Charles' Jesus is God Proof Texts

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  • #266063

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2011,11:25)
    Early church fathers speak of having LXX mss that include God's divine name.

    Really? Was it the divine name or four Hebrew consanants?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2011,11:25)
    Or……… can just keep telling yourselves that since “Jesus” IS in the current NT, and “Jehovah” ISN'T, then “Jesus” is the name of God Almighty.

    Maybe you can show us where the Fathers name is mentioned by the Apostles or Jesus.

    Other than that all you have is four Hebrew consanants!



    How do you pronounce these names?

    Ptrc, kth, bnn, thdr :D



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2011,03:25)
    And I have addressed Keith's point just as many times.  In the oldest known fragments of the LXX, the divine name YHWH was there in Hebrew letters.

    So, when Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah, he most likely read the name of God in that passage.  Jesus goes on to tell God, “I have made your name known”.

    Early church fathers speak of having LXX mss that include God's divine name.

    So, just because sometime AFTER Jesus died, scribes decided to swap out YHWH for kurios doesn't mean that Jesus and his disciples didn't speak the name of God freely.

    You can both read the information I posted in the 4th post on page 58 in this thread if you're interested in the TRUTH of the matter.

    Or……… can just keep telling yourselves that since “Jesus” IS in the current NT, and “Jehovah” ISN'T, then “Jesus” is the name of God Almighty.  :)

    Charles, your comment:  “Isn’t it rather strange that even God never revealed His name to Abraham?” is neither here nor there.  Why and WHEN God chose to reveal His Name is of no concern to us.  The fact of the matter is that God DID reveal His personal Name to Moses, and said “This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.”

    Get it guys?  For US, there is but ONE God – Jehovah.  And one Lord – Jesus.  The Name of our GOD is Jehovah.  The name of the Son He sent into the world is Jesus.

    The Name of our GOD is Jehovah.


    Properly it should read The Name of our GOD of the world is Jehovah

    Then you would be right and true.

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Pronunciation: the question of which vowels

    The authentic, historically correct pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is not known, and the consensus view at various points in history has not been consistent. The current scholarly consensus is that the vowel diacritic points attached to the written consonants YHWH in the Masoretic orthography of Biblical Hebrew were not intended to represent the vowels of such an authentic and historically correct pronunciation, but this was not always understood by Christian Hebrew scholars. Wiki

    Inspite of the JWs claims and their followers, we don't know the exact pronunciation of the name. Therefore it is an ambiguous claim that we have the correct name.

    There is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved but at the name of Jesus!



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2011,11:28)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,13:36)

    Are you telling me that the statue of pieta is not the mountain???

    Well Charles, do people look at the stature of pieta and say, “Hey look!  There is a beautiful mountain of carrerra marble!”?  Or do they say, “There is the statue of pieta!”?

    If they don't look at the statue and think they are gazing at a huge mountain, then NO, the statue is NOT the mountain its stone was cut from.

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,13:36)

    What equals God, if not God only?

    It the Bible equal to the Bible?  Is the Washington monument equal to the Washington monument?  Is the sun equal to the sun?  Charles, individual things cannot be said to “be equal to” themselves.  Charles cannot be “equal to” Charles, because Charles IS Charles.  Get it?

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,13:36)

    God did die in the form of Jesus.

    God cannot die.  Jesus could, and did.  Paul says that since he died and was raised from the dead, death NO LONGER holds any mastery over him.  That tells us that at one time, death DID hold mastery over him.  Paul also tells us that FROM NOW ON, Jesus cannot die AGAIN.  But God never could die.  He has always been from everlasting to everlasting.

    Charles, could death ever have mastery over God?  God created death, right?  Can the clay say to the potter, “You are my servant”?

    Charles, Jehovah is the Most High God. (Gen 14:22)  And Jesus is the SON OF the Most High God. (Mark 5:7)  You need only accept these scriptures as truth, and you'll be well on your way.


    Well Charles, do people look at the stature of pieta and say, “Hey look!  There is a beautiful mountain of carrerra marble!”?  Or do they say, “There is the statue of pieta!”?

