Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #890945

    I was born in 1964, and I am against ALL vaccines. Nefarious people are injecting us with God knows what. I’m actually against all “Western Medicine” where companies concoct unnatural crap in labs and then promote that crap on TV commercials in deceitful ways.

    I was born in 64 too and for some reason, I missed one of the vaccines or got infected before the vaccine when I was a kid. And I live with the disease today 57 years later.


    We don’t have to wait years from now.  Deaths from these Covid vaccines are ALREADY many times the total number of deaths from every vaccine ever created put together!

    First off, where is your proof. Second, when billions get vaccinated, yes there will be a higher number of rare problematic cases. If you gave 7 billion people a packet of peanuts each to eat, there could well be the greatest number of allergic reactions and death ever seen from allergies.

    Where is your proof that the vaccine is worse than the virus itself?


    Farmer:  Mr. Fox, I’ve heard some reports that a few hens have gone missing from the henhouse you’re guarding.  Is this true?

    Fox:  No sir.  Those reports are false.  I personally did a head count just an hour ago, and all hens are present and accounted for.

    Farmer:  Great!  Good thing I’ve got you guarding my henhouse, Mr. Fox.

    This is also applicable to your argument that the vaccine is worse than the virus. In this scenario, you are Mr Fox telling us that the virus is nothing.


    Why then would you promote the lies?  Why wouldn’t you instead come right out and say that you don’t even know that this vaccine helped anyone in any way, or that it won’t do harm to anyone, and that nobody has any right to FORCE this experimental gene-altering biological weapon on anyone? Instead, you and Gene and Adam came on this thread toeing the company line, talking about how good these injections are and how we should all get them.

    Because vaccines are a proven technology. Yes, they are getting new technology as time goes on, but overall, vaccines are better than the virus and the consequent disease by a long shot. I mean, is it not better to battle a weaker version of something to get some training in to defeat the real thing.

    If you had to fight a very good boxer would you prefer to go in now or train against some weaker boxers first to improve your chances?

    Your attitude to viruses Mike looks too relaxed like it was when the Spanish Flu hit. That virus killed more people than WWI. There was self-isolation, but it wasn’t strict and there was no vaccine at the time.

    If Covid-19 was as deadly as the Spanish Flu, I would be first in the queue for the vaccine.


    Noah was also a “conspiracy theorist”… until it started raining.

    Nobody denies conspiracies are real. But some people follow conspiracy theories.

    If I go fishing, does that make me a fisherman?


    A fisherman fishes regularly.

    Same with a conspiracy theorist.

    For that reason, I don’t believe that Noah was a conspiracy theorist just because he believed in a theory that the world largely ignored. He would have to believe and pedal many unproven theories.

    Regardless, a conspiracy is more about people planning things in secret as opposed to God having a plan.


    I was born in 64 too and for some reason, I missed one of the vaccines or got infected before the vaccine when I was a kid. And I live with the disease today 57 years later.

    I was born in 67 and also received few vaccines. I am little younger to both of you but we are in the same 50s. I  think Mike is so much afraid of taking Vaccine these days. In India we don’t have Vaccine based on mRNA. There are no side affects from the Vaccination here. It’s all personal decision whether to have COVID Vaccine or not but it’s required for stopping the Pandemic otherwise our history will be similar to Spanish Flu or any other deadly Pandemic.


    What Really Happened in Wuhan

    The censorship of science by the woke media and governments sparked by hatred for Trump.


    Adam……..I was born in 1941,   I directly remember Polio and knew three people who lived near us who got infected with it and were paralyzed for the rest of their lives,   The Dr. Jonas Salk, vaccine nearly completely wiped out Polio in  America.   I have taken the flew vaccines for many years now , as well as for shingles, and For neumonia  and have taken the Jensen vaccine for COVID ,  and have to my knowledges suffered no sever side effect  so far.  How ever I do believe I got the COVID virus right before it was known to exist,  I was sick for about thirty day and thought I had gotten over it, and it came back for another month, so I contacted my Doctor and requested a Z-pack , which then knocked it out,  it was one off the most deadliest flews I have ever had ,  so I think I have a natural immunity to it now, but I don’t know about the variants .  I completely believe the Vaccine Shots do help our immune systems fight the viruses.

