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  • #56379


    Conception = act of conceiving

    Conceive = become pregnant

    Reproduce = bear offspring

    Offspring = one coming into being through reproduction

    Pregnant = containing unborn young

    Unborn = not yet born

    Born = brought into life by birth

    Birth = fact of being born or producing young; origin

    Father = male parent; originator

    Son = male offspring

    Parent = one that begets offspring

    Originator = source

    Source = point of origin; provide what is needed

    Again, if words mean anything……


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2007,09:13)
    Hi 94,
    Christ like us had a human spirit and was filled with the Spirit of God at the Jordan.

    Rom 8
    “16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: “

    He became for us the source of eternal life.

    Rom 8

    1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: “

    Jn 7
    ” 38He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    39(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) “

    That new life sets us free.

    Hi Nick:

    Not3in1 wants to remain focused on the idea of conception, and so I'll just let you and her discuss this topic in this thread.   I just thought that you would be able to see that the body was conceived and that the inner man was the person that Jesus became through obedience to the Word of God.  The Word that God the Father taught his Son.

    I'll just leave it at that since Not3in1 wants to remain focused on conception.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 25 2007,09:27)

    Conception = act of conceiving

    Conceive = become pregnant

    Reproduce = bear offspring

    Offspring = one coming into being through reproduction

    Pregnant = containing unborn young

    Unborn = not yet born

    Born = brought into life by birth

    Birth = fact of being born or producing young; origin

    Father = male parent; originator

    Son = male offspring

    Parent = one that begets offspring

    Originator = source

    Source = point of origin; provide what is needed

    Again, if words mean anything……

    Hi not3,
    Yes that is man's view.
    Scripture is a higher view.


    Quote (942767 @ June 25 2007,09:36)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2007,09:13)
    Hi 94,
    Christ like us had a human spirit and was filled with the Spirit of God at the Jordan.

    Rom 8
    “16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: “

    He became for us the source of eternal life.

    Rom 8

    1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: “

    Jn 7
    ” 38He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    39(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) “

    That new life sets us free.

    Hi Nick:

    Not3in1 wants to remain focused on the idea of conception, and so I'll just let you and her discuss this topic in this thread.   I just thought that you would be able to see that the body was conceived and that the inner man was the person that Jesus became through obedience to the Word of God.  The Word that God the Father taught his Son.

    I'll just leave it at that since Not3in1 wants to remain focused on conception.

    94, I would hope that YOU, too, would want to remain focused on conception? No? Don't go away so soon….. I value your input. Like I said before, the only one I can get to engage on this topic is good ol' Nick! :)


    Of course I'm not implying that you are old, Nick! Ha!

    But you are wise and have many children….so….? :laugh:


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2007,09:40)
    Yes that is man's view.
    Scripture is a higher view.

    That is a nice and tidy cop-out, in my opinion.

    God gives us wisdom, knowledge, and language…..if we don't put them to good use we will never understand anything written in the Bible.


    Hi 94,
    Christ WAS MADE a quickening Spirit.
    He learned from his real Dad before he spoke with the teachers in the temple at 12 for he was already aware of the importance of Scripture and becoming wise in that knowledge.
    But he did not do works of power till the anointing at the Jordan when he was reborn from above.
    We follow him.


    When was Christ made a “quickening Spirit”? Is this a form of conception?


    Hi not3,
    At the Jordan.


    “Reborn from above” at his baptism……is this the same as our being “born again” today?


    Hi not3,
    We follow him.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 27 2007,10:17)
    God chose conception to bring his Son into the world to show us something?  What?

    Otherwise, God could have had Jesus “just appear” or by means of another way.  Why was “conception” as his enterance so important?

    Jesus was the son of man that did not sin. We don't have to sin we have a choice just as Jesus did being a son of man. The second Adam prevailed and did not sin.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2007,22:16)
    Hi not3,
    We follow him.


