Signs Before the End of the Age

Terrorism is a sign of the end of the age

stpetersburgJust before I went to sleep one night back in the 1990s, I prayed to God and asked him when the prophesied end of the world/age would take place.

Obviously I was not looking for a date but wanted to know if it would take place in my life time in order to know if my future had room in it for a family and a normal life. That night I was shown about seven consecutive dreams which all had signs of the end, but two of them stood out and are now the only ones I can remember.

One of the two had me standing in a place surrounded by people going about their everyday business. Without warning a cluster of helicopters appeared and started shooting indiscriminately onto the crowd. Everyone in the area were running for their lives and the fear in the atmosphere was so thick, that even as a mere observer, I could feel the people’s fear and found it hard to breathe because of this fear. It was as if this place had enjoyed safety and prosperity for a long time and now that veil of protection was taken away and attacks seemed commonplace. While this was happening, I was puzzled as to why or how these helicopters could possibly be killing people in what appeared to be a western city. Who was this enemy and how could they penetrate so deeply into this city unhindered.

I then thought I would try and locate something that would give me a possible location or time period to this event. As I turned to my right side there in the distance was the skyline of a futuristic city. I didn’t recognize the city because it was way too futuristic for anywhere in the 1990s. It seemed more like the 2020s, 30s, or even beyond.

I think the message of this dream was this. In the future, people will live with great fear and be accustomed to attacks in areas that were once considered safe. This type of world was just one indicator that we are nearing the end of this age.

Cars will look quite different in the future

Futuristic BuildingsIn another dream, I was in this town where I went to school as a child. I was standing on a bridge and looking toward the school. Nothing seemed unusual as everything looked the same as it always has. Just then a car drove past me, but this car wasn’t like cars we have today. It was very box shaped but had curves, maybe squarish bubble shaped. It didn’t appear to have a boot or bonnet as the inside of the car looked like it reached the front and back. Also, when it drove passed me it was very quiet as if it was gliding on the road.  I heard a sort of rush of air rather than the sound of a motor. Being impressed by how smooth this car was traveling, I noticed I couldn’t see any wheels as there were no wheel wells. The car may have had wheels, but I could not see them. Perhaps it was a new technology. I don’t know. The car was white, not that this probably meant anything, but I noticed that it didn’t produce any noticeable emissions. As I stood looking at this car, I thought to myself what is this really futuristic car doing in this place that looked like the present. It must be part of a science show or something I thought. While pondering this, another car drove passed and it was a different, but it too was gliding down the road just like the one before it. Then another one drove passed and I realized then that these were not concept cars, rather I was looking at the future. The reason I did not recognise that it was the future was because the town looked the same and viewing these cars was the indicator that it was not the present. It makes sense to me now that houses may not change all that much in decades to come. At least in the place where the vision was set.

jakartaThe next part of this dream was a complete puzzle to me. I had moved off the bridge where I was viewing these cars and moved about 12 meters up the road to an entrance of a school, which happened to be the one I went to as a child. I was looking for the classroom that I use to go to, and there behind and around the classroom were about a dozen or so vintage cars parked in a row but in a curved shape that followed the perimeter of the school grounds. Behind these cars was and is today a steep bank and below the bank is a river. The bridge I was originally standing on spans this river.

I then woke up and the dreams were so vivid that I continued to process them in my mind and decipher the meaning. I remembered my prayer and petition to God, just before I went to sleep and I knew that God was showing me things that would be signs that would indicate to me that the world/age was about to end. These signs were not big events but enough to give me an idea of a time period I should be looking for. It became obvious when summing up the dreams that the world will be a lot more futuristic than 1991. I knew that people who once lived in safety and had little concern would one day live in incredible fear. I learned that cities and buildings in cities will be a lot more futuristic than today. That cars will be quite different and will perhaps be based on different technology. But the only thing that wasn’t clear to me were the vintage cars I saw in one of the dreams. Why did they standout in my dream, what did they represent, and why were they parked near the classroom of my old school.

