Trinity Doctrine resources

Part 01 – The Trinity Doctrine
Part 02 – Who is the Most High God.
Part 03 – Who and what is Jesus?
Part 04 – The true meaning of ‘God’.
Part 05 – Supporting the Trinity Doctrine
Part 06 – Pre-Nicene writings
Part 07 – Development of the Trinity
Part 08 – Why challenge the Trinity Doctrine
Part 09 – Trinity Doctrine conclusion
Part 10 – An Apostasy
Part 11 – 100 indisputable proof verses
Part 12 – What is your confession?
Part 13 – The Roman Catholic faith
Part 14 – Trinity Doctrine resources

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Below are some videos that help give a clearer picture of the false doctrine of the Trinity and also some insight into Babylon and Mystery Babylon.

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  • #798851

    Hi davidl,

    Yes you hold STUBBORNLY to the teachings of men at the expense of truth.

    Soften the neck.


    The Deity of Jesus Christ is what I hold to as the true faith handed down to us by the Apostles, as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures.

    I and the Father are One.” – these are the words of Christ

    All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” – Matthew 11:27

    No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known.” – John 1:18


    Hi davidl,

    Yes you hold on to verses that you cannot understand to defend the dogmas of men.


    The Divinity of the Son is known through the revelation of the Holy Spirit – not the teaching of man.


    Hi davidl,

    You claim to be reborn of the Spirit but

    you prefer the teachings of men?


    What gives?


    show me anything I have shared that is based on the teachings of men.



    Do you believe mankind did evil before they ate of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil?



    Mankind gained the knowledge they were naked from eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and they also were ashamed of being in the sight of God.



    You have been but you do not see. If you saw then you would not have to be shown it.

    There is but one mediator between God and humankind and it is not God but it is the human being Jesus Christ whom gave gave his life that we could be reconciled with God (1 Timothy 2:5).

    Your teaching instead claims their one person of the Godhead between humanity and the Father portion of the Godhead and that person is God the Son that laid his life down for us.

    They are two different teachings and yours is not from Scripture.

    If you had eyes to see and ears to hear then you would know this.


    Hi KW,

    Yes they gained new knowledge.



    Hi davidl

    There is no trinity taught in scripture

    But you extol the idea.



    They also became servants or slaves to sin as Jesus states the Son sets you truly free of being a servant or slave of sin.


    Hi KW,

    Yes serving inner lusts of the god of this world led to slavery to sin.

    James 1

    The new covenant can set you free.


    Hi KW
    Heb 8.13
    When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.


    But you try to serve both??



    It is a good passage but please post it in the thread we are discussing that issue. Thank you.



    And thus my point that they gained knowledge of how to do both good and evil but not the maturity to do only good.


    Hi KW,

    So you assume that ?


    Lets put the idea of Jesus words “I and my father are one” meaning they are same God to rest,  The word ‘one’ means total unity. yes it is possible between human brethren, not often but possible. I have had several instances myself.  So. those words DO NOT claim the trinity.


    @davidL wrote

    The Deity of Jesus Christ is what I hold to as the true faith handed down to us by the Apostles, as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures.

    I and the Father are One.” – these are the words of Christ

    You quoted John 10:30.  I and the father are one. Jesus translates that scripture for you and tells you what he means at John 17:22. He says  “The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as we are one.”  he’s talking about the Christian congregation being “one’..JUST AS; OR IN THE SAME WAY THAT THE FATHER AND THE SONE ARE ONE. If you believe he and his father being one…means they are the same exact people..than you must believe these Christians are either the same exact people, or part of the trinity. Or is it that the Christian congregation is to be one in unity, will, and purpose, JUST AS the father and son are one in unity, will and purpose?

    All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” – Matthew 11:27

    This only proves that Jesus is NOT God, otherwise why would he need to have anything handed over to him. Wouldn’t it already belong to him? Jesus tells us himself that he must always be *given* power or authority! (Mt.28:18; 11:27; Jn.5:22,25,26; 17:2; 3:35; 2Pt.1:17). Wouldn’t he already have it, if he were God?

    No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known.” – John 1:18

    If no man has ever seen God, than how is Jesus God when lots of people saw him, even after his resurrection? misquoted the 2nd part of the scripture. It does not read “who is himself God” reads, “who is in the bosom of God.”or another translation says “who is in closest relationship to God” which also proves that Jesus is not God?







    No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known.” – John 1:18

    If no man has ever seen God, than how is Jesus God when lots of people saw him, even after his resurrection?


    It seems that I am the one who misquoted you. My apologies.


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