2 Commandments, in Which Way do YOU Love Jesus

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  • #831382


    Interesting.  I am able to post on this thread, but five attempts on the Flat Earth thread result in this…




    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to this topic, I know you are real busy these days.

    You asked me this:

    But where do you place God’s other faithful servants like Michael and Gabriel in your two-choice scenario? Are they God, or neighbor? Where do you place your own children as compared to a person who molests and then sacrifices an innocent child to his god Satan? They are both your neighbors, right?

    Here are three passages that should answer your questions:

    Where to place the angels and other faithful servants…I place them in the second commandment:

    Rev 19:9Then the angel told me to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.” 10So I fell at his feet to worship him. But he told me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who rely on the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

    Where to place my children…I place them in the second commandment:

    Matt 10:37Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; 38and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.…

    Where to place your enemies…I place them in the second commandment:

    Matt 5:43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…

    Mike, your answer was not clear enough. Could you please just answer with which commandment you place your love for Jesus…the first or the second. Matt 10:37 gives you a clue where your greater love SHOULD be between those in your life that are nearest and dearest to you and Jesus.

    Please clarify with a direct answer. Choose one:

    a)First commandment

    b)Second commandment

    Thanks again! LU


    To all….There is no scripture that say Jesus is a God, but there is scripture that says Jesus is our brother, “for he is the first born of “many” brothers”. Notice how many trinitarians “conveniently” forget that verse is even the scriptures as they do many others. JESUS is a brother of mine, he has a GOD, he said, “i am going to “MY” FATHER “AND” YOUR FATHER, “MY” GOD “AND” YOUR GOD.

    JESUS equates his relationship with that God, the same as we do, Jesus relates to us as brothers.

    Lets see now how does Jesus relate to God?, is it not as “his” God, how does he relate to us, is it not as a “brother”. Same as true believers do.


    REMEMBER WHAT SCRIPTURES SAY, “THERE IS BUT “ONE” GOD, UNTO US, AND “ONE” MEDERATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, (THE MAN) JESUS (the anointed man) CHRIST. How simple even a child should understand that.

    SEE IT ANYOTHER WAY, you then are simply not of the truth, AND God the Father is not with those who speak “LIES”. ABOUT HIM OR HIS SON, THEY ARE ANTICHRIST’S.

    Peace and love to you all and yours. ……gene


    Hi Gene,

    So far you have not directly said which commandment you place your love for Jesus. Could you please make that crystal clear for us.

    Can you please select one specific commandment, choose a or be and please leave off any commentary so that we can clearly see where you stand:

    a) The First Commandment

    b) The Second Commandment

    Thank you Gene!


    Okay Kathi, the second, as Jesus fits into the scripture you quoted.
    He is a “fellow servant of God” and a joint heir with me of God’s inheritance.


    Thank you Mike!



    Gene, Ed, Jodi, Nick, Miia, Jael, David and anyone else that hasn’t clearly said which commandment they love Jesus as, could you please post your choice clearly here.

    Thanks in advance!




    Hi LU,

    “For is there is one God, the Father, …and one Lord Jesus Christ.’

    Your games are for those who do not yet fellowship with them.



    Hi Nick,

    Please make it crystal clear. Choose one:

    a) first commandment

    b)second commandment


    Hi LU,

    You should tell us to play your intellectual games?

    ‘We will come to you.’



    LU….I love Jesus as my elder brother, who die for my sin, and sits at the head of the family of God but under GOD THE FATHER, But i do not love him as my God. MY GOD AND HIS GOD ARE THE SAME BEING.

    Peace and love to you and yours…….gene


    Hi Nick,

    I love you. I’ll wait. I hope you can help me understand clearly what is your choice sooner than later. This is not a game for me. I really want to know clearly where everybody stands when looking at these most important commandments.

    God bless,



    Hi Gene,

    Thank you for your indirect answer. I guess that is the best that I am going to get from you? I was hoping for a clear direct answer that identified choice b as your answer. I assume that would be your direct response if you were to give one, correct?

    In part I agree with you…Jesus is the head of the family of God and under God the Father. I also agree that God the Father is not the same being as His Son. Did you realize that I agree about that?


    Hi LU,

    No need for theological games.

    The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.



    Is that your way of saying that the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are all in the first commandment category with you? That when you love the LORD God with all your heart, soul and mind, you are loving the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit more than your neighbor but you also love your neighbor?


    Hi LU,

    Unsatisfied with the foolish pretensions of theoretical human religion?

    You want to fellowship with the Father and the Son?

    Then return to the truth.

    2 John 9


    Hi LU,

    The Father and the Son are in spiritual communion.

    Don’t think too hard but join them.


    Hi Nick,

    The many members of my church and I are in spiritual communion with the Father and the Son.

    Are you in spiritual communion with the Father and the Son and anybody else? If you are the only one member of your idea of “truth” and you can’t even name any other members, maybe your  “truth” needs to realize that  you are probably very wrong.

    I challenge you to find a debate on Youtube with your “truth” vs. the truth of an always existing only begotten Son of God. I would really like to watch it. Would you mind finding one and giving me a link to it, please?


    Hi LU,

    Wonderful that you would believe that.

    It must be unique in the World.


    But God know was those who are His.


    Hi LU,

    So tell us of all the miracles that are being done among your group, the prophecies and deliverances.

    How many are being baptised in the name of Jesus and having hands laid on to receive the Spirit?

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