The answer came to me weeks later when I went to visit my dad who still lives in this town where I went to school. On the way to his house is the old school I went to that was in the vision. As I drove passed I remembered my dreams and decided to stop near the spot I was standing in this dream in order to think about the dream that was set here. I then recalled the vintage cars in the dream and looked toward the location where I saw them. To my surprise I saw  a big sign with a message that said something like “Museum under construction”. This was not exact wording as it mentioned the name of the town as the name of the museum. Of course I had no knowledge of this museum and to me it was God’s way of confirming the visions I had that night. I have never visited the museum since, but I can only guess that they will display vintage cars or perhaps host them from time to time.


This last part of the document is dedicated to my thoughts to the vision in relation to new developments and technologies taking place as the years pass by. Some of the dates below are approximate, as I decided to list these thoughts years after pondering them.

UPDATE 2001:
It sort of dawned on me that this enemy in this vision could be terrorists, rather than some invading national force.

UPDATE 2010:
The thought came to me that the helicopters in the vision could be drones.

UPDATE 2015:
Since the vision, I have noticed that cars are morphing more and more into the shapes I saw in the vision . Still the absence of wheels gets me thinking. Will cars use a completely new technology like magnetism one day or perhaps they will be powered by a clean energy source and their wheels will be hidden in the chassis. More importantly, the end of this age according to this dream is really not that far off in my opinion.

UPDATE: 2017
It has just dawned on me that cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi look like the city I saw in  one of my visions. As I had the vision in the 1990s, I just assumed it was a western city being attacked because cities from other parts of the world including the Middle East were not really modern or futuristic like the one I saw. So it could well be a city in the Middle East too as some are arguably the most modern cities in the world today. In fact, many parts of the world have cities with futuristic skylines now, but I think the one I saw is still in the future. Makes me wonder what city if any it could be. Perhaps it is a representative city showing me what will happen to many cities around the world. Whatever the case, I can say for sure that the message in the vision was terror and fearful things will become the norm or will at least be frequent. We are almost witnessing this now anyway. It seems every week an act of terror takes place in a city somewhere.


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  • #805780

    Even though droughts floods and storms have globally stayed the same, deaths due to these things are down 98% globally since the 1920’s!!

    yes. 98%.

    You our mentioned better communication and technology There is also better medical aid and transport and trade When a drought hits one country they can trade with another and so don’t experience the famine These types of things mean much less pain and suffering Globally


    T8. I’m sorry to say most of your headlines are garbage.

    The sexond one asked if children today will die younger than parents.  Infant and child morality are something I study.  The trend is huge and extremely clear.  Much much mmuch smaller infant mortality rates which ends up equaling longer lives on average.  You have to know this is true.


    have you ever considered how the news BUSINESS works?  They have no responsibility to convert accurate stories or by sense of historic reality.  A decade ago in Canada and the Us at least there was a rash of news reports on ROAD RAGE.  maybe it was the same in New Zealand.

    Pleas eplease please watch the video called

    “human nature –the availability heuristic”.

    It may also say “danger at the wheel”. It shows how insanely pathetic and moronic the entire news industry is….in the US at least.  They need stories to sell. That’s their business.  Please watch it.  It’s short.  The news businesses can t sell stories about people dying of old age on their beds which is common. They have to find the rare and unusual stories, even if they are barely true.


    Again.  They are a business.  Combine this with human psychology and an unwillingness to look at stats or actual facts and this is mostly explained.


    “murder rates rise sharply on many cities”


    in other news murder rates fall sharply in many other cities.

    Im a little interested in the US as a whole.  not so interested in individual cities.

    Bit im really interested in global homicide and while there has really only been global stars on hat for about a decade the trend is down.  But if we look at Europe is insanely down over 700 years  and I wold imagine Europe wasn’t special in that


    You can always pick the worst of the worst and point to that indiciducual City or country   What I’m suggesting is this can lead to self deception   We must look at the whole or as large a picture as possible.

    what sells more newspapers–sayong:

    murder rates are rising in some cities




    Murder rates are rising in some cities bit falling in most


    the second one is a non-story.  So they print the first one   And people buy it up   If it bleeds it leads.








    Do you consider suicide violence?

    It is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. and that is mainly because its higher in Caucasians, who are the majority population.

    Accidents are the fourth leading but I doubt you consider them violence.


    Hi kerwin


    i am interested in the trend of:


    morality (which largely relates to harm, pain and suffering/well being flourishing)




    pain and suffering (which may or may not be caused by immorality–ie: disease, accidents, etc)


    No I don’t consider accidents violence but I’m also not sure the rate of deaths by accident (such as on farms, auto accidents) are increasing   In fact I know for every mile travelled by car in the US, the person is 1/6th as likely to die as a few decades ago.  We have  both made cars safer and made life saving techniques better.