    peace and love to you and yours………..gene


    Adam……..I was born in 1941,   I directly remember Polio and knew three people who lived near us who got infected with it and were paralyzed for the rest of their lives,   The Dr. Jonas Salk, vaccine nearly completely wiped out Polio in  America.   I have taken the flew vaccines for many years now , as well as for shingles, and For neumonia  and have taken the Jensen vaccine for COVID ,  and have to my knowledges suffered no sever side effect  so far.  How ever I do believe I got the COVID virus right before it was known to exist,  I was sick for about thirty day and thought I had gotten over it, and it came back for another month, so I contacted my Doctor and requested a Z-pack , which then knocked it out,  it was one off the most deadliest flews I have ever had ,  so I think I have a natural immunity to it now, but I don’t know about the variants .  I completely believe the Vaccine Shots do help our immune systems fight the viruses.

    Hi brother Gene, thanks for sharing your year of birth and other personal health details. Wow! You are so much active and vigor at 80. I praise God for you 🙏.

    Yes Vaccination is much needed during Pandemic. My own younger sister aged 52 is a Polio victim as we were not aware of Polio Vaccine when she was 10 months old. COVID19 is a reality whether it is man-made or natural. The Vaccination has much controlled the spread and hospitalization in India otherwise with 1.4 billion population you can imagine the numbers that would have affected due to this Pandemic.

    Thank you and peace to you


    Berean:  “These (kings) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:13.

    Prophecy says that the nations will bow down to the beast.

    Revelation 13 and 17 describe a global religious power that will seek to dominate the political powers of the earth and be the head of this New World Order. If these prophetic words do not apply to Rome, then who do they refer to? Rome is immersed in politics and wants to create a world government. What the Pope asks has nothing to do with the gospel or the salvation of souls, but it does have everything to do with a Sunday law.

    It is indeed all about the New World Order where a handful of evil people control and own everything, and the masses will be their slaves.  In fact, one of the goals of the 2030 Agenda put out by the World Economic Forum (the deep state) is that we’ll own nothing.





    Proclaimer:  And if the world outside got vaccinated, then can you see that this benefited them despite not getting the vaccine. It’s called herd immunity.

    So then you’re saying that the Amish don’t need to get vaxxed because those around them are vaxxed?  And you’re saying that those around them who have the vax are at no risk of catching polio from the unvaxxed Amish?

    Hmm… what a concept.  It’s almost as if those who think the vax will protect them can choose to get the vax, and have nothing to worry about from the unvaxxed among them, right?

    And to top it off, polio can paralyze you – while Covid is a case of the flu that most people get over in a day or two – if they have any symptoms at all.

    So what do you think is behind the mass hysteria and unprecedented push/coercion/threats associated with this current gene-altering instructional code they want the whole world to be injected with today?

    You admitted that we don’t know of the long term effects, right?  Why?  Because it has never been tested, right?  It baffles me how people can blindly accept injection of an untested genetic code that gives instructions for your body to start producing something that is alien to your body.

    How many injections have you gotten so far, Proclaimer?  Have you had the second shot?  Are you going to get the third booster?  The fourth?  How many of these shots are you willing to take before you say no more?  Just curious.

    Because it will never end.  You realize that, right?  Maybe you don’t.  Maybe you believe that your overlords will give you back your rights that they were never authorized to take away in the first place.   They won’t.

    Screenshot (34)


    See how it’s going to work?  They did what they were asked.  They complied with getting two doses of this gene altering crap put into their bodies, because they thought compliance would return their freedoms that should never have been taken from them in the first place.  But now they need the third injection to be “free”.  And then it’ll be a fourth (which they’ve already announced is coming).  And then a fifth.  And so on and so on until… when?  Do you think it’ll EVER end?  If so, why do you think such a thing?

    Wake up.



    Hi Mike

    And the beast (PAPACY)that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 

    [12] And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings ONE HOUR  with the beast. 

    [13] These have one mind, and Shell give their power and strength unto the beast


    [14] These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.


    Proclaimer:  I was born in 64 too and for some reason, I missed one of the vaccines or got infected before the vaccine when I was a kid. And I live with the disease today 57 years later.

    Bummer.  Life in this fallen world definitely has its risks.  But I asked why you and I (who got 4 or 5 vaxxes) are somehow protected from the other 45 things they’re vaxxing kids for today.  What is your answer?