    Mike ,

    I saw that Statue and this is what I say:

    The Pieta is a MOUNTAIN OF ART,in Carrara marble which was cut from a MOUNTAIN and created by a MOUNTAIN OF A SCULPTURE.


    Now since you beleive in logic,logically speaking,

    I will tell you What I say after I saw this MOUNTAIN of art, which was mysteriously hidden in a MOUNTAIN, and was revealed by a sculpture, who is also a MOUNTAIN.

    The mountain is dominant, colossal, and magnificent, but it is also in a way a mystery.

    That exceptional, unique, brilliance, and pure white was hidden, and only till Michelangelo cut from it and it was exposed the most pure white marble in all of the existing marbles, and manifested it through a statue like Pieta. Through this work of art, glorified that mountain in the unique and genuine beauty of. the Carrara marble ,the heart of the mountain.

    Through  few reflections Mike, I could conclude that in comparison, The Mountain is in the same position as all Mighty God is in His splendor, and mysteries.

    His exceptional, unique, brilliance, and pure spirit was hidden, and only till the Holy Spirit cut from Him (and the spirit of God moved)and it was discovered the most pure LOVE in all the existing love and manifested it in the body of Jesus to glorify that unique and genuine beauty of the heart of the Father.

    John 17: 4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. 5And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

    It had to be the mountain to glorify the statue of Pieta in what it is today.

    It had to be God to glorify the body of Jesus in what He is today.

    In the same instant, it had to be the statue of Pieta in order to glorify the genuine beauty of the Carrara marble, the heart of the mountain. So in one instant both the mountain and Pieta were and are glorified.

    In the same instant, it had to be  the body of Jesus in order to glorify the genuine beauty of the love of God of the Father. So in one instant both the Father and Jesus were and  are glorified.

    It was Michelangelo as the unique, superb ,terrific, and wonderful MOUNTAIN OF A SCULPTURE that made it  possible for us to admire that kind of beauty of  both THE MOUNTAIN AND PIETA.

    So the Mountain, and Pieta glorified also Michelangelo, likewise, Michelangelo glorified them both

    In comparison,It was the Holy Spirit as the unique, superb ,terrific, and wonderful MOUNTAIN OF A SPIRIT that made it  possible for us to admire that kind of MOUNTAIN of LOVE  both  of THE FATHER and of JESUS CHRIST.

    Daniel 2:55………… and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

    So God, and Jesus glorified also the Holy Spirit, likewise, the Holy Spirit glorified them both. The reason that He abide in us.

    So I would without a doubt  assert that the MOUNTAIN, MICHELANGELO, and PIETA are one complete harmony, and have one thing in common that they are ONE GLORIFIED MOUNTAIN in Pieta.

    Also I would without a doubt assert that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one complete harmony, and have one thing in common that they are ONE GLORIFIED GOD in JESUS CHRIST.

    Peace and love in Jesus


    To conclude Mike :.

    WHEN THE PEOPLE LOOK AT THE STATUE, they would definitely say that the MOUNTAIN,  remained THE SAME MOUNTAIN, but glorified in one statue:  PIETA.

    This also I would apply it to God ,and  definitely say that Almighty God remained the same God but glorified in Jesus Christ for eternity.


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,04:31)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,03:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:18)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 20 2011,07:07)
    Ed J,

    My Question remain:

    What is the origin of the name JEHOVAH?

    peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles,

    The familiar name JEHOVAH was originally constructed from two different Hebrew words:
    1) [יהוה] YHVH (GOD’s Holy Name) and 2) [ינדא] Âdônây (meaning Lord or Owner). JEHOVAH
    in English is pronounced J-ä-H-ō-V-ä-H and is a result of a combination of three specific things:
    1) the “Jay” sound (as Hebrew has no “J” sound) added to 2) the consonants from [יהוה] YHVH
    and finally combined with 3) the vowels derived from the pronunciation of [ינדא] âdônây. These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”. (HolyCityBibleCode Chapter 1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”.


    You just confirmed that it is a fiction corrupted human invention.

    What would you determine when you give a name to something or somebody??

    Would you call somebody with a name that you would not for sure know that is his name,and expect that he will answer you?

    Or rather call Him or her Mr,or Mrs.respectively?