    Fo suicide I don’t really know where to put that.  It’s definitely bad but it’s certainly much different than someone killing others.   Suicide is actually one of the few stats I haven’t looked at for violence and maybe that’s a bias I have.   But I just don’t consider it comparable to someone doing harm to others.


    As  a side note, I wok for someone who just put their dog on anxiety medication   I don’t think anxiety has really increased in dogs recently   I just think we are more aware and care more



    I tend to view suicide and homicide as two sides of a coin. The former is violence tuned inward and the later is violence turned outward. In 2013 suicide was ranked 7th for males so perhaps it has gotten better. Breaking that study up by race and ethnicity you get Whites with suicide ranked as 7 and Blacks with homicide ranked at 5. Hispanics have both at ranks 8 and 9 respectively. I believe a large share of the difference is due to cultural mores such as your belief suicide is a lesser crime.

    On accidents, males are most often the victim which hints at reckless behaviors as being a factor. I suspicion males are the most common victims of all those acts.


    T8. I’m sorry to say most of your headlines are garbage.

    Of course there is no truth to them whatsoever and the world is becoming a better place. At its current rate, Paradise on Earth is but decades away.


    • Man flu is no myth as scientists prove men suffer more from disease
    • Man finally returns overdue library book more than 50 later.
    • Man slips on banana peel.
    • Taking Too Much Vitamin C Can Be Dangerous
    • Travel cost have gone up since 2008.

    You can’t deny it David.


    On a more serious note David. Let’s take the last 200 or so years.

    In which period would you live in the Middle East with your family if you had to?

    1. Today
    2. 1950
    3. 1800

    Some videos for your entertainment.


    T8, I have never ever said on here that paradise earth is but decades away.  And I don’t believe that.

    Im merely looking at what I consider large and important trends.  And it’s the direction I’m comcerned with more than any timing.


    I don’t know what those videos are of but if they are meant for me I have no idea why.  I have never argued that everything is perfect.


    Your question about the middles east….I actually don’t know.  I suspect each of those years were relatively bad.  Relative to the world.


    And its its the world I’m interested in.   Ask me that question of the world….assuming I am an average person and don’t know if I will be dropped on the planet as a black man or a white women or a child, and I won’t know where.


    The he answer then becomes rather obvious for me.   Today would be better.  And likel 10 years from now would be even better.  Safer.  Healthier.  Less violent.  Less war.   Less poverty.  Less pain and suffering.  Globally.


    But if you want to drop me into one of the very few places that are moving in a counter trend to the overall trend, then yes, the last likely would be better in that small area of the world that has gotten worse. (And I don’t know it has gotten worse because I haven’t looked at local numbers.)

    why are you so focused on that one little area?  News is of course about things that happen.  Not about things that don’t happen.  News doesn’t record non-events.  And not being shot is a non-event.  Britian not going to war with France is a non-event.  The news records the bloodshed.  And it can always find enough.  If we want to know reality we have to look at stats.  This is even more true give our cognitive illusions.


    I’m pretty sure travel costs have gone way down in several decades.

    Can you harm yourself from too much vitamin C?  So extremely few people die from vitamin overdoes and yet people seem so concerned about taking too many vitamins.




    I find it surprising how many people kill themselves with aspirin but my point is that accidents seem to often result from reckless conduct though other reason are also factors. The disparity in men being killed by them seems to point to the idea that man are more subject to at least some of these factors than women.


    Your question about the middles east….I actually don’t know. I suspect each of those years were relatively bad. Relative to the world.

    So you admit you do not know.

    The Bible is a book of prophecy that mainly pertains to a geographical region, i.e., the area around the Great Sea.

    Even while the prophecies were given, there were civilizations in China, South America etc that were not being spoken of.

    Jesus never said that Canada would get better or worse, he said that the world (not the Earth) would get worse like birth pains.

    If you do not really believe Jesus own prophecies it could boil down to you being ignorant of what he was actually talking about.