    Mike:  We don’t have to wait years from now.  Deaths from these Covid vaccines are ALREADY many times the total number of deaths from every vaccine ever created put together!

    Proclaimer:  First off, where is your proof.

    This one is from April 2021…

    Screenshot (35)


    It is from VAERS, the official “Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting Site”.  I mentioned this site earlier, and pointed out that it is common knowledge (ie: admitted by even the lying MSM) that only 10% of adverse reactions/deaths ever get reported to VAERS.  So multiply the numbers shown by ten for a more accurate picture.  I also posted info from Project Veritas undercover footage that showed that hospitals aren’t even reporting the new cases of adverse effects and deaths to VAERS.  Remember?  I posted a couple of Senators who are starting investigations into why these hospitals are breaking the law by not reporting to VAERS?  But even with all that, the 2021 number of deaths is 3 times higher than the previous 5 years put together.  (And remember that this is from April.  There are currently 17,000 deaths and 300,000 serious adverse reactions on VAERS.  And don’t forget to multiply those numbers by ten for a more accurate picture.)


    This one is from May, and comes from official CDC data…

    CDC: As many people have died from Covid-19 vaccines as ALL vaccines in last 20 years COMBINED



    Remember that the reported deaths have more than tripled since May.



    Proclaimer:  Second, when billions get vaccinated, yes there will be a higher number of rare problematic cases. If you gave 7 billion people a packet of peanuts each to eat, there could well be the greatest number of allergic reactions and death ever seen from allergies.

    Do you even hear yourself? 😳

    Let’s say there’s a new flu that has a survivability rate of 99.98%.  There’s something in peanuts that might help people from catching this flu.  So the world governments FORCE everyone in the world to eat peanuts.  Within days, a lot of people start dying from the peanuts, because they are allergic.  And then we find out that eating peanuts doesn’t even prevent you from getting this flu anyway!   Yet the government still continues to force everyone to eat them.  Soon, the number of those who are severely damaged or dead from the peanuts exceeds the number of people who have died from the flu that was only harmful to 0.02% of the population in the first place.

    Does that really sound like a good idea to you?  Are you serious?  I wonder if you’d feel the same if you or your family were among those who were severely injured or dead due to the forced peanuts.

    My God, man!  It’s like you’re saying that if we give poison to billions, it’s logical that a GREAT DEAL of people will die… but that’s okay because it’s just a matter of mathematics.  What is wrong with you?  Seriously.  Are you a sociopath or something?


    Proclaimer:  Where is your proof that the vaccine is worse than the virus itself?

    Okay, see if you can follow along here…

    Screenshot (39)


    The above is a screen shot of the official CDC website…

    Notice that only 5% of those certified as dying from Covid actually died FROM Covid.  The rest had an average of FOUR comorbidities (ie: obesity, pneumonia, asthma, diabetes, heart failure, etc).  Also keep in mind that our hospitals were given $13,000 dollars for every Covid diagnosis.  And also keep in mind that these diagnoses were made from PCR tests that the inventor of the test said couldn’t even be used to diagnose ANY virus or disease.  And also keep in mind that PCR tests are meant to be used at 25 amplification cycles, and anything higher than that will result in 95% false positives because they would reveal tiny fragments of a common cold you had 40 years ago.  In the US, we tested at 40 amplifications!  And finally, keep in mind that every death was being counted as a Covid death because it meant more money for the hospitals.  There are doctors and nurses who testified that even if someone was killed in a motorcycle accident, they gave the dead body the over-amplified PCR test, which naturally showed they were positive for Covid.  That motorcycle death was then listed as a Covid death so the hospital could get their $13,000 dollars.

    Are you with me so far?  Okay, this is the rest of the chart that begins in the first image…

    Screenshot (38)


    You can see it’s from last week.  And you can see that the total number of deaths associated with Covid are 682k, right?  5% of 682k is 34k, right?

    That means that even with them bending over backwards with over-amplified tests to make sure that everyone died from Covid so they could get that money, there are still only 34k in America who actually died FROM Covid.

    And according to the official VAERS site, there are currently over 17,000 deaths from the vax so far.  (Remember that this more likely reflects 170,000 deaths.)

