Charles' Jesus is God Proof Texts

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  • #261655

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2011,01:42)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2011,11:54)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,18:14)

    You didn't answer the question- Is your spirit with you now? Is it you?

    No, and No.  My spirit is a part OF me, and therefore is neither me nor with me.

    Hi Mike,

    Possessions are either with someone or not with someone;
    how is your spirit (which you call a possession) not with you?
    Or does the story change depending on who you are talking to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    I POSSESS 10 fingers and 10 toes. All 20 of those digits are a part of me, yet I POSSESS them.


    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell. What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him. I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him. If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.

    No man, I am not buying this. Sevral months ago, a young man came on here in pain because his dad committed suicide, and wanted to believe in God, because he was skeptical. YOU suggested he call the JW's for them to come by for a visit, KNOWING their tracts lead to JW beliefs, shich is Jesus is not God. ect. etc. You did not witness him to read the scriptures and find Jesus, you wanted some JW's to come by and educate him. If it walks like a duck………It must be a duck. Peace


    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell.  What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him.  I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him.  If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.


    The Jehovah's Witnesses have put together a wonderful book that addresses the issues and questions you are facing.

    Three years ago, I didn't believe in God. This one book opened my eyes enough to begin reading The One Book. It has some really cool scientific data about the vast amounts of information stored in the human body, the universe, and much more. It deals with and answers many questions left unanswered by evolution theorists.

    It is the 4th book listed on the following link, called “Is There a Creator who Cares About You?”

    They have a “Contact Us” link at the top of the page. And they will be happy to send it or bring it right to you. Please check it out………it did wonders for me by bringing up proofs of God that I had never even considered.

    Click Here to Get Started

    JBL, I would have them bring the book by and talk with you. I think you could use that right now. I'm not a Witness, so I'm not trying to “recruit” you or anything. I just know first hand that they are some kind people who are willing to talk you through this and get you back on the track to God……… strings attached.



    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2011,18:32)

    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell.  What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him.  I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him.  If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.

    No man, I am not buying this. Sevral months ago, a young man came on here in pain because his dad committed suicide, and wanted to believe in God, because he was skeptical. YOU suggested he call the JW's for them to come by for a visit, KNOWING their tracts lead to JW beliefs, shich is Jesus is not God. ect. etc. You did not witness him to read the scriptures and find Jesus, you wanted some JW's to come by and educate him. If it walks like a duck………It must be a duck. Peace

    Unitarians don't believe Jesus is God Almighty.  By your logic, I'm not only a JW, but also a Unitarian.  ???

    T8 doesn't believe Jesus is God Almighty.  Does that mean I AM t8?  ???

    Come on Mark.  This man needed a flesh and blood BODY in his presence to comfort him.  When is the last time YOUR pastor made a house call just to discuss scriptures with someone who was hurting?

    I offered him the JW Organization, because I knew they would come, IN PERSON, to him and offer help and guidance.



    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,11:32)

    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell.  What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him.  I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him.  If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.

    No man, I am not buying this. Sevral months ago, a young man came on here in pain because his dad committed suicide, and wanted to believe in God, because he was skeptical. YOU suggested he call the JW's for them to come by for a visit, KNOWING their tracts lead to JW beliefs, shich is Jesus is not God. ect. etc. You did not witness him to read the scriptures and find Jesus, you wanted some JW's to come by and educate him. If it walks like a duck………It must be a duck. Peace

    Mark! You are indeed wrong about the JW being so bad…. It was one of them that showed us Jesus preexisted His birth on earth….

    And even Russell has truth… get His Book, you might learn somethings…Peace Irene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,10:03)

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 01 2011,15:28)
    I know Mike that this is not your prefered way .

    I simply posted them not for you but for others to meditate sriously.

    Okay, then I hope the others do what you want.  I might take a look at them someday when I have the time.

    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 01 2011,15:28)


    lUKE 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and
    and he to whom the Son will reveal him.

    YOU should keep that in mind, Charles.  It clearly says that all things Jesus has were GIVEN to him by his Father and God.  It further lists Jesus as someone OTHER THAN his Father, who we all know from scripture is “the ONLY true God”.  :)


    “the ONLY true God


    “the ONLY true God and Jesus Christ

    peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,12:13)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2011,18:32)

    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell.  What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him.  I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him.  If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.