    If he was talking about Canada, USA, Great Britain, and France, then you might be right and Jesus wrong. Even then, I still say ‘might’ because history tends to record major upheavals and shocking events. It doesn’t record millennia of people farming, eating organic food, and families enjoying each other’s presence without distraction of PlayStation, TV, etc. People who could really meditate and enjoy life at a deeper level.

    I know when I was a kid growing up, I didn’t have a lot of stuff and very few toys. But I was pretty happy enjoying the rainforest in our back yard which backed into an unpopulated mountain range, a big enough area to get lost in for days.  As kids we use to let our imaginations run wild in the forest. It was a far richer experience than the life I have today which is a very comfortable but busy physical existence in middle class NZ. I try when I can to take walks in the forest, and enjoy the simple things in life. I bring my kids up with this ethos too. That life I had showed me that people living in the Amazon with nothing are actually quite rich. Unfortunately, their way of life is increasingly under threat as the world becomes a bigger place packed with apartments, concrete, and pollution. Thankfully New Zealand is a long way off that, but the dependence on physical things is not the source of joy and happiness and never has been.


    Also, it would be true to say that there are more wars, more poverty, and more suffering today, just based on even this one fact. A bigger population.

    That said, I believe that many prophecies are Middle East centric and what is happening over there now is tribulation for many.

    Here is a video I watched today for example. It purports to show ISIS fighters dragging off Yazidi girls to make them sex slaves.

    Definitely not the best of times for Christians, Yazidis, Sunnies, etc.


    This just popped up on my Facebook wall.

    Tribes: Proud not Primitve

    And people call them primitive…

    Posted by Survival International on Friday, 18 December 2015




    yes I admitted I don’t know any specific stats on the very small part of the world that is the Middle East.   But as I said I suspect the stats and am sure most of them are some of the worst on the planet.  Stepping into the Middle East is almost like stepping not the past in some ways.  Health. Safety. Homicide.  Death by toeture. Etc.

    Again, I am concerned with the largest available data set because I’m concerned with the world.  Even if things are bad or getting worse in that tiny fraction of the world, this is more than offset by most of the world.  And I’m not just talking about the few countries you listed.


    As as for your memories of childhood, let me quote someone who expresses an interesting idea


    “”””When we think about the past, we focus on our childhoods, to a time when our parents protected us from the world.  As adults, even if society has gotten better, the sense of being sheltered is gone. Nobody’s taking care of you anymore, so it feels like everything is getting more worrisome, even if objectively everything is getting better.””””–Christopher jencks, Harvard university.


    As as a child people met you with hugs and smiles.  There may have been a ar going on but it didn’t concern you because you were a kid.  This is the human experience.  It’s not special to you.  And since we are prone to this misunderstanding of comparing present day troubles with our memories of childhood rather than the actual events that were going on back then, we need to look at the actual numbers.   So as not to deceive ourselves with imperfect Maluable memories


    Also, it would be true to say that there are more wars, more poverty, and more suffering today, just based on even this one fact. A bigger population.



    since 1945 basically all stats on war have been declining even in absolute terms.  The 2000 decade was the least war filled decade in half a century.  Poverty isn’t just massively declining as a rate of the population bit is even declining in absolute terms


    it would be bad thinking to judge these things in absolute terms.  I’m guessing you wouldn’t be saying the world is becoming more sneezy despite more sneezes each year due to more people on the planet.  There are likely more farts each decade but it would be bad thinking to say farting is becoming a worse problem.  What is important is the rate.  Because it’s the rate that determines how likely the individual is to suffer.

    Which is the more violent world:

    one with a population of 10 people that has 1 murder a year




    one with a population of 1000 people that has 5 murders a year.


    If if you say the second is 5 times as violent then that’s just bizarre.  Any sane person would rather live on the second world with the lower murder rate.   So as population exploded because of better health and illumination of pestilence and decreased infant mortality, even if the numbers became slightly larger in absolute terms, it doesn’t make sense to say this means anything is getting worse.


    More births means more deaths.  Everyone has to die somehow.  It doesn’t mean things are getting worse.  It means the population grew.  When measured by population, the Second World War wasn’t even that bad and world war 1 was barely anything.


    If I’m ignorant of what Jesus as talking about perhaps you could outline the prophecies you are referring t.

    I mostly consider mat 24 and 2 Tim 3.  Maybe you could tell me what you believe Jesus predicted since that is the subject