What is your opinion on this?

There is no doubt that vaccines are a proven scientific way to deal with viruses and their harm. People who oppose them are often cited as unscientific, stupid, and even a harm to society. So what is the best argument against vaccines and a vaccine for Covid-19 in particular? This video probably has the best counter-argument I’ve seen, not that I have seen many videos on this subject. Can you debunk this video? What does this video say that is wrong?

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  • #865266

    Hi Proclaimer,

    Bummer I wanted to watch the video but it’s not available.


    It is there.

    It takes a while to load.


    I was able to send it to myself through facebook messenger.

    It’s Del Bigtree!!…so I’m pretty sure I’m going to agree with it.

    My family and I saw him in person last year when he spoke at the capital building in Salem Oregon for a rally against HB3063 (bill to exclude non vaccinated or partially vaccinated children from school, if you opted out of just 1 vaccine on the CDC schedule your child would not be allowed to attend). My children are only partially vaccinated.  The bill was dropped after reaching the Senate, thank God.

    Yesterday youtube deleted most of his videos, but you can still catch him on his own website thehighwire.com, and on facebook obviously.


    Proclaimer…..As I understand vaccinations, they do not use live virus any more,  but a synthetic compound that fools the amunsystem to generating “antigens”  that will attack the live virus when it see it in your body.   So I believe they are fairly safe.

    That’s my present understanding on vaccines.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    I didn’t know that. Thanks.


    Hi All,

    Yes they actually do in fact still use live virus vaccines that shed.

    Updated from an article from 1/2020 here is a list of them.

    Intranasal Flu5
    Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine
    Rotavirus Vaccine6
    Varicella Virus Vaccine

    The Oral Polio vaccine is not listed as it is no longer licensed in the US as it actually causes Polio. Instead we ship this vaccine to 3rd world countries, where then of course we have seen in those countries a rise in crippled children.

    The developer of this vaccine, Dr. Salk testified in court in the 70’s that since it’s use in the mid 50’s it was responsible for most, if not all, cases of Polio in the US.

    Fact, Polio was already in a decline as well as other viruses such as measles, before these vaccines in the US were administered. When you look at the stats for Polio we do indeed see an even greater decline in the US of Polio upon this vaccine being widely administered. Here is the problem however, when people came down with the exact symptoms of Polio after taking the vaccine they didn’t diagnose these people with Polio. They actually CHANGED the requirement of how doctors were to diagnose Polio. What was diagnosed as Polio before would no longer be diagnosed as Polio. Just this change alone in diagnosis after the vaccine was being widely administered brought down the cases of Polio. What a very corrupt way to make it appear as if the Polio vaccine was effective, when in all actuality it was causing more paralysis then the wild Polio virus.

    This is just one example of the massive corruption by Big Pharm and our government.

    Companies in the 80’s were going to stop manufacturing vaccines all together because they were losing so much money being sued by folks who suffered adverse reactions. To solve this problem President Reagan signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which it’s purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims in order to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines. People don’t realize that there is an additional fee that you pay for with each vaccine, where that money goes into the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. You get injured from a vaccine and the manufacturer is not liable, you take your case to our government. So far they have paid out over 4 billion, and yes they have paid out because they did determine that a vaccine caused autism.

    This bill is disgusting, manufacturers need to worry much less about a competitive market that is based on safety. Big Pharm though has faced major lawsuits with our government where they have had to pay out billions for falsifying/altering research results, where they knew that their drug or vaccine was not safe but put it on the market anyway.

    What caused the already decline in viruses before vaccines were being widely administered was proper hygiene, clean water, and fortified cheap food. In countries that did not have vaccines but saw an increase in these 3 factors saw rapid decline in viruses, decline that were on par with the US since the onset of vaccines.

    If you have not studied the immune response of contracting a virus naturally verses having a vaccine you should! Vaccines bypass several steps in the immune response, which can actually damage your immune system permanently, especially when your immune system is being bombarded with major toxins from the vaccine ingredients like mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde (aluminum was discovered in the brains of Alzheimer patients where doctors and researchers do believe it to be the cause). Then there is the ingredients like aborted fetal tissue, and yes contaminated monkey tissue (hep B vaccine that was widely given to homosexuals and caused the AIDS epidemic). We also have ingredients that then cause severe allergies to peanuts and eggs.

