoils from the destruction of Jericho. Joshua later said, “Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity” (Joshua 22:20). We are deceived when we think wrong “little” sins will not affect anyone else.

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
    [2] Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
    [3] Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    An Amazing Fact: The star-nosed mole is a weird and wonderful little creature that inhabits the low wetlands of eastern North America. Like other moles, it ekes out an existence by digging a network of narrow tunnels where it forages for insects, worms, and mollusks. Living in almost complete darkness, the star-nosed mole has poorly developed eyes and is virtually blind.

    To compensate, the Creator has given it a very sensitive star-shaped nose. Its nose surface is surrounded by a star of 22 fleshly finger-like “tendrils.” These pink whiskers are covered with 25,000 ultra-sensitive receptors (six times more sensitive than the human hand). This makes the little mole’s ugly nose the most sensitive organ in the entire animal kingdom.

    By rapidly scanning back and forth, the mole can essentially see with his nose, mapping his tunnels and finding food. And boy is it fast! This organ enables the star-nosed mole to decide whether something is edible with astonishing speed, a mere eight milliseconds, and then bring that object into the mouth to swallow in only 120 milliseconds. It can locate and consume eight separate prey items in less than two seconds!

    In fact, the mole’s little brain processes the information at a speed that approaches the upper limit at which any nervous system is capable of functioning. This is why the star-nosed mole was recently entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s fastest forager! His amazing appendage even enables the mole to smell underwater, something previously thought impossible for mammals. The animals were filmed with high-speed cameras as they followed underwater scent trails that led to food. While foraging underwater they were found to exhale and inhale micro bubbles that contained odorant molecules.

    Only a powerful and loving God can invest his creatures with such extraordinary senses. That’s why it doesn’t make any sense for people to worship idols with no senses. Senseless idols do nothing to help their worshipers, but God loves, forgives, and saves His followers.

    “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.”
    “They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:”
    “They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:”
    “They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.”

    “They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.”
    Psalms 115:4-8 

    God bless




    Hi To all

    The Omnipresence of God

    Daily Devotional

    “1God… 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son… by whom also he made the worlds.” (Heb. 1:1,2)

    “…God…created all things by Jesus Christ.” (Eph. 3:9)

    According to these verses, the personality of God was the Father of Jesus, and He made all things by Him.

    But how about the involvement of the Holy Spirit in the works of creation?

    “Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest the face of the earth.” (Psa. 104:30)

    If the Holy Spirit is a distinct Person in the same sense as God and Christ are distinct Persons, then it would mean that Jesus was not the sole Agent, in whom God made all things, but if we take the word of God as plainly stated that He sent His Spirit in the works of creation, then the only logical deduction would be that God through Christ sent forth His Spirit to make all things.

    But we are told that angels were created.

    “2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.” “5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.” (Psa. 148:2,5)

    Therefore, the Spirit of God in Christ created all the angels, so how could anyone teach that the omnipresence of God is dependent on the agency of the angels?

    When “…the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2), were the angels active in the works of creation as vessels of the Spirit of God? No, not even the highest angel who desired to be like the Most High, was permitted to have any participation in the planning of the creation of the world, much less its actual work.

    God bless

    Ener Cabangis


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Though scientists can’t see all the galaxies in the universe, there are an estimated 100,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe. Full-size galaxies (as opposed to “small” galaxies) generally contain at least 100,000,000,000 stars, as well as planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and dust-and-gas-composed nebulae. There are three major types of galaxies—spiral, elliptical, and irregular. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
    All you need to do is look up on a dark, starlit night to be awed and perhaps a bit overwhelmed by the beauty of the heavens. How does it all mesh together into one perfect and exciting universe? The simple answer is: God holds it together.

    The physical laws He has ordained all work together to control the power and movements of the planets, stars, and galaxies. He keeps them all synchronized. Without the precise physical laws God created, the universe would crumble into chaos.

    The law of God prevents chaos in the spiritual realm as well; it holds everything together. In Psalm 19, the Scripture says that God’s perfect spiritual law converts our souls, makes us wise and happy, and opens our eyes to truth.

    The same God who magnificently coordinates every sun, moon, and star in the entire universe is eager and willing to bring peaceful coordination and meaning to your life, to hold it together by His power and love.
    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Psalms 19:1-3The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psalms 19:7 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    [1] O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [2] O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [3] O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [4] To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [5] To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [6] To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [7] To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [8] The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [9] The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [10] To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [11] And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [12] With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [13] To him which divided the Red sea into parts: (see Gen.1:7) for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [14] And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [15] But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [16] To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [17] To him which smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [18] And slew famous kings: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [19] Sihon king of the Amorites: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [20] And Og the king of Bashan: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [21] And gave their land for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever:

    [22] Even an heritage unto Israel his servant: for his mercy endureth for ever.