    Hi Charles,

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?


    The proper name from which the English name originated is yahoshwah.

    But ,isn't it true that Jesus overcame the world:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    When you reflect Edj,what actually mean OVERCAME THE WORLD?

    Isn't it clear that no matter what it is,in the name of Jesus all is acceptable except sin.

    The Father sent His Son to be superior to all things no matter what they would be. NO?


    Colossians 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    OK  EDj: whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,


    In the old testament the Father refused all things except through the Jews only, and under His direction.

    Through Jesus' name  though, accepted all from all humanity!

    With the exception of sin.

    So whatever you call God it must be in Jesus name not Just God.

    Everytime you call jehovah god all by himself it's like talking to the wall! Or writing in water!

    Nothing goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 26 2011,12:12)
    Really? Was it the divine name or four Hebrew consanants?


    Do you really want to play with semantics?  Do you acknowledge that God Almighty has a Name?  Do you acknowledge that He gave this Name to Moses?  Do you acknowledge that this Name was NOT “Jesus”?

    I you were to be honest, you will acknowledge all of the above.

    By the way, the Name in Ex 3:14 is “hayah”, which DOES have vowels.  And you can tell from Ex 3:12 that it means “WILL BE”:
    12 And God said, “I will be with you.”
    This is the same Hebrew word, Keith, and I can't seem to locate a single translation that translates it as “I AM with you”.



    A statue made FROM the stone of any particular mountain does not remain that mountain from which it came.

    Keith, it doesn't really matter how “YHWH” was pronounced in Biblical times, because none of us pronounce “Jesus” the same way it was pronounced then either.

    I find it HILARIOUS that both of you would try to say, “Well, since we don't know how 'YHWH' was pronounced back then, we'll just assume that His SON is now the God he is the Son of – and therefore we'll call our God 'Jesus Christ' “. :D

    Boys, “Christ” refers to one anointed BY God. It doesn't refer to the God who anointed him. :)

    And Keith, I find it even more hilarious that you only join the discussion these days when it involves a trivial matter such as the correct pronunciation of “YHWH”. Where have your comments been during the rest of solid points I've made to Charles? Where were you when he was avoiding my irrefutable scriptural points?

    Here's your chance Keith. Does the word “Christ” refer to God Himself? Or to one God anointed?



    Here's another one that Charles has seemed to avoid:

    Jehovah is the Most High God. (Gen 14:22)  And Jesus is the SON OF the Most High God. (Mark 5:7)  Do you accept these scriptures as truth, Keith?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 20 2011,11:11)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 19 2011,15:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 20 2011,02:15)
    Actually, there are many christs listed in the scriptures.  I am not aware of Satan ever being one of them though.

    Mike I said LUCIFER NOT SATAN.

    Ezekiel 28:14
    Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

    My mistake, Charles.  But am I wrong to assume that in your mind, Lucifer IS the one later known as Satan?

    As for your scripture, it is about the King of Tyre.  There is no mention of any “lucifer” in that scripture, nor is there any connection in scripture that “lucifer” is even someone's name – let alone the name of the being later known as “Satan”.

    The good news is that you are right, and I have been scripturally shown yet ANOTHER christ of God through your scripture.  So thank you.  :)

    The bad news is that this new anointed one of God is an angel from heaven – not the King of Tyre:
    28:14 NETBible
    I placed you there with an anointed guardian cherub; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked about amidst fiery stones.

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 19 2011,15:44)
    There is only one Christ for us Christians. OUR SAVIOUR GOD.

    That's right, Charles.  For us, there is but ONE God – THE FATHER, and one Christ – Jesus of Nazareth.

    One of them ANOINTED the OTHER one of them.  And only ONE of them is God Almighty while the OTHER one is the anointed OF God Almighty.  Get it Charles?  TWO people, only ONE of them God Almighty.


    One of them ANOINTED the OTHER one of them.  And only ONE of them is God Almighty while the OTHER one is the anointed OF God Almighty.  Get it Charles?  TWO people, only ONE of them God Almighty.


    this is quite an omlette to me!

    let see.

    First of all Almighty God is a spirit ,not one of the two people!!

