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    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 07 2008,06:19)
    Ah…..we were so close!  :laugh:

    The definition of true conception does not fit your theology.  So you either have to deny that you believe in true conception, or you need to be more specific about which “parts” of conception that you believe are true, imo.

    Take care, I'm going to leave this forum for today.  Too many hot buttons have been pushed on me for one day.  I think I'll go take my anger out on the weeds……..

    Love to all regardless of disagreements!  You are all so very important to me.

    Mandy I have to get in here. You make me laugh sometimes. To many buttons were pushed. But my Friend why are you so easy getting angry? Well at least the weeds get taken care of.
    What do you mean by true conception? Jesus was not conceived the way a Human was. His Father is God Almighty. She was implanted by the Holy Spirit of God and not another Human-being. That is certainly  not the way our Children were conceived!  
    Love, you


    I hope Mandy will share some thing new on this topic.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ June 07 2008,06:29)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 07 2008,06:19)
    Ah…..we were so close!  :laugh:

    The definition of true conception does not fit your theology.  So you either have to deny that you believe in true conception, or you need to be more specific about which “parts” of conception that you believe are true, imo.

    Take care, I'm going to leave this forum for today.  Too many hot buttons have been pushed on me for one day.  I think I'll go take my anger out on the weeds……..

    Love to all regardless of disagreements!  You are all so very important to me.

    Mandy I have to get in here. You make me laugh sometimes. To many buttons were pushed. But my Friend why are you so easy getting angry? Well at least the weeds get taken care of.
    What do you mean by true conception? Jesus was not conceived the way a Human was. His Father is God Almighty. She was implanted by the Holy Spirit of God and not another Human-being. That is certainly  not the way our Children were conceived!  
    Love, you

    Thats all i am trying to say..



    You don't get off that easy. You said you agreed to the dictionary definition and then went on to disagree with it.

    Show me which parts of the dictionary definition that you disagree with.



    Hi Mandy,
    I know you will not leave this pet topic of yours. Do share more my Sis.



    Here is a snippet of what you sent me. Do you believe this?


    Pregnant by the Holy Spirit does not mean that the Holy Spirit made her pregnant. It means “The Holy Spirit” influenced her (Mary or Miryam) to get pregnant by Joseph prior to their permanent cohabitation. Thus she allowed herself to get pregnant (by consummating her marriage to Joseph before the scheduled date of their permanent cohabitation) because of the Holy and Righteous nature [Spiritual influence] of the situation. She was not only filled mentally and emotionally by YHVH's Holy Spirit of Love for The Eternal Himself, but also, for her husband Joseph (see verse 20 below), and , also, her yet to be conceived son, Yahshua (The Promised Messiah and rightful heir to the throne of David).



    Thanks for your response Mandy,
    Infact I am studying some thing on the origins of our Messiah and his birth. I found this site on the net. Ofcourse I don't believe what they say on Virgin birth. But I have read many articles on Jewish websites; they say Messiah has to be born to human parents and his father has to be from the tribe of David not his mother. They never expect Messiah will be born to a virgin. Infact they interpret Is 7:14 to “a young woman” instead of a virgin.

    I need to study more on these understandings. I just wanted to provoke your thinking on Jesus conception from a human origin instead of God providing sperm or DNA as you often quote in this forum. I will come back to you with more details in future.

    Thanks and love to you


    what you conceived on mary's(virgin) conception through jewish beliefs? jews are guilty of crucifying a result, as they propagated the news that jesus was not resurrected, they twisted/substituted the word'young lady' for 'virgin'.how an young lady gives birth without marriage with an young/old/middle aged man?you mean to say that jews expect an illegitimate child to be their messiah?instead, they should have translated like this: an young lady through her marrige with a man, offspring david,s seriou advice is not to go after corrupted/deceived jews by devil.


    'conception' or 'mary is conceived' means that mary sensed at that instant itself that she started carrying/forming a baby in her womb, as an ordinary mother feels when embryo gets formed.


