NickHassan posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
@t8 Hi T8,
So you think Jesus was a god but not our God?
Was he one of many gods or did he have a place above other gods?
You believe a god had to die to save men and we can follow this god despite his inbuilt advantages?”
For us there is ONE GOD and one Lord, Jesus Christ.
Polytheism is not for us.
Nick, there is one God who has always existed. Obviously, what I said is actually scripture that you can checkout for yourself. It also stands to reason that someone had to be first to be with God. What we read is the Word was with God and the universe was made through the Word and all that was made came through the Word. Likewise, we read that God created the universe through the Son of God. It’s written down for all to see, and the pure in heart and innocent can accept it because the Spirit cannot work in a man that is full of himself. The wise of this world cannot accept the truth. They prefer so-called hidden knowledge that has its base in human intellect and with this they like to gain power over others.