    One of them ANOINTED the OTHER one of them.

    Now Mike, do you know the diference between the word ANOINTED AND GLORIFIED??

    OK!  I'll tell you:

    Anointed as you said a person promote another person for a mission but using oil as a sign of consecration.

    Also anointed means chosen, so Jesus  was chosen, but not promoted  by the Father and  smeared or rubbed with oil and conscrated.

    Now all Christians are anointed, chosen for a specific purpose in furthering God's Kingdom.

    2 Corinthians:1:20 Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; 22Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

    Jesus though was anointed twice with oil as well,not by His Father though,but by women.

    First in:

    Mark 14:8 She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying

    Here is imortant to note that Jesus said : TO ANOINT MY BODY TO BE BURYING,NOT ANOINT ME!  This to realize that Jesus Himself as a person doesn't need to be promoted because He was both God and man ,but His body needed, as  human flesh.

    Second in

    Luke 23:56 And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.

    Glorification is not a person glorifying another person only especially when refering to Jesus, but a person glorify both persons involved in the same  glorification in the same time.

    So the Father glorified both His Son and Himself in one instant.



    So while on earth,first the Son glorified His Father both as Human through all the carachteristics of MAN, which the Father never had before including death,and through all the carachteristics of the SPIRIT FROM THE FATHER including the raising up of the dead.

    Therefore Jesus glorified both Himself and the Father as Human,then afterwards, the Father glorified His Son and Himself after Jesus' death,by raising Him up from death.

    Through this mysterious manifestation the Father and the Son became one,united for eternity,as they were,but only spirits, before the world was.

    peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2011,07:28)

    A statue made FROM the stone of any particular mountain does not remain that mountain from which it came.  

    Keith, it doesn't really matter how “YHWH” was pronounced in Biblical times, because none of us pronounce “Jesus” the same way it was pronounced then either.

    I find it HILARIOUS that both of you would try to say, “Well, since we don't know how 'YHWH' was pronounced back then, we'll just assume that His SON is now the God he is the Son of – and therefore we'll call our God 'Jesus Christ' “.   :D

    Boys, “Christ” refers to one anointed BY God.  It doesn't refer to the God who anointed him.  :)

    And Keith, I find it even more hilarious that you only join the discussion these days when it involves a trivial matter such as the correct pronunciation of “YHWH”.  Where have your comments been during the rest of solid points I've made to Charles?  Where were you when he was avoiding my irrefutable scriptural points?

    Here's your chance Keith.  Does the word “Christ” refer to God Himself?  Or to one God anointed?

    A statue made FROM the stone of any particular mountain does not remain that mountain from which it came


    First of all I spoke logically since you believe in logic.

    Or all of a sudden it doesn’t please you.

    Second it's no use that you try to convince someone by affirming that a statue made from a stone of any particular mountain it's not the same mountain simply because it was cut off from it and given another shape.

    If you cut a piece of cake and you eat it, and somebody ask you what did you eat you simply say I ate a piece of cake so it’s still a cake. If you vomit that piece of cake ,you still say I vomited the cake.

    Don’t twist and use the word remaining, because since it’s had been cut off, it cannot remain in the original state as a mountain ,but still it is the same substance, the same element, of the mountain.

    Ed J

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,07:13)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,04:31)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,03:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:18)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 20 2011,07:07)
    Ed J,

    My Question remain:

    What is the origin of the name JEHOVAH?

    peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles,

    The familiar name JEHOVAH was originally constructed from two different Hebrew words:
    1) [יהוה] YHVH (GOD’s Holy Name) and 2) [ינדא] Âdônây (meaning Lord or Owner). JEHOVAH
    in English is pronounced J-ä-H-ō-V-ä-H and is a result of a combination of three specific things:
    1) the “Jay” sound (as Hebrew has no “J” sound) added to 2) the consonants from [יהוה] YHVH
    and finally combined with 3) the vowels derived from the pronunciation of [ינדא] âdônây. These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”. (HolyCityBibleCode Chapter 1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”.


    You just confirmed that it is a fiction corrupted human invention.

    What would you determine when you give a name to something or somebody??

    Would you call somebody with a name that you would not for sure know that is his name,and expect that he will answer you?