    Quote (pulivarthy @ Oct. 18 2008,20:58)
    'conception' or 'mary is conceived' means that mary sensed at that instant itself that she started carrying/forming a baby in her womb, as an ordinary mother feels when embryo gets formed.



    Hi Mandy,
    Here is some strong criticism on the Virgin birth and mysterious conception of Jesus by a Jew;

    The pagan idea of a savior-god being virgin-born was very persistent:

    a…factor making for the survival of such tales (virgin birth) in religious cults is stressed by Gilbert Murray. He notes that it is the saviour gods of paganism who are often reputed virgin-born. The father-god supplies the human race with a saviour, his son, by impregnating a goddess or a mortal. He must, however, not be regarded as actuated by lust. His purpose is the birth of a great saviour of mankind, and so the impregnation has to be effected without carnal intercourse. Hence Io was made pregnant by the laying on of the divine hand, Danae by the golden sunlight.

    Nowhere is virgin birth so stressed as in the Graeco-Roman world where the synoptic interpolators were deeply rooted:

    The doctrine of the Virgin Birth, without which no prophet or savior-god could be a divine incarnation, was so common among ancient cults that it was impossible for any religious founder to achieve acceptance without it.

    The virgin-birth story which is attributed to Jesus, is a later pagan addition interpolated for the sole purpose of adding support for the Christian savior. Not having been based upon a solid textual foundation like the Jews, early Christians needed to attribute the characteristics and events of existing gods to their savior in order to legitimize him as a god worthy of worship. Jesus represents a crossover from Messianic Judaism and Graeco-Roman paganism; an embodiment of the best of both worlds.

    What do you say on this ?


    Hi GM,
    Worldly views are not relevant.
    The Word of God is truth.



    No one knows for sure.

    Unfortunately, God has left it all up to speculation and assumption.  His so-called written Word is hard to verify, and we know has been tampered with.  His living Word is equally hard to verify and has no living witnesses.  Where does this leave us?

    Debating page after page here…..running in circles……lost in the desert.

    Only faith remains.  And you know the definition of faith.
    Keep the faith.  Toss everything else.



    lost in the desert.

    mmmm. Desert.


    I agree with you. Moreover, we should not go after jewish beliefs after birth of messiah, because they are already blinded by devil.Then we may also be led by suhch blind jews into a deep pit/impact.


    Meant to leave blank. I'm not sure why this popped up?


    Hi Mandy,
    You may not understand all things-nobody does.
    But your faith should rest in the Word.
    Otherwise it cannot teach you.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 23 2008,05:42)
    Hi Mandy,
    You may not understand all things-nobody does.
    But your faith should rest in the Word.
    Otherwise it cannot teach you.

    I'm told through this written Word that the Spirit will teach me everything I need to know.  It doesn't say to keep reading the dried ink to learn.  It says the Spirit will teach…

    The Spirit is living!
    My faith should rest in God, not the Word.


    G Aam,
    I think as per your version, Moses , Jacob, Abraham were Also influenced by pagan beliefs/ideas.Because the Altars, Sacrifices(sprinkling blood) etc.. are of pagan origin only.There was a period among pagans also to sacrifice their first offspring , as such Abraham might have followed paganistic beliefs.Moreover, breaking bread and drinking wine is also of pagan origin.I want to say everything is of pagan origin only and most of the prophesies availble in Bible are being claimed by pagans still practicing their own religions.For example, our Hindus say 'satanic code:666' apart from still sacrificial offerings before their idols. what do you say?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 22 2008,18:09)

    No one knows for sure.

    Unfortunately, God has left it all up to speculation and assumption.  His so-called written Word is hard to verify, and we know has been tampered with.  His living Word is equally hard to verify and has no living witnesses.  Where does this leave us?

    Debating page after page here…..running in circles……lost in the desert.

    Only faith remains.  And you know the definition of faith.
    Keep the faith.  Toss everything else.


    Hi Mandy,
    Thanks for those honest words. The problem with our scriptures is they are so much complicated and differ in many ways and many places. That's why people infer as they understand. Yes 'Faith' is the key for our convictions on these scriptures.

    May God help us to understand these complicated scriptures fully.

    Thanks and love to you

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