    [23] Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever: 

    [24] And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [25] Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

    [26] O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever. 


    God bless


    Hi to all


    AN AMAZING FACT: Few people have had more high adventure with balloons than Joseph Kittinger. In 1950, Kittinger joined the U.S. Air Force and quickly got into experimental aviation. In 1953 he joined a unique mission called Project Manhigh. This venture used high-altitude balloons to study if humans were capable of going into space. On June 2, 1957, Kittinger made his first high-altitude ascent.
    It took him up to 96,760 feet in a pressurized suit, nearly out of Earth’s atmosphere, for almost seven hours. After this flight, Kittinger transferred to Project Excelsior (meaning “ever upward”). For this assignment, those who went up took the fastest route down—by jumping out of the balloon! In 1959, Kittinger jumped from a balloon 74,700 feet high and set a record for the longest free-fall (55,500 feet).

    On August 16, 1960, Kittinger made his most famous free-fall. He reached the altitude of 102,800 feet, where he stayed about 12 minutes—challenging at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit! Then he jumped and fell towards Earth for almost five minutes before opening his main parachute. As he streaked toward the ground he reached 614 mph, approaching the sound barrier, and achieved the fastest speed by man through the atmosphere. In 1962, he spent over 18 hours in a Project Stargazer balloon at an altitude of 82,200 feet, researching the effects of high altitude on man and telescope.

    Later, Kittinger flew 483 missions in Vietnam before being shot down and held as a POW for almost a year. A Christian, Kittinger was sustained by prayer. In 1983, Colonel Kittinger set a record for flying a balloon from Las Vegas to New York in less than 72 hours. To increase distance, he expended all available ballast and landed in only his underwear. A year later he became the first man to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a balloon, setting a record for the longest solo balloon flight at 83 hours and 40 minutes. As of this writing, Joseph Kittinger is still flying balloons in Orlando, Florida, and still holds many records, including the highest balloon ascent, fastest speed by man through the atmosphere, and more.

    You have heard the expression “What goes up must come down.” But the Bible teaches there is one Man who came down and went back up! In the highest adventure of all, when Jesus returns, all His children will be caught up with Him in the clouds!
    And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. John 3:13 

    God bless


    Hi to all


    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Roman emperor Justinian once ordered a compilation of all the laws governing ancient Rome. A lawyer named Tribonian directed the five-year-long project, which resulted in nearly 300 volumes of laws!
    From its founding in 753 BC, Rome began accumulating laws. Any leader—local or national—could introduce new laws to govern his subjects. When Justinian came to power in AD 527, Roman law was a confusing mass of contradiction and redundancy. Justinian appointed Tribonian to thoroughly examine the laws, determining what to keep and what to discard. Seven years later, in 534, the Justinian Code was finally finished.

    Today, most European nations owe the structure of their legal systems to Roman law. Even in the United States, many legal concepts that we take for granted originated in Rome. Like their hated captors, the Jews amassed an enormous set of confusing and burdensome laws. Regarding the Sabbath alone, Pharisees created 39 categories of activities that might be considered work and were therefore taboo on Sabbath.

    Enter Jesus and His no-nonsense spirituality. A lawyer once asked Jesus which law was most important. Jesus summarized the Ten Commandments into two simple ideas: “Love God, and love your neighbor.”
    We serve a God who keeps it simple! Christians still gravitate toward black and white lists of dos and don’ts; with lists, thinking and communing with God over life’s unique situations becomes unnecessary. But God promises that when we ask Him for guidance, He will direct us—to actions that demonstrate our love for Him and for our neighbor.
    Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend. Proverbs 6:3 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The boundary stones marking the District of Columbia are the oldest federally placed monuments in the United States.
    On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act authorized President George Washington to choose a 100-square-mile site for the nation’s capital. Under his direction, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson selected Major Andrew Ellicott to survey a 10-mile square on the Potomac River between Alexandria, Virginia, and Williamsport, Maryland. Ellicot began his work on February 12, 1791.

    With the help of Benjamin Banneker, the first boundary stone was placed on the southernmost point of the D.C. diamond. Then working clockwise, the team placed 39 additional stones. Each block of Aquia Creek sandstone, which weighed about a half ton, was chiseled with inscriptions indicating the territory it faced, the year it was placed, and a compass reading.

    Over the years, four of the forty original stones were lost. In a 2011 survey using modern technology, the locations of the stones were found to be remarkably accurate, sometimes off by only six feet! Some of the original markers are located in people’s yards, one in a cemetery, another in a median strip, and still another in a church parking lot. Each year a group of “D.C. Diamond Hikers” walks the diamond to commemorate these ancient landmarks.

