Bloodless atonement

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  • #794621

    Hi BD,

    You have you own ideas about history.

    But the witness of God is much stronger.


    Hi BD,

    I love the way God has drawn out and exposed your rage and hostility against Him.

    He has taken away the fleece so the fur of the wolf can be seen by all.

    Lk 8.17

    “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”




    Every one of the four writer of what is called the gospels testified the Jesus was crucified, laid in the grave three days, and was resurrected on the third day. They were explicit about these events. Either these events occurred or the four males who told them were liars.

    There descriptions are not parables.

    Here is Paul’s words that fit this matter:

    1 Corinthians 15:12-15Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

    First of all Paul says “if there is no resurrection from the dead, then christ is not risen” There is no argument from me that there is no resurrection. And not all the accounts have Jesus in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights as Jesus said was the ONLY sign

    Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    So for 3 days and nights was Jonah dead or alive? He was alive and those 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. The preparation day is the day Jesus crucified according to the scripture so he was placed in the tomb Friday evening he would have been in there all saturday and he was gone by early sunday.

    Friday night/Saturdany morning/Saturday night/ that is 1.5 or 1 day and 2 nights and keep in mind Jesus gave this sign because of what?

    Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away

    Luke 8:10 He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, “‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’

    Jonah was alive and prayed for salvation just like Jesus and was heard and after God saved him from the cross God raised Jesus up to Himself

    Nay, Allah raised him up unto himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

    ( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #158)


    None of the disciples waited for 3 days and nights even the women who went to anoint the body with oils do you think you would try to anoint a 3 day old dead corpse, of course not! The scriptures say the women followed the night of the crucifixion to see where he was laid they went home to obey the sabbath and as soon as the sabbath was over they were there while it was still yet dark, there is no way to get 3 days or nights out of there so the sign of Jonah was not what you thought. Jonah escaped death:


    Hi BD,

    Jonah 2,

    2″..I cried for help from the depths of Sheol”


    Bodhitharta v God = not looking good for BD





    The reason for the waiting to anoint the body is that it was a High Sabbath during the events. The High Sabbath had a different set of rules to follow, more or less it just extended the days observed. Which in this case was three days.

    Why didn’t they break the Sabbath, you would be put to death during this time. So either they did not want to die, or if they did they would have disgraced their god and made his works null and void.

    could you image going through that with Mohammad knowing he is dead and should receive the proper burial and you could not do it due to some ritual that had to be adhered to. most likely if was very difficult time for the ones that followed jesus.

    Sabbath is no longer needed by the modern Christian.


    Hi Nick

    Hi BD,

    Jonah 2,

    2″..I cried for help from the depths of Sheol”

    Was Jonah Alive or Dead when he cried from the depths of sheol? He was alive!


    Hi Princess


    The reason for the waiting to anoint the body is that it was a High Sabbath during the events. The High Sabbath had a different set of rules to follow, more or less it just extended the days observed. Which in this case was three days.

    Why didn’t they break the Sabbath, you would be put to death during this time. So either they did not want to die, or if they did they would have disgraced their god and made his works null and void.

    could you image going through that with Mohammad knowing he is dead and should receive the proper burial and you could not do it due to some ritual that had to be adhered to. most likely if was very difficult time for the ones that followed jesus.

    Sabbath is no longer needed by the modern Christian.

    Hope you are doing well, first off I do not love Muhammad more than Jesus so being around when either died sure would have been distressing. my point about the anointing of the body was that the body WASN”T 3 days old so they knew they could do it because only a day passed…they followed the night he was “crucified” saw where the body was went home in obedience to the Sabbath and while it was still dark and the sabbath was ending they came back to the tomb so there was no 3 days, you can’t even count sunday because he was already missing so you have friday evening and all saturday so even if you count partial days as whole days you still have less than 3


    Hi BD,

    You love both because neither is your master?

    You are your own master and you try to make the God of Israel your enemy.



    He was only in the grave a day and a half. He was in the grave on three days. Bodies are known to be left in state several days and at least some of the Jews respect the Sabbath and do not work on it.