    OK, so if I understand you correctly, being born again of the spirit at the Jordan is something that every Christian can experience? Indeed, they need to experience in order to enjoy Paradise with God and his Son.

    But what does this have to do with Jesus' conception process?


    Hi not3,
    Nothing at all.


    Just making sure.

    I wasn't sure if you believed that Jesus didn't need to undergo a true conception *because* he was reborn at the Jordan or not. Now, I understand what you were saying – it was just a side trip to the topic. Gotcha. :)


    Hi not3,
    He had to become just like us so we could follow him,
    a vessel for the Spirit of God to do the works of God on earth.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 26 2007,09:33)
    Hi not3,
    He had to become just like us so we could follow him,
    a vessel for the Spirit of God to do the works of God on earth.

    We are also vessels for God's spirit to work through us!

    However, Jesus was a divine man by his conception.
    He also was given the spirit *without measure* at the Jordan.
    Question: are we given the spirit *without measure* as well?


    Hi not3,
    He is the son of God.
    He was alike to us.
    We are not DIVINE MEN.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 25 2007,09:40)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 25 2007,09:27)

    Conception = act of conceiving

    Conceive = become pregnant

    Reproduce = bear offspring

    Offspring = one coming into being through reproduction

    Pregnant = containing unborn young

    Unborn = not yet born

    Born = brought into life by birth

    Birth = fact of being born or producing young; origin

    Father = male parent; originator

    Son = male offspring

    Parent = one that begets offspring

    Originator = source

    Source = point of origin; provide what is needed

    Again, if words mean anything……

    Hi not3,
    Yes that is man's view.
    Scripture is a higher view.

    Hi Not3in1,

    I think that I have to agree with Nick here.
    The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and caused her to conceive Jesus in her womb.
    I doubt that her egg was impregnated with a sperm though.
    I even doubt that if a paternity test was given that the DNA would prove God to be the father of Jesus.

    God's way is a higher way and He could have made his word become flesh in Mary by ways that we could not understand.

    That being said, you are correct that Mary provided at least half of what was required to complete the pregnancy. And by what ever means that He used, God is the father of Jesus.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ June 26 2007,12:35)
    I think that I have to agree with Nick here.
    The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and caused her to conceive Jesus in her womb.
    I doubt that her egg was impregnated with a sperm though.
    I even doubt that if a paternity test was given that the DNA would prove God to be the father of Jesus.

    God's way is a higher way and He could have made his word become flesh in Mary by ways that we could not understand.

    That being said, you are correct that Mary provided at least half of what was required to complete the pregnancy. And by what ever means that He used, God is the father of Jesus.

    It is most curious to me why men love to deny that Jesus was truly conceived? Is it that it puts Jesus more on par with yourself? Why is it so difficult to imagine that God is truly a Father? And would it be so terrible that the Father, being the source of Jesus – provided what was needed? That being a sperm to penetrate Mary's ovum to create a baby?

    Or do you believe as Nick does – that Jesus was already preexisted and was merely placed in Mary's womb to receive flesh? Maybe so…..

    It's sad to me that men deny Jesus is truly a Son of God. They will conceed to a “conception” but their conception is really no conception at all. I'm afraid that you cannot have it both ways – believing that God did not provide what was needed (in this case, a sperm, for that is how children are born these days – with a sperm and an egg), and also believing what the scriptures teach – that Jesus was conceived.

    I do believe that a paternity test would prove 100% proof positive that God was the Father of Jesus!! If such a test could show divine contributions. :)

    God does have a higher way…… His thoughts are not our thoughts; very true indeed. However; God is giving us an example from everyday life —- conception and birth; Father and Son. We should not muddy the clear waters of understanding.

    Tim, you say that Mary provided half and “by whatever means that He used, God is the Father of Jesus.” Why not just believe that he provided what was needed (sperm)? It doesn't have to be HIS sperm – is this what possibly offends you? I don't know….. But there doesn't seem to be a reason not to believe he provided the sperm versus just a vague “whatever means….”?

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