Trinity Doctrine resources

Part 01 – The Trinity Doctrine
Part 02 – Who is the Most High God.
Part 03 – Who and what is Jesus?
Part 04 – The true meaning of ‘God’.
Part 05 – Supporting the Trinity Doctrine
Part 06 – Pre-Nicene writings
Part 07 – Development of the Trinity
Part 08 – Why challenge the Trinity Doctrine
Part 09 – Trinity Doctrine conclusion
Part 10 – An Apostasy
Part 11 – 100 indisputable proof verses
Part 12 – What is your confession?
Part 13 – The Roman Catholic faith
Part 14 – Trinity Doctrine resources

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Below are some videos that help give a clearer picture of the false doctrine of the Trinity and also some insight into Babylon and Mystery Babylon.

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    Ok Kerwin that’s well and good and God gives us permission to sin too right? not only permission but he ordained it before time began. Oh woe to us being sinners in the hands of the angry potter! But wait,he gave Jesus Christ as the ordained appeasement too.Praise God!



    Those who live by the Spirit cannot sin as sin is the work of the flesh.

    I know that God cannot be tempted by evil and so do not hold to the teaching of those ignorant and corrupt humans that teach he can.

    The very Spirit of God cries out against such corrupt teachings.


    So God being sovereign is inherently corrupt!

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely!



    I do not believe that power corrupts. I instead believe than humanity is corrupted be eating the fruit and Jesus lived, died, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven that we may be set free.


    But remember that it was by eating the fruit that men became like the gods knowing good and evil.



    We gained the knowledge of how of to do both good and evil but not the ability to do only good as we were not yet mature enough to gain that ability.


    Not yet mature enough? as in not evolved enough?



    All I know is that we are powerless to overcome all our sins until until we enter the new covenant and that we will be given the very thing that was kept from us after the fall. Something happened between the time we were denied eternal life to this time when we are given a way to obtain it. The word “maturity” is the best word I can come up with that expresses what happened.


    Hi KW,

    It was the tree of KNOWLEDGE OF good and evil.

    Nothing more



    While you claim to keep it simple you at the same time make it even more complex.If I say Jesus Christ is the unique Son,am I not saying he’s God since he’s not quite the same as us? You may say based on various scripture that God hath not been seen,but just who did Isaiah see in his blessed theophany in Isaiah 6? St John’s gospel claims in 12:41 he saw the glory of Jesus Christ-the revealed God! Why did Jesus not say”this is life eternal that they may know thee the only true God” and leave it at that? Why must we know him to know God? You believe in Father,Son, and Holy Ghost? I know you do but not in the word trinity.You mince about words for what? for disunity? to see yourself as smarter,better,or a”real” Christian above the heretics?

    Simplicity in Christ does not mean that you cannot delve deep and dig into the scriptures. Surely this is encouraged.

    I say that Jesus is the son of God. He came from him and his God is his Father and is our Father and our God. Really simple.

    Any depth that I go into never changes this truth, so I have kept it simple.

    What I am against are those who have a different conclusion which is due to complexity to begin with and requires this complexity so as to baffle people with the reasoning. This is how many false teachers have led people astray because many trust in the so-called experts. How many times have you heard, “The Trinity is beyond our understanding”. We see the exact same thing in science too. How many scientists have declared that God is not needed in the explanation to the origin of the universe.

    The truth can be spoken to a child and to a theologian equally and still remain the same. The only difference perhaps being that someone older in the faith should be able to delve deeper into the meaning and make connections without losing the simple meaning to begin with.

    We are clearly and simply taught that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the exact representation of his being.

    Simply put, we can know the invisible God and see his glory through his son. An image and representation is not the original and never will be.

    Is not the head of the man Christ and the head of Christ God?

    There is a divine order here to be respected.

    Without Christ, trying to understand God is not even equivalent to a flea trying to understand the universe and quantum mechanics.

    We have a mediator and one who takes us to God. We need assistance all the way.

    In the Old Testament, those that saw God, really saw his glory or his angel.

    God is not a man that he would walk beside you like a man and talk with you like a man.

    God is God. We should all respect his majesty and eternal power.


    It’s kind of like saying”God made the bible so simple even a child can understand it”,then saying “God made the bible difficult so we would have to seek him to understand it”. So both statements are truly spoken and spoken truly!?

    It’s like Moses knew God face to face yet never really saw God’s face but only his hinder parts-how sweet and revealing is that!



    No it isn’t like that. The truths are simple that even a child can be taught. But adults or the mature can draw so much more from those truths. The truth changes not.

    I could tell you that on Earth gravity makes everything fall down to the ground. Pretty simple. Then I could give some math to show gravity, or connect gravity with aerodynamics or explain that gravity is what holds the earth in orbit of the sun and the moon of the earth etc. Then I could get real complicated and explain the fabric of space and how gravity bends it which is how the earth goes round the sun.

    After all that, it would not change the simple truth that when I throw an apple into the air it falls back down.

    The Trinity Doctrine is not like this. It is illogical, it is said to be beyond our comprehension, is a supposed mystery, and beyond question.

    The Trinity Doctrine is just foolish philosophy with more holes in it than a sieve. It is a failed doctrine.

    Sometimes someone just needs to say that the king has no clothes on if you know what I mean.




    in my 33 years of being a bible believing Christian, I have heard the trinity as a mystery that will only be known either when we die or jesus returns.  lol.  Which, flies directly in the face of jesus own prayer to his Father,  John 12, 3.  “That they may know you, the one true God and jesus Christ, whom you have sent”.  This alone should ring alarm bells in peoples minds. The ID of God kept a secret, when the Son says himself that we may know Him and His Father, INTIMATELY. It begs the question does the trintiarian Jesus mean what he prays?



    sorry typo. john 17.3


    Hi Davidl,

    Yes the alarm bells should be ringing when men preach what is not written as something vital to believe and then say it cannot be understood.


    Amen DavidH

    We can know them both. That is God and his son.

    Further, we know prophecy is a greater gift than tongues because we can understand prophecy (unless tongues has interpretation) therefore it is better because it is understood.

    God wants us to understand,  but those who espouse the Trinity seem to think that God doesn’t want us to understand or that we cannot understand.

    But as you agree, God wants us to know him and his son.  Can we say we know him if we do not even understand the basics about him? I don’t know the answer to that.

    Regardless, it is a shame that men hang onto the Trinity and then invent more false ideas to justify the Trinity, when it is the truth that sets us free.

    Do they want freedom or not is the question.



    Hi t8,

    To not believe in trinity is to step away from many friends


    Proverbs 29:25King James Version (KJV)

    25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.


    Andrew & Nick,

    When Adam and Eve ate the of the fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil they gained the knowledge of how to do both good and evil and yet not the maturity to do all that was right as they were not made fully mature in Christ. The later is granted to those of the age of Christ.



    Regardless, it is a shame that men hang onto the Trinity and then invent more false ideas to justify the Trinity

    Sadly you are caught in the same judgment with which you judge others by…(viz. the invention of false ideas)

    You declare the Trinity to be a man-made doctrine – and yet the so-called evidence you produce to deny the trinity is in fact nothing more than the product of your own misguided logic..thus inventing YOUR OWN man-made doctrine..!!!

    ..exalting the very Babylonian confusion you warn others to flee from..!! have wandered from the true faith – bending Scripture to suit your own ideas..!!

    He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” – Proverbs 29:1



    Hi KW,
    Knowledge OF is not the knowledge of HOW TO DO.

    It is conscience.

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