    No man, I am not buying this. Sevral months ago, a young man came on here in pain because his dad committed suicide, and wanted to believe in God, because he was skeptical. YOU suggested he call the JW's for them to come by for a visit, KNOWING their tracts lead to JW beliefs, shich is Jesus is not God. ect. etc. You did not witness him to read the scriptures and find Jesus, you wanted some JW's to come by and educate him. If it walks like a duck………It must be a duck. Peace

    Unitarians don't believe Jesus is God Almighty.  By your logic, I'm not only a JW, but also a Unitarian.  ???

    T8 doesn't believe Jesus is God Almighty.  Does that mean I AM t8?  ???

    Come on Mark.  This man needed a flesh and blood BODY in his presence to comfort him.  When is the last time YOUR pastor made a house call just to discuss scriptures with someone who was hurting?

    I offered him the JW Organization, because I knew they would come, IN PERSON, to him and offer help and guidance.


    I'm not buying this either. Any person who has read the bible with heart for God and what he wants from us knows the unitarians are nuts. Jesus is Lord. It says not to worship angels, They do. The bible condems mediums and fortunetelling, they embrace it etc. etc.  There are MANY churches who would be more than compassionate to him, and would come by. You know what JW's will tell him. They are the correct ones. All other is false worship. The things you say kinda. (walks like a duck). Their tracts are not scriptural, and they leave them by the load everywhere. You knew they would shape him in thier thinking because you know them well. Otherwise you wouldn't have told him to call THEM instead of getting a Bible and calling GOD. God would manifest himself to him at his request. Were you afraid he would form his own personal beliefs in Jesus? Hmmmm. Walks like a duck to me.

     One more thing. I am not trying to make myself better. I don't view myself as better than anyone. I think ALL the churches are mislead. ANY church that says “we got the real deal here, come pass the loot, god will bless you” are crooked and evil. Most of the others are just as hypocritical.

    I went to Talladega speedway a few years ago. In the camp, there was a row of porta-potties about 10 long across the street from where we were set up. This lady must have been tent camping, and had to go to the bathroom a.s.a.p. She opened the first, and saw how disgusting it was. the second, the third etc etc. to the last one. Then I saw the look on her face as she had to decide on which one she was going to use, she had to use one.  I feel the same way now. Their all wrong in one way or another. Their is none that follows God and lives to serve him and spread love and charity and forgive EVERYONES sins, and humble themselves to admit no one is Rightious. Also, this is an evil age we live in, and unless you live under a rock you should be in horror at what is unfolding, instead of arguing on who is right, begging God to come,”thy Kingdom come”.  do the Jehovahs witnesses say the Lord's prayer in church? I don't think so. My point-They are all flawed, and to suggest one who preaches almost SOLELY what they in particular believe showes where your loyalty is. I say read the Bible yourself, and ask God to manifest himself to you in an obvious way, and if you ask with a sincere and humble heart he will, in ways that you won't be able to explain in human terms, like he has to me. Have a personal relationship with him as you read the truth for yourself, because everyone these days it seems are in it for THEMSELVES. The bible the Gideons leave in any Hotel and many lobbys give good overviews and scriptures in the front for the plan of salvation in simple terms. Then overview the churches or find a home based gathering of believers and find a place to worship GOD. Peace-Mark


    Quote (Pastry @ Nov. 02 2011,13:55)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,11:32)

    I don't follow any man, including Charles Taze Russell.  What you just posted about him is more than I ever knew about him.  I don't know that much about him because I don't follow him.  If it is absolutely necessary for you to bash the JWs in an attempt to make yourself feel better or wiser or “right”, then at least save those bashes for David; because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been one.

    No man, I am not buying this. Sevral months ago, a young man came on here in pain because his dad committed suicide, and wanted to believe in God, because he was skeptical. YOU suggested he call the JW's for them to come by for a visit, KNOWING their tracts lead to JW beliefs, shich is Jesus is not God. ect. etc. You did not witness him to read the scriptures and find Jesus, you wanted some JW's to come by and educate him. If it walks like a duck………It must be a duck. Peace

    Mark!  You are indeed wrong about the JW being so bad…. It was one of them that showed us Jesus preexisted His birth on earth….