    Or rather call Him or her Mr,or Mrs.respectively?



    Hi Charles,

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?


    The proper name from which the English name originated is yahoshwah.

    But ,isn't it true that Jesus overcame the world:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    When you reflect Edj,what actually mean OVERCAME THE WORLD?

    Isn't it clear that no matter what it is,in the name of Jesus all is acceptable except sin.

    The Father sent His Son to be superior to all things no matter what they would be. NO?


    Colossians 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    OK  EDj: whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,


    In the old testament the Father refused all things except through the Jews only, and under His direction.

    Through Jesus' name  though, accepted all from all humanity!

    With the exception of sin.

    So whatever you call God it must be in Jesus name not Just God.

    Everytime you call jehovah god all by himself it's like talking to the wall! Or writing in water!

    Nothing goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    The name יהשוע YÄ-shü-ă means: YÄ's salvation.
    Yes, that means that everything you do, Charles,
    should be done in the name of (יה) “YÄ's salvation”

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 26 2011,15:32)
    Anointed as you said a person promote another person for a mission but using oil as a sign of consecration.

    Also anointed means chosen, so Jesus was chosen, but not promoted by the Father and smeared or rubbed with oil and conscrated.

    Now all Christians are anointed, chosen for a specific purpose in furthering God's Kingdom.

    The oil was done by men for the benefit of men. The oil was a way to RECOGNIZE the anointing by God. The actual anointing was done by God, and God never poured oil on anyone.

    And whether you say anointed means “chosen”, “promoted”, or “set aside for a specific purpose”, the fact still remains that our ONE God ANOINTED Jesus.

    Now surely God did not “set HIMSELF aside for a specific purpose”, right? Therefore, ANYONE who was anointed BY God cannot possibly BE the God who anointed them.


    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 26 2011,16:09)
    …….because since it’s had been cut off, it cannot remain in the original state as a mountain……..

    Agreed.  And that's all I'm trying to say.  If you take a rock FROM a mountain, the rock is not “the mountain itself”.

    If you take a drop of water FROM the sea, that drop is not “the sea itself”.

    If you take a piece FROM a cake, that piece is not “the cake itself”.

    Any seed that comes FROM Mike is not “Mike himself”. And any seed that came FROM God is not “God Himself”.


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 27 2011,09:33)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,07:13)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,04:31)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,03:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:18)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 20 2011,07:07)
    Ed J,

    My Question remain:

    What is the origin of the name JEHOVAH?

    peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles,

    The familiar name JEHOVAH was originally constructed from two different Hebrew words:
    1) [יהוה] YHVH (GOD’s Holy Name) and 2) [ינדא] Âdônây (meaning Lord or Owner). JEHOVAH
    in English is pronounced J-ä-H-ō-V-ä-H and is a result of a combination of three specific things:
    1) the “Jay” sound (as Hebrew has no “J” sound) added to 2) the consonants from [יהוה] YHVH
    and finally combined with 3) the vowels derived from the pronunciation of [ינדא] âdônây. These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”. (HolyCityBibleCode Chapter 1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”.


    You just confirmed that it is a fiction corrupted human invention.

    What would you determine when you give a name to something or somebody??

    Would you call somebody with a name that you would not for sure know that is his name,and expect that he will answer you?

    Or rather call Him or her Mr,or Mrs.respectively?



    Hi Charles,

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?


    The proper name from which the English name originated is yahoshwah.

    But ,isn't it true that Jesus overcame the world:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    When you reflect Edj,what actually mean OVERCAME THE WORLD?

    Isn't it clear that no matter what it is,in the name of Jesus all is acceptable except sin.

    The Father sent His Son to be superior to all things no matter what they would be. NO?


    Colossians 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    OK  EDj: whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,


    In the old testament the Father refused all things except through the Jews only, and under His direction.

    Through Jesus' name  though, accepted all from all humanity!

    With the exception of sin.

    So whatever you call God it must be in Jesus name not Just God.

    Everytime you call jehovah god all by himself it's like talking to the wall! Or writing in water!