    So even with them doing everything they can to increase the number of Covid deaths, the vax has likely killed 5 times as many people than Covid.

    Now consider that 24k deaths out of a nation of 330 million amounts to 0.007% of our population.  And notice how the VAST MAJORITY of those deaths are of people over 65 – just like the seasonal flu.  In fact, we only had 1800 flu cases in 2020, compared to our normal average of 30-40 million.  How many of those “Covid deaths” were really just old people succumbing to complications brought on by the normal seasonal flu like they do every year?

    The following breakdown was done in May (whereas the CDC info I just posted was from last week), but it’s still worth a read…

    Screenshot (40)


    52 times more likely to die in a car crash than from Covid?  And for this they are forcing the world to be injected with an untested gene-altering code that causes their bodies to make spike proteins that God’s DNA wouldn’t have had their bodies make?

    You have been duped.  Wake up.



    Proclaimer:  This is also applicable to your argument that the vaccine is worse than the virus. In this scenario, you are Mr Fox telling us that the virus is nothing.

    But now I’ve actually showed you, using the CDC’s own data, that the virus really is nothing.  In America, we are 52 times more likely to die in a car crash.  Do we shut the economy down for that?  Do we force injections of untested gene-altering crap for that?

    So no, the fox guarding the henhouse analogy is spot on for you posting lying drivel from people who stand to gain for making the virus seem way worse than it actually is.  It does not apply to the actual data that I’m presenting.


    Proclaimer:  Because vaccines are a proven technology.

    No they’re not.  And surely you’re not daft enough to assume that because one particular medication works for one particular ailment, all of a sudden ALL medicines are therefore effective and/or helpful to all people, right?

    Proclaimer:  Your attitude to viruses Mike looks too relaxed like it was when the Spanish Flu hit. That virus killed more people than WWI.

    The so-called “Spanish Flu” was a biological weapon injected into US soldiers – who then were shipped to Europe to spread it.  And even Fauci (who I assume is one of your favorite heroes now) said that the WORST thing people did during that period was wearing masks.  He said the masks are what caused the deaths of 90% of the people.

    But I suspect you proudly virtue signal with your face diaper on a daily basis, huh?  You’re probably the guy who wears it even while driving alone in the car. 🙄

    You’ve been played for a fool, and have fallen for the scam hook, line and sinker.  Wake up.


    Adam:  In India we don’t have Vaccine based on mRNA.

    How do you know?  They told us that 3 were mRNA, and one wasn’t.  How do you know that all 4 of them aren’t mRNA – and that they’re lying about the fourth one just to gather intel on which sheep would be willing to take a “regular” vaccine versus which sheep would be willing to take an untested experimental gene-altering DNA instructional code that tells your body to make things it wouldn’t have naturally made?  🤔

    Adam:  There are no side affects from the Vaccination here.

    Really?  Out of a billion people, you are going to tell us that you personally know for a fact that there wasn’t a single adverse reaction?  How were you personally able to come to that conclusion?

    Screenshot (41)


    So your most populous state has declared that it is Covid free after mass usage of Ivermectin, huh?  And of course we KNOW that it was the Ivermectin that cured you, right?  Because we KNOW that the vax doesn’t stop anyone from getting or spreading Covid, right?  And we also KNOW that Ivermectin does stop Covid in its tracks, right?  And that’s how we KNOW it was the Ivermectin (not the vax) that cured the most populous state in India, right?

    Logical thinking required.


    Gene:  I was sick for about thirty day and thought I had gotten over it, and it came back for another month, so I contacted my Doctor and requested a Z-pack , which then knocked it out,  it was one off the most deadliest flews I have ever had…

    The Z-pack is all that is needed.  If you take it within the first few days, it’ll knock it out before you even get very sick.  It’s too bad that you suffered before taking it, but thank God you had the good sense to get the Z-pack eventually.

    So Gene, if the Z-pack/Ivermectin/HCQ are all it takes to “knock it out” as you said, then why were you willing to have this experimental gene-altering crap injected into your body?

    I already know the answer.  You are indoctrinated by the lying MSM – which knows that most people are, by nature, very trusting and can’t bring themselves to imagine they live in a world where an evil group of people are actively trying to kill them.

    Anyway, I’m glad to hear that the ACTUAL medicine was able to cure you.

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