    And even Russell has truth… get His Book, you might learn somethings…Peace Irene


    He called for the day of God or something and nothing happened. That makes him a false prophet and Moses said not to fear him. Also, the things i read from the tracts they leave do not make scriptural sense to me. You condemn the Catholic church as being Babylon and the Pope is the anti- christ and support him? They are all flawed Irene. Only God is good. Only God's word is truth. Like you quoted, God is spirit. Jesus and the Father are one. They are one. Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,10:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2011,01:42)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2011,11:54)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,18:14)

    You didn't answer the question- Is your spirit with you now? Is it you?

    No, and No.  My spirit is a part OF me, and therefore is neither me nor with me.

    Hi Mike,

    Possessions are either with someone or not with someone;
    how is your spirit (which you call a possession) not with you?
    Or does the story change depending on who you are talking to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    I POSSESS 10 fingers and 10 toes.  All 20 of those digits are a part of me, yet I POSSESS them.

    Hi Mike,

    If you possess them then they are with you, correct?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    By the way Irene. You have asserted things about the RCC that wer urban legend that were not true (like the popes tieras inscription being his title, and it adding to 666). I am not attacking them, like I said. The RCC is wrong in alot of things too, as I have openly pointed out many times on this forumn. But the Jw's are too in many things I feel. A few questions I found in researching them-

    If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards? (“They lost roughly three-quarters of the movement between 1925 and 1928, then suffered huge losses after 1975, when the end didn't come as they had implied over and over again,” said Jim Penton, an ex-Witness who writes entries on Jehovah's Witnesses for the Encyclopedia Americana.)
    If the Watchtower organization rejects others calling them “inspired” yet the Watchtower organization does call themselves “God's Spirit-directed Prophet” what is the difference? Is there such a thing as an “uninspired prophet”?
    Has the Society ever taught anything scripturally incorrect?
    Might the Society be teaching anything scripturally incorrect now?
    Since the Organization has received “new light” regarding the 1914 generation, and completely changed their view on this, does this mean that all the former Jehovah's witnesses who were disfellowshipped years ago for the same view the organization is now teaching will automatically be accepted into fellowship again? Were these Ex-Jw's in fact disfellowshipped for truth and knew things that the governing body did not?
    Can Jehovah's Witnesses hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah's Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine?
    Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it's publications to do so?
    How do you prove from the Bible that 1935 was the year for the selection to heaven stopped due to being filled? What is the difference between a Catholic appealing to “what the organization tells him” about December 25 being the date of Jesus’ birthday and a Jw’ appealing to “what the organization tells him” about the date 1935? Is it not hypocritical when you chide the “poor deluded Catholic” that his faith cannot find a Bible passage to support it, when the same goes for you and 1935?

    There were many more things this author brought up. They are ALL flawed Irene. We are too until Jesus gets here and sets it all straight. Peace-Mark


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2011,22:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,10:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2011,01:42)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2011,11:54)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,18:14)

    You didn't answer the question- Is your spirit with you now? Is it you?

    No, and No.  My spirit is a part OF me, and therefore is neither me nor with me.

    Hi Mike,

    Possessions are either with someone or not with someone;
    how is your spirit (which you call a possession) not with you?
    Or does the story change depending on who you are talking to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    I POSSESS 10 fingers and 10 toes.  All 20 of those digits are a part of me, yet I POSSESS them.

    Hi Mike,

    If you possess them then they are with you, correct?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    When your spirit leaves you,and is no longer a part of you, your body dies or is on life support. IMHO. Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,23:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2011,22:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,10:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2011,01:42)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2011,11:54)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,18:14)

    You didn't answer the question- Is your spirit with you now? Is it you?

    No, and No.  My spirit is a part OF me, and therefore is neither me nor with me.

    Hi Mike,

    Possessions are either with someone or not with someone;
    how is your spirit (which you call a possession) not with you?
    Or does the story change depending on who you are talking to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    I POSSESS 10 fingers and 10 toes.  All 20 of those digits are a part of me, yet I POSSESS them.