    Nothing goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    The name יהשוע YÄ-shü-ă means: YÄ's salvation.
    Yes, that means that everything you do, Charles,
    should be done in the name of (יה) “YÄ's salvation”

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    The trouble is that wherever you go among christians you have no the gutts to bless anyone in the name of jehovah unless it is a JW

    But  wherever you go among christians you will have more than the gutts to bless anyone in the name of Jesus because He will be ahead of  you.  

    John 10 :4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

    I read enough booklets from JWs and the name of Jesus is not only prominent in comparison to jehovah that you could put the name of jehovah in one line in the same booklet, while with the name of Jesus you could fill a page in the same booklet

    peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2011,10:29)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 26 2011,16:09)
    …….because since it’s had been cut off, it cannot remain in the original state as a mountain……..

    Agreed.  And that's all I'm trying to say.  If you take a rock FROM a mountain, the rock is not “the mountain itself”.

    If you take a drop of water FROM the sea, that drop is not “the sea itself”.

    If you take a piece FROM a cake, that piece is not “the cake itself”.

    Any seed that comes FROM Mike is not “Mike himself”.  And any seed that came FROM God is not “God Himself”.

    If you take a rock FROM a mountain, the rock is not “the mountain itself”.


    You are obsessed with carnal analysis only, and that applies only to carnal, and worldly wisdom!

    One of them ANOINTED the OTHER one of them.  And only ONE of them is God Almighty while the OTHER one is the anointed OF God Almighty.  Get it Charles?  TWO people, only ONE of them God Almighty.

    You are so obsessed that you called GOD, a spirit being, even one of two  people.

    Are we in the position to assert anything about God?

    Not even regarding spirits I’m afraid, never mind God!!

    Genesis 3: 22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

    Are we capable enough to analyze all concerning good and evil? No!  never mind carnal  and  spirit?

    Are we  sure, we are not handling spiritual matters in the same way we would handle carnal matters?
    SO if yes, when we interpret and define scripture, we must not look at it from the carnal point of view only, but also from the spirit point of view.

    You said:

    If you take a rock FROM a mountain, the rock is not “the mountain itself”.

    I agree it is not the mountain itself, since it was cut off and it’s not part of the mountain anymore.

    But when it comes to spirit wise, can we apply the same definition.

    Does it because the rock was cut off from the mountain and lost its contact with the mountain, and therefore its not the mountain itself, it is also the same spiritually when we refer to human beings??

    Mike, you live in a continent, I live in another continent. We are completely two separate beings carnally. BUT:

    You and me have a lot in common Spiritually.

    You and me are Christians in the Church of Christ!
    You and Me believe in One GOD!
    You and me believe that we are saved through Christ death.
    You and me are born again, through the Holy Spirit.
    You and me are the abode of the Holy Spirit.
    You and me are the abode of the Son and the Father through the Holy Spirit.
    You and me are brothers in Jesus Christ Spirit.
    We are one spirit with the Lord.

    1Corinthians 5:3 Even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present

    1Corinthians 6: 17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

    1Corinthians 12 :12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

    13For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

    So Mike, although you and me  are so far apart we are one spirit in the Lord NO??

    So we are the spirit of the Lord itself. If we practice to the least detail the Gospel! If we live perfect as Jesus asked!

    So after all it is not the same story like the rock and the mountain.

    The rock is not the mountain itself.

    But you and me are the spirit of the LORD itself.

    13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

    For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ

    For as the universe is one ,and has many members, and all the members of that one universe ,being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

    Colossians 1: 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

    Colossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

    Therefore by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven ,also in Him all things hold together.

    Therefore there’s only ONE spirit of the Son and all things are in HIS SPIRIT ITSELF.  

    And since the Son is one Spirit with the Father He is the FATHER SPIRIT ITSELF.







    Colossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

    Therefore by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven ,also in Him all things hold together.

    Therefore there’s only ONE spirit of the Son and all things are in HIS SPIRIT ITSELF.

    And since the Son is one Spirit with the Father He is the FATHER SPIRIT ITSELF.




    JOB 18:21 “Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked,
    And this is the place of him who does not know God.”

