Animal Sacrifices

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  • #842437

    Hi Miia,

    Not quite the same thing.

    It is not for us to question the ways of God.

    Hi Nick.

    I often question God. That is how we learn. ‘Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you.’


    I can’t explain everything in the bible, but I do know right from wrong. I do know that we inherited our love from God.

    I know that God does not torture people alive for eternity. I also know we inherited our compassion for the mistreatment of animals from God.
    I know that if we are to turn and become like children that if you showed a child the truths of what happens in slaughterhouses they probably would not touch meat again. Why do you think we shield them from those truths?


    (our compassion for the mistreatment of both people and animals)


    Hi Miia,

    Vegetarianism is a valid personal choice as Daniel and his friends showed.

    But why would you browbeat all who make different choices?


    Hi T8,

    God did not curse the earth.

    He cursed the ground.


    Hi Miia,

    Again, not quite.

    Acts 15.19

    Therefore it is my judgement that we do not trouble those who are turning to God

    from among the gentiles, but that we write to them that they abstain from things

    contaminated by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood


    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    The High Priest (Jesus Christ) carried the flesh body of the Lamb of God(Jesus) into the heavenly temple.(Heb)

    All the other animal sacrifices pointed towards this saving event.

    Hi Nick,

    I agree with you here brother.

    Hi Ed,

    So Jesus Christ no longer has a flesh body.

    Hi Nick,

    Are you now arguing against your own words ???

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    Your question is unclear to me ???
    What blindness are you referring to?

    Hi Ed.

    I just can’t believe people can’t see the contradiction between Paul and the Disciples.

    The Disciples said to the gentiles: eat no meat or blood.

    Paul said eat whatever the heck you want.

    Hi Miia,

    They didn’t say not to eat meat. Here is what they said:
    “keep themselves from things offered to idols” (Acts 21:25)

    And all animals are bled at the slaughter houses, which is meat.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,


    To clarify;

    Jesus Christ carried his own empty and dead body into the heavenly temple.

    Heb 9.11f


    Hi Miia,

    Vegetarianism is a valid personal choice as Daniel and his friends showed.

    But why would you browbeat all who make different choices?

    Hi Nick,

    As a forum with members who study and debate the Bible, life and doctrines, I’m amazed that some members don’t seem to see or admit /discuss the contradiction between what the disciples said and what Paul said, about such a big thing.


    Hi Ed,

    Why do you quote the words of the disciple out of context? It says:

    “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things: that you abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality, from which if you keep yourselves, it will be well with you.” (Acts 15:28)


    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    I quoted from Acts 21:25, and you quoted from Acts 15:29;
    but they both appear to be saying the exact same thing.

    First point: Meat sacrificed to idols – is not all meat

    Second point: from blood, means meat that is not bled.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    First point: Meat sacrificed to idols – is not all meat

    So how can you tell the difference – you can’t.  Is money not an idol?

    Second point: from blood, means meat that is not bled.

    Meat is not bled properly. If you chop up raw meat it contains blood. And tell me how you know it means ‘meat that is not bled properly’.

    Easiest thing is to avoid all meat, as Jesus and the disciples probably did.



    From Wikipedia:

    Patristic evidence

    In the 4th Century some Jewish Christian groups maintained that Jesus was himself a vegetarian. Epiphanius quotes the Gospel of the Ebionites where Jesus has a confrontation with the high priest. Jesus chastises the leadership saying, “I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood; and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you; even as it came to your fathers in the wilderness, who lusted for flesh, and did sat to their content, and were filled with rottenness, and the plague consumed them.”

    According to Lightfoot, “the Christianized Essennes condemned the slaughter of victims on grounds very different from those alleged in the Epistle of Hebrews, not because they have been superseded by the Atonement, but because they are in their very nature repulsive to God; not because they have ceased to be right, but because they never were right from the beginning”.

    Other early Christian historical documents observe that many influential Christians during the formative centuries of Christianity were vegetarian, though certainly not all. The Clementine homilies, a second-century work purportedly based on the teachings of the Apostle Peter, states, “The unnatural eating of flesh meats is as polluting as the heathen worship of devils, with its sacrifices and its impure feasts, through participation in it a man becomes a fellow eater with devils.”

    Although early Christian vegetarianism appears to have been downplayed in favor of more “modern” Christian culture, the practice of vegetarianism appears to have been very widespread in early Christianity, both in the leadership and among the laity. Origen’s work Contra Celsum quotes Celsus commenting vegetarian practices among Christians he had contact with. Although not vegetarian himself and vehemently against the idea that Christians must be vegetarians, Augustine nevertheless wrote that those Christians who “abstain both from flesh and from wine” are “without number”.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    First point: Meat sacrificed to idols – is not all meat

    (1) So how can you tell the difference – you can’t. Is money not an idol?

    Second point: from blood, means meat that is not bled.

    (2) Meat is not bled properly. If you chop up raw meat it contains blood. And tell me how you know it means ‘meat that is not bled properly’.

    (3) Easiest thing is to avoid all meat, as Jesus and the disciples probably did.

    Hi Miia,

    1) You’re straining at a gnat here and *swallow the camel of scorched earth destruction*
    2) All meat is bled properly at modern slaughter houses
    3) You’re making *another* an incorrect assumption, every Passover lamb is eaten

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    And tell me how you know it means ‘meat that is not bled properly’.

    Hi Miia,

    Context is the clue…

    “That ye abstain from meats offered to idols,
    and from blood,
    and from things strangled”… (Acts 15:29)

    1 meats offered to idols – so we see meat is involved

    2. from things strangled – means eating meat that is strangled to death

    3. Thus abstain “from blood” must mean that meat must be bled – which is what modern slaughterhouses do

    Ed J


    Ed said:

    2) All meat is bled properly at modern slaughter houses

    Ed, go to your fridge, pull out some meat and slice it in half, do you see any blood?


    Ed said:

    Context is the clue…

    “That ye abstain from meats offered to idols,
    and from blood,
    and from things strangled”… (Acts 15:29)

    1 meats offered to idols – so we see meat is involved

    2. from things strangled – means eating meat that is strangled to death

    3. Thus abstain “from blood” must mean that meat must be bled – which is what modern slaughterhouses do

    “Meat offered to idols, blood and things strangled”… i.e, all meat.

    You can believe you are the superior species and that God does not care about the animals, but scripture tells us otherwise. We also know that if the bees vanished the Earth would Deteriorate, but if humans vanished the Earth would Flourish. We are not that important.

    Do you think God is Pleased that a part of his living creation is abused and mistreated by humans – all for the Idol of money and greed?



    Nope. I believe Jesus came to put an end to animal sacrifices, and to try to lead men the right way.

    Ed J

    Ed said:

    2) All meat is bled properly at modern slaughter houses

    Ed, go to your fridge, pull out some meat and slice it in half, do you see any blood?

    Hi Miia,

    It is not talking about that, nor is it talking about eating stake rare.

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