    When children are given multiple vaccines at one time they in fact have exceeded the warning level threshold of mercury and/or aluminum. Mercury, except in certain flu vaccines, has been taken out of most vaccines. The government and Big Pharm actually knew since the beginning of the 1990’s that there was a significant correlation between mercury and autism, as well as other neurological disorders. Upon this  research study there was a government meeting about the findings which they suppressed from the public. I read the transcript of this meeting which had to be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

    Several years ago there were some articles commending WHO for a record number of vaccines administered in just a short time period in a few countries in Africa. The truth however as to why so many vaccines in such a short period of time is nothing commendable at all. First let me say that you are not suppose to administer vaccines when a child is sick, as it is more likely that a child will suffer from adverse reactions. So you can imagine I’m sure how well malnourished and sick children in 3rd world countries can handle vaccines. Villages in Africa had so many children permanently damaged from vaccines that word spread, so by the time the vans rolled in to vaccinate a new village all the children were missing, the parents had them in hiding. This is why they had to administer so many vaccines in such a short period of time, so they could stay ahead of bad word.

    I can’t recall which country it was in South America now, though I believe this was also done in Africa as well, but it was this country in SA that did their own research and discovered that the tetanus vaccine that came to their country that was given only to females of childbearing age was contaminated with high levels of HCG. Girls were made sterile, and woman who were pregnant had miscarriages or delivered stillborn babies.  The government believed this was done intentionally.

    More and more doctors are coming forward, saying that there medical schooling was a crock, they learned very little about the immune system and effective natural cures, instead all they learned were which drugs to prescribe for lifetime use. Doctors receive pay outs multiple times a year for reaching a certain vaccine quota. They will administer additional vaccines prior to the schedule so they can reach these quotas.

    I could go on and on, I’ll just end for now with giving a few quotes that focus mostly on SIDS.

    “My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.” –Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.

    “Delay of DPT immunization until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death.” –Raymond Obomsawin, Ph.D.

    “These data show that DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for re-evaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study.” –William C. Torch, M.D., Director of Child Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine

    “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been reported following administration of DPT. The significance is unclear. 85% of SIDS cases occur in the period 1 through 6 months of age, with the peak incidence at age 2 to 4 months.” –From the accompanying insert to Connaught Labs DPT shot.

    “Our children face the possibility of death or serious long-term adverse effects from mandated vaccines that aren’t necessary or that have very limited benefits.” — Jane M. Orient, M.D., Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) executive director.



    Jodi…..I was alive when they did not have a Polio vaccine my childhoods mother was crippled by it, she could hardly walk, the people my dad bought or farm had a son that was crippled by polio, our neighbor was also crippled by it.  There were millions afflected with it, until Dr. Sault vaccine was developed, an that vertually wiped it out, there are no cases of Polio that I know of today.  So my personal  experience was, that vaccine help the whole world.  Don’t know about side effects, I was given the sugar cubes that contained the vaccine when I was about 10 years old.

    But I do agree that taking a “live” virus can be dangerous, years ago when I was about 25 years old I was given a live flue virus,  and never got so sick in my life from it,  thats why I questioned my Pharmest about the flu and pneumonia shots they were goin to give me, and they informed me that those shots were not live virus  but a chimical compounds that fools the amunsystem into producing antagions that will remember to attack any site of the live virus in the blood, so if you do come in  contac you will only experience only a mild case of it.

    I am not an expert in this subject but just telling you of what I saw concerning polio when I was young,  and what I was told by my Pharmest, about the present Vaccines they use. I take flu and pneumonia  shots every year.  At my age getting any of those can mean a death sentence to me.  I did get very sick last January and February,  even though I had the shots, but I believe it was the Corno virus that is presently going around.  I believe it was here months before they knew it was.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene

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