    Hi Mike,

    If you possess them then they are with you, correct?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    When your spirit leaves you,and is no longer a part of you, your body dies or is on life support.  IMHO. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mike,

    Likewise when the brain does not work, we are
    considered a vegetable (vegetables don't have souls).
    So you agree with me: all three comprise life as we know it.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,02:43)

    “In 1870, Charles Taze Russell and others formed an independent group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to study the Bible.[16][17] During the course of his ministry Russell disputed many of the creeds, doctrines, and traditions of mainstream Christianity including immortality of the soul, hellfire, predestination, the fleshly return of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, and the burning up of the world.”

     How to view this man? Let's see how he honored his vow to God in marriage-

    “On March 13, 1879, Russell married Maria Frances Ackley (/məˈraɪ.ə/; 1850–1938) after a few months' acquaintance.[20] The couple separated in 1897. Russell blamed the marriage breakup on disagreements over Maria's insistence for a greater editorial role in Zion's Watch Tower magazine,[21] though a later court judgment noted that he had labelled the marriage “a mistake” three years before the dispute over her editorial ambitions had arisen.[22] Maria Russell filed a suit for legal separation in the Court of Common Pleas at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in June 1903 and three years later filed for divorce under the claim of mental cruelty.[23] She was granted a divorce from bed and board, with alimony, in 1908.[24] Maria Russell died at the age of 88 in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 12, 1938 from complications related to Hodgkin's disease.[25]”
    Also, it is written in scripture to judge a prophet on how his predictions play out. If they do not come to pass, do not fear them. They predicted many times the inauguration of the Kingdom, which never materialized. Nope. don't fear him.

    Peace and Love Mike-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    I re-posted this quote, putting it in the thread it fits best. (Here is the Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,03:23)
    In the NWT, every time the Greek word “proskuneo” is used in reference to God, it is translated as “worship” (Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, 19:4, Jn 4:20, etc.). Every time “proskuneo” is used in reference to Jesus, it is translated as “obeisance” (Mt 14:33, 28:9, 28:17, Lk 24:52, Heb 1:6, etc.), even though it is the same word in the Greek (see Gr-Engl Interlinear). Especially compare the Greek word “prosekunhsan” used with reference to God in Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, and 19:4 and used with reference to Christ in Mt 14:33, 28:9, and 28:17. What is the reason for this inconsistency? If the NWT was consistent in translating “proskuneo” as “worship”, how would the verses above referring to Christ read?
    The NWT translates the Greek word “kyrios” as “Jehovah” more than 25 times in the New Testament (Mt 3:3, Lk 2:9, Jn 1:23, Acts 21:14, Rom 12:19, Col 1:10, 1Thess 5:2, 1Pet 1:25, Rev 4:8, etc.). Why is the word “Jehovah” translated when it does not appear in the Greek text? Why is the NWT not consistent in translating kyrios (kurion) as “Jehovah” in Rom 10:9, 1Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, 2Thess 2:1, and Rev 22:21 (see Gr-Engl Interlinear)?

    I found this interesting.

    Hi Mark,

    I re-posted this quote, putting it in the thread it fits best. (Here is the Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Thanks Ed. You are the computer guru. I wish I could do the things you do with fonts and colors and links. I do not have the patience. You are good. Peace-Mark


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2011,23:28)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,23:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2011,22:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 02 2011,10:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2011,01:42)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2011,11:54)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,18:14)

    You didn't answer the question- Is your spirit with you now? Is it you?

    No, and No.  My spirit is a part OF me, and therefore is neither me nor with me.

    Hi Mike,

    Possessions are either with someone or not with someone;
    how is your spirit (which you call a possession) not with you?
    Or does the story change depending on who you are talking to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    I POSSESS 10 fingers and 10 toes.  All 20 of those digits are a part of me, yet I POSSESS them.

    Hi Mike,

    If you possess them then they are with you, correct?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    When your spirit leaves you,and is no longer a part of you, your body dies or is on life support.  IMHO. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mike,

    Likewise when the brain does not work, we are
    considered a vegetable (vegetables don't have souls).
    So you agree with me: all three comprise life as we know it.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Yup! :)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,23:53)
    Thanks Ed. You are the computer guru. I wish I could do the things you do with fonts and colors and links. I do not have the patience. You are good. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you, I'm a fast learner; I started working with computers in Oct of 2009.

    I started a help thread, to help others learn simple HTML Code;
    the thread is located here… (Click here)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (carmel @ Nov. 02 2011,00:39)

    “the ONLY true God and Jesus Christ

    That's correct, Charles.

    Mike AND Charles.