    I do not see a reason to keep on addressing objections of this nature because you can always find objections whether they have any truth to them or not.

    The bottom line is do you believe the human that wrote the accounts of Jesus death, resurrection, and ascension were honest. You answer is no.


    Hi P,

    Sheol is the home of the physically dead.


    But Jonah as a prophet was alike to Jesus.

    He was alive in the Spirit of Christ.1Peter 1


    Hi Kerwin


    He was only in the grave a day and a half. He was in the grave on three days. Bodies are known to be left in state several days and at least some of the Jews respect the Sabbath and do not work on it.

    I do not see a reason to keep on addressing objections of this nature because you can always find objections whether they have any truth to them or not.

    The bottom line is do you believe the human that wrote the accounts of Jesus death, resurrection, and ascension were honest. You answer is no.

    Absolutely yes, I believe they were HONEST and that’s the best thing because truth and honesty are two different things. When people are honest you can only then find out the whole truth but when people are just truthful they can be very dishonest through omission. The Honest facts are that the writers of the Gospels differ on when Jesus was Crucified and what took place afterwards. The honest fact is he was not in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights according to the scriptures so this is not arguing with the scriptures as Nick needs to believe, so I believe the writers were being HONEST in conveying the story to the best of their recollection.


    Hi BD,

    No that is just what your research has led you to believe at this stage.

    I think only you regards you as an expert on these matters.


    Hi BD,

    I just spent a few days at our holiday home.A long weekend-3 days.

    Well to be perfectly honest I was only there for 42 hours over the three days.


    ooops does that make me a liar too because I was not there the full 72 hours?


    Your human legalistic interpretations are more likely to make a fool of you than scripture.



    Hi Nick

    Hi BD,

    I just spent a few days at our holiday home.A long weekend-3 days.

    Well to be perfectly honest I was only there for 42 hours over the three days.

    ooops does that make me a liar too because I was not there the full 72 hours?

    So you weren’t there for 3 days and 3 nights… you got there friday night and left sunday afternoon? would you be including friday, saturday and sunday as 3 days? well Jesus wasn’t even there at all on sunday so yea your long weekend was longer than Jesus was in the tomb according to the scriptures


    Hi BD,

    So get the picture then?


    Intellectual analysis will never be satisfied with spiritual words.

    But guess Who is right.



    There are differences in the account but the when. Some simply do include what others have written, some speak of two Passovers, one tells of a group of women being nearest the cross when Jesus dies and another seems to speak of a mixed group. The two thief seem to be different in one account than they are in another. There are some differences and that is normal to eyewitness accounts but they all four testify Jesus died very near to Friday night and was resurrected before the disciples came to treat his body on Sunday Morning.

    So are you claiming that they just believed he died but he was actually still living when the Roman soldier jabbed him with a spear and that Paul was later mistaken when he said if Jesus did not raise from the death they he and those who taught he did were false teachers. Interesting claim.


    Hi Kerwin

    There are differences in the account but the when. Some simply do include what others have written, some speak of two Passovers, one tells of a group of women being nearest the cross when Jesus dies and another seems to speak of a mixed group. The two thief seem to be different in one account than they are in another. There are some differences and that is normal to eyewitness accounts but they all four testify Jesus died very near to Friday night and was resurrected before the disciples came to treat his body on Sunday Morning.

    So are you claiming that they just believed he died but he was actually still living when the Roman soldier jabbed him with a spear and that Paul was later mistaken when he said if Jesus did not raise from the death they he and those who taught he did were false teachers. Interesting claim.

    The fact is the accounts are speculative and conjecture as far as Paul is concerned the scripture says the lamb of God takes away sins and that has nothing to do with physical resurrection so everyone who taught that Jesus was the messiah and whosoever believes in him and repents shall be saved are not false teachers


     I do not love Muhammad more than Jesus so being around when either died sure would have been distressing

    Thought you said Jesus didn’t die!



    I do not love Muhammad more than Jesus so being around when either died sure would have been distressing

    Thought you said Jesus didn’t die!

    During the time people thought it occured. Jesus was not crucified or Killed. Praise God!

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