    Today we can accurately check property boundary lines with GPS readings, but in Bible times all they had were ancient landmark stones that were established in place with sacred covenants. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, instructions were given to respect boundaries: “You shall not remove your neighbor’s landmark, which the men of old have set, in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess” (Deuteronomy 19:14). In fact, people were cursed if they moved them (27:17).

    God was the first surveyor on our planet. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? … Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?” (Job 38:4, 5). More precisely, God’s Word and law provide the true unmovable landmarks of life. I choose to stand by the solid precepts found in the Bible. The measurement and placement of these principles are exactly where the Lord wants them to be.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 22:17–29

    “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.”
    Proverbs 22:28 

    God bless



    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional

    Thy will be done ! (Matthew 6:10).

    The formula taught by Jesus is easy to repeat, but it is often more difficult to put into practice. Why ? The prophet Isaiah gives us the reason, God says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts…” (Isaiah 55:8).

    Are we in a position to fully grasp, at all times, what the will of God is? With humility let us recognize together that this is not always the case.

    Are we not prone to sometimes confuse our will with the will of God? Is God our servant to do what we desire, or are we humble enough to say to Him, as Jesus said to His Father, “Nevertheless, my will not be done, but yours” ( Luke 22:42).

    It is because certain religious leaders have taken their will for that of God that the history of the Church has been marked by persecutions, exactions, crimes, wars of religion; or, God did not want this violence any more than he wants it today. How many times man, mistaking his desires, his prejudices, his ambitions, for the will of God, has been at the origin of many dramas, of suffering, and even at the origin of the rejection of the faith by the unbelievers who saw such acts!

    In this time, when our world is shaken, let us be humble to recognize that sometimes we have wanted to use God for our personal needs, instead of submitting to his will. What James addressed as a remark to the Christians of his time, he could also tell us: “You ask badly in corn to satisfy your passions” (James 4: 3).

    Let us pray to Our Father:

    “Lord, we ask your forgiveness for all the times we took our will for yours, forgiveness for all the times we asked you to do our will, forgiveness for the times we spoke arrogantly about things that we ignore. We humbly come to you to tell you like Job: “I recognize that everything is possible for you. I know that no project can embarrass you. You said it: I dared to obscure your plans by dint of talking about what I did not know. I admit it: I spoke about a subject that was too difficult, I didn’t understand anything about it, and didn’t know it! »

    Also, we ask you with respect and faith, that your will to reveal yourself as the God who loves all men, and who demonstrated it by giving us your Son Jesus, who died for us on the cross, that this will be accomplished for a large number of people, in the name of Jesus, amen! »

    With love,

    Paul Calzada

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: In Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper,” Judas is depicted as having his elbows on the table. Some people believe this might have influenced our current etiquette rule that discourages putting elbows on the table during a meal.
    When we come together to remember the great blessing that Christ poured out in sacrificing Himself for us, we are drawn together in powerful ways. We are humbled as we consider the deep love He has, not only for us, but for everyone. Realizing how willingly He forgives us obligates us to forgive each other. This results in reconciliation and unity.

    Jesus says that if we accept the sacrifice of His body that was broken for us, we are His body. Millions of believers become “one bread and one body” because we all accept what Christ has done for us, the overwhelming gift He has given.

    Paul says that in Christ “we, though many, are one.”

    What does it mean to be one? It doesn’t mean we will all have the same ideas on how to accomplish things. We are individuals for a reason; we have various strengths and gifts. But if we use them together to further Christ’s work, we are unified in that and we form one body in purpose.

    How important is it to be one? Jesus specifically asks us to love one another. Our unity and love for each other are signs to the world that we really are His disciples.
    The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31


    God bless



    Berean……..True 1 Cor 10:31 says , what ever we do we should give glory “TO GOD” , but everything  you said was to the Glory of The man Jesus,  not so much as a single word you said inclued God the Father,  almost everything Jesus did and said,  was to the GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.

    I see a “BIG DIFFERENCE” between your words and Jesus’ words, you are  “ALL” about Jesus , but Jesus was “ALL”  about GOD THE FATHER.  JUST AS Jesus said to the Father, “I have “glorified” YOU on the earth,  you definitely are not about the Father,  but all about Jesus, who said he could do “NOTHING OF HIMSELF” , AND also said if he glorified himself, his glory would be nothing .

    BEREAN you need to pay more ATTENTION to this, that Jesus said,  “in that day, “many shall come unto  me and say ‘in “your” name we did all the wonderful works, and I shall say unto them depart from me you workers of “INIQUITY”, I know you not. Jesus never said they did not do those works now did he?  But that they were works of iniquity ask yourself why were they? 