    1CO 1:21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

    Job 18:3 Why are we regarded as cattle
    and considered stupid in your sight?
    Job 18:4 You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger,
    is the earth to be abandoned for your sake?
    Or must the rocks be moved from their place?

    Job 18:5 “The lamp of the wicked is snuffed out;
    the flame of his fire stops burning.
    Job 18:6 The light in his tent becomes dark;
    the lamp beside him goes out.
    Job 18:7 The vigor of his step is weakened;
    his own schemes throw him down.
    Job 18:8 His feet thrust him into a net
    and he wanders into its mesh.
    Job 18:9 A trap seizes him by the heel;
    a snare holds him fast.
    Job 18:10 A noose is hidden for him on the ground;
    a trap lies in his path.
    Job 18:11 Terrors startle him on every side
    and dog his every step.
    Job 18:12 Calamity is hungry for him;
    disaster is ready for him when he falls.
    Job 18:13 It eats away parts of his skin;
    death’s firstborn devours his limbs.
    Job 18:14 He is torn from the security of his tent
    and marched off to the king of terrors.
    Job 18:15 Fire resides in his tent;
    burning sulfur is scattered over his dwelling.
    Job 18:16 His roots dry up below
    and his branches wither above.
    Job 18:17 The memory of him perishes from the earth;
    he has no name in the land.
    Job 18:18 He is driven from light into darkness
    and is banished from the world.
    Job 18:19 He has no offspring or descendants among his people,
    no survivor where once he lived.
    Job 18:20 Men of the west are appalled at his fate;
    men of the east are seized with horror.
    Job 18:21 Surely such is the dwelling of an evil man;
    such is the place of one who knows not God.”


    2CO 12:2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven.
    2CO 12:3 And I know how such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows—

    GAL 4:8 However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods.
    GAL 4:9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?

    1TH 4:5 not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God;

    2TH 1:8 dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

    TIT 1:16 They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

    1JN 4:8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.


    Ed J

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,17:23)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 27 2011,09:33)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,07:13)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,04:31)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,03:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:18)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 20 2011,07:07)
    Ed J,

    My Question remain:

    What is the origin of the name JEHOVAH?

    peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles,

    The familiar name JEHOVAH was originally constructed from two different Hebrew words:
    1) [יהוה] YHVH (GOD’s Holy Name) and 2) [ינדא] Âdônây (meaning Lord or Owner). JEHOVAH
    in English is pronounced J-ä-H-ō-V-ä-H and is a result of a combination of three specific things:
    1) the “Jay” sound (as Hebrew has no “J” sound) added to 2) the consonants from [יהוה] YHVH
    and finally combined with 3) the vowels derived from the pronunciation of [ינדא] âdônây. These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”. (HolyCityBibleCode Chapter 1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”.


    You just confirmed that it is a fiction corrupted human invention.

    What would you determine when you give a name to something or somebody??

    Would you call somebody with a name that you would not for sure know that is his name,and expect that he will answer you?

    Or rather call Him or her Mr,or Mrs.respectively?



    Hi Charles,

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?


    The proper name from which the English name originated is yahoshwah.

    But ,isn't it true that Jesus overcame the world:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    When you reflect Edj,what actually mean OVERCAME THE WORLD?

    Isn't it clear that no matter what it is,in the name of Jesus all is acceptable except sin.

    The Father sent His Son to be superior to all things no matter what they would be. NO?


    Colossians 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    OK  EDj: whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,


    In the old testament the Father refused all things except through the Jews only, and under His direction.

    Through Jesus' name  though, accepted all from all humanity!

    With the exception of sin.

    So whatever you call God it must be in Jesus name not Just God.

    Everytime you call jehovah god all by himself it's like talking to the wall! Or writing in water!

    Nothing goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    The name יהשוע YÄ-shü-ă means: YÄ's salvation.
    Yes, that means that everything you do, Charles,
    should be done in the name of (יה) “YÄ's salvation”

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    The trouble is that wherever you go among christians you have no the gutts to bless anyone in the name of jehovah unless it is a JW

    But  wherever you go among christians you will have more than the gutts to bless anyone in the name of Jesus because He will be ahead of  you.  