    Mark AND Irene.

    John AND Jim.

    See how that word AND makes the above references be about TWO beings, not one?

    You wrote “the ONLY true God AND Jesus Christ”.  The word “AND” works the same way in this sentence fragment as it does in the ones above.  It makes the statement refer to TWO, not to ONE. And since only ONE of the TWO mentioned is “the ONLY true God”, that means the other one mentioned is NOT “the ONLY true God”. Just like the sentence fragment “Mike AND Charles” prohibits Charles from BEING Mike.

    (Hint, the word “christ” is another dead giveaway, for it refers – not to God Himself – but to someone who has been anointed BY God.)



    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2011,10:23)
    In the NWT, every time the Greek word “proskuneo” is used in reference to God, it is translated as “worship” (Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, 19:4, Jn 4:20, etc.). Every time “proskuneo” is used in reference to Jesus, it is translated as “obeisance” (Mt 14:33, 28:9, 28:17, Lk 24:52, Heb 1:6, etc.), even though it is the same word in the Greek (see Gr-Engl Interlinear). Especially compare the Greek word “prosekunhsan” used with reference to God in Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, and 19:4 and used with reference to Christ in Mt 14:33, 28:9, and 28:17. What is the reason for this inconsistency? If the NWT was consistent in translating “proskuneo” as “worship”, how would the verses above referring to Christ read?
    The NWT translates the Greek word “kyrios” as “Jehovah” more than 25 times in the New Testament (Mt 3:3, Lk 2:9, Jn 1:23, Acts 21:14, Rom 12:19, Col 1:10, 1Thess 5:2, 1Pet 1:25, Rev 4:8, etc.). Why is the word “Jehovah” translated when it does not appear in the Greek text? Why is the NWT not consistent in translating kyrios (kurion) as “Jehovah” in Rom 10:9, 1Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, 2Thess 2:1, and Rev 22:21 (see Gr-Engl Interlinear)?

    I found this interesting.

    Mark, the word “proskuneo” basically means “kiss the hand”. It refers to one bowing down to and kissing the hand of another to show that one reverence. In the case of God Almighty, the meaning is one of worship. But when the same word is used to describe a man bowing to King David, the meaning is “doing obeisance”, ie: “showing reverence”.

    It is similar with the English translations of “messenger” and “angel”. In the Greek language, both words are “aggelos”. But depending on the context, that one Greek word could refer either to a human messenger of a king, or to a spirit angel of God. Therefore, that ONE Greek word is translated more than one way into English.

    When the “proskuneo” being performed is toward Jehovah God, the NWT rightly translates it as “worship”. When the “proskuneo” being performed is toward Jesus, David, or anyone else, the NWT correctly translates it as “doing obeisance”.

    And the NWT uses God's Name in the NT, even thought it is not there in the oldest Greek mss we have found to date. They insert His divine name where it is clear from the context that Jehovah is the “Lord” being discussed. Other Bibles do the same thing.

    But this is interesting stuff that I wish you would bring up in the “Blatant Corruption in the NWT” thread. I will happily research and comment on any questionable NWT renderings you have found. That way, we can both learn about the hows and whys of the matter together.



    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2011,05:26)
    Their tracts are not scriptural……………

    do the Jehovahs witnesses say the Lord's prayer in church? I don't think so.

    Hi Mark,

    These are excellent points to bring up in the “Blatant NWT” or “What do the JWs teach” threads.

    Please do so, because I would LOVE for you to post one of their “unscriptural tracts”, so we can go through the scriptures and find out if what you claim is truth…………or just bias.  I would also LOVE to show you how Jesus taught us not to say the same prayer over and over, but to speak from our heart.  The “Lord's Prayer” was an EXAMPLE of how we should pray.  It was never meant to be exact words that we mimic over and over like a parrot.

    But this thread is designed for a different purpose.  Please respect the topic of discussion.

    Speaking of which………….where were we?  You were in the process of discovering that just because you WANT “in the beginning” to mean “from eternity”, it doesn't have to mean that.

    And we were both learning that the same “origins from ancient times” phrase was said about Jesus AND the city of Tyre – with the same Hebrew words.  I believe you were about to tell me how the city of Tyre was “from eternity”, right?  :)

Viewing 20 posts - 401 through 420 (of 1,036 total)
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