    Reaching Jesus and giving “GLORY” to him,    to the exclusion of God the  Father,  can be extremely deadly Berean.

    The “GLORY” and “PRAISE” of “EVERYTHING” , belongs to God the Father and him “ALONE”, no matter who he does it through, makes no difference. 

    I, HONOR AND OBEY and respect  Jesus,   to the GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER, not to the Glory of the man Jesus. You on the other hand ignore the Father and make your religion all about the man  Jesus, but fail to focuse on who  Jesus focused on .  It appears as if you have left your, ” first love”,  Rev 2: 4  , like the church of  Ephesus.  

    Think about it Berean.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional

    March 27, 2022


    The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the sovereign staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and the peoples obey him. (Genesis 49.10)

    There is enmity between the clan of Christ and his followers and that of Satan and his followers. This great conflict between the Prince of life and the prince of darkness has endured, maintained by each generation. This discord between good and evil, truth and error, the kingdom of light and that of darkness was endless. Truth collided with error and error with truth. The conflict has persisted for thousands of years…

    The truth in Jesus will conquer, as prophecy has assured; but according to human logic, error will crush truth. Most of the human race will sink into idolatry. These beings will lift up what Christ did not lift up and will strive to destroy the great righteousness of God…

    “He who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil sins from the beginning. Satan is known as the originator of sin. “The Son of God has come to destroy the works of the devil. Satan’s first obvious setback was his failure in the wilderness when he tempted Christ.

    “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and the peoples obey him. This prophecy, whispered by Jacob on his deathbed, was addressed to his sons. But it weighed heavily on future generations. It only happened when Christ came to earth. He is the Apostle and the High Priest. The scepter is a wand representing authority. Chiefs and rulers held it in one of their hands. “The scepter shall not depart from Judah”. The badge of this tribe will remain. Judah will not cease to be a distinct tribe until the coming of Shiloh. The tribe of Judah maintained its supremacy, through all its misfortunes, until the first coming of Christ. They remained a different tribe until the arrival of the Shilo…

    Nearly one thousand seven hundred years before the death of Christ, a dying Jacob spoke this prophecy. Christ himself parted the veil so that through prophetic vision Jacob could trace the course of his descendants’ history. He saw that a wonderful Counselor was raised up among his tribe. It was the promised posterity, the Shilo, the Messenger of God, who had come to set up a spiritual kingdom. Jacob saw the time when the scepter would no longer be in the hands of Judah, the nations coming together under the banner of Christ. When the Jews appeared before Pilate to seize Christ, they said, “We have no king but Caesar.” By saying this they were admitting that the scepter had indeed left Judah and that Judah had lost its authority.

    (Ellen G. White – Manuscript 110, 1897.)

    God bless



    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional

    Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11).

    When Jesus wants to teach his disciples to pray, he reminds them that their personal needs must come after God, his kingdom, his kingdom, his glory. The request: “Give us our daily bread” comes after the reign of God. Let us ensure that our prayers are not centered primarily on ourselves and our own needs.

    “Seek first the kingdom and the righteousness of God” (Matthew 6:33).

    Praying for our daily needs is certainly what we know how to do best. This prayer can take various forms: “Bless my husband, my wife, my family, my job, my goods, my food…” The “me, my, my, my” are in the front line. However, Jesus rightly places these needs after God’s interests. This forces us to ask ourselves the question of our priorities in prayer.

    When Jesus invites us to ask for “our daily bread”, let us not forget that this was happening in a context where daily bread was not an absolute guarantee. Let us also not forget that this situation of precariousness is, even today, the case of a large number of people on our earth.

    War-displaced persons, migrants, the homeless, the poor, the poorly housed appreciate what NGOs are doing for them in this time of crisis.

    Praying for our needs while forgetting these underprivileged, is this what God expects of us?

    When we pray for our needs, let us think first of those billions of men, women and children who have no drinking water, no school, no doctor, no home, who are beaten, who are dying of hunger … !

    Let us pray to Our Father:

    “Lord, forgive me for all the times I put my personal needs ahead of you, your kingdom, your will, your glory, and those most in need.

    Thank you because I know you are capable of giving me everything I need, even before I ask you, if my mind is focused on your priorities first.

    I pray for the most exposed during this war, those who are in the street, but also those who are confined in unsanitary places, cellars, subways…

    May from this day forward my prayer always be placed in this perspective of generosity. I don’t want to be like the leech that selfishly says, “Give, give!” (Proverbs 30:15), but be like the good Samaritan who cares for the poor, in the name of Jesus, amen! »

    With love,

    Paul Calzada

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