    John 10 :4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

    I read enough booklets from JWs and the name of Jesus is not only prominent in comparison to jehovah that you could put the name of jehovah in one line in the same booklet, while with the name of Jesus you could fill a page in the same booklet

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    What do you believe God's name is?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 28 2011,10:36)
    But you and me are the spirit of the LORD itself.

    Hi Charles,

    You and I can be baptized with that spirit. And we can be one in spirit with our Lord and our God (two beings). But we aren't that spirit itself.

    Charles, man will never be God Himself, nor a manifestation of Him. Your belief about this is simply unscriptural, and I will never agree to it.



    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 29 2011,07:33)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,17:23)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 27 2011,09:33)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 27 2011,07:13)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,04:31)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 21 2011,03:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:18)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 20 2011,07:07)
    Ed J,

    My Question remain:

    What is the origin of the name JEHOVAH?

    peace and love in Jesus

    Hi Charles,

    The familiar name JEHOVAH was originally constructed from two different Hebrew words:
    1) [יהוה] YHVH (GOD’s Holy Name) and 2) [ינדא] Âdônây (meaning Lord or Owner). JEHOVAH
    in English is pronounced J-ä-H-ō-V-ä-H and is a result of a combination of three specific things:
    1) the “Jay” sound (as Hebrew has no “J” sound) added to 2) the consonants from [יהוה] YHVH
    and finally combined with 3) the vowels derived from the pronunciation of [ינדא] âdônây. These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”. (HolyCityBibleCode Chapter 1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    These two
    Hebrew words, together with the “Jä” sound, have evolved into the Name we know today as “JEHOVAH”.


    You just confirmed that it is a fiction corrupted human invention.

    What would you determine when you give a name to something or somebody??

    Would you call somebody with a name that you would not for sure know that is his name,and expect that he will answer you?

    Or rather call Him or her Mr,or Mrs.respectively?



    Hi Charles,

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The name “Jesus” came to us by the same means;
    perhaps you are not aware of this fact either?


    The proper name from which the English name originated is yahoshwah.

    But ,isn't it true that Jesus overcame the world:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    When you reflect Edj,what actually mean OVERCAME THE WORLD?

    Isn't it clear that no matter what it is,in the name of Jesus all is acceptable except sin.

    The Father sent His Son to be superior to all things no matter what they would be. NO?


    Colossians 3:17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    OK  EDj: whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,


    In the old testament the Father refused all things except through the Jews only, and under His direction.

    Through Jesus' name  though, accepted all from all humanity!

    With the exception of sin.

    So whatever you call God it must be in Jesus name not Just God.

    Everytime you call jehovah god all by himself it's like talking to the wall! Or writing in water!

    Nothing goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    The name יהשוע YÄ-shü-ă means: YÄ's salvation.
    Yes, that means that everything you do, Charles,
    should be done in the name of (יה) “YÄ's salvation”

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    YHVH's blessings
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    The trouble is that wherever you go among christians you have no the gutts to bless anyone in the name of jehovah unless it is a JW

    But  wherever you go among christians you will have more than the gutts to bless anyone in the name of Jesus because He will be ahead of  you.  

    John 10 :4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

    I read enough booklets from JWs and the name of Jesus is not only prominent in comparison to jehovah that you could put the name of jehovah in one line in the same booklet, while with the name of Jesus you could fill a page in the same booklet

    peace and love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    What do you believe God's name is?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    What do you believe God's name is

    God has no name.

    Jesus called Him Father and that I believe is the unique title which is to call God with.

    This  name is above ALL names even above jehova.

    Philippians 2: 10 That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth:

    11 And that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father

    THEREFORE  Jesus Christ is the only true name of God .

    Hebrews 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the figure of his substance,……

    The Father is more than pleased when you call Him through Jesus Christ our Lord God. as Thomas called him,after all it is through Him that He was established as the true God,and will establish His Kingdom.

    God is a Spirit, a mystery and unkown,Jesus made Him known and visible like us.

    He created all through Jesus,He became man through Jesus,He died and glorified through Jesus,He reconciled “ALL” through Jesus,and He will establish His Kingdom through Jesus.

    Since He is a spirit He couldn't achieve all this.

    peace and love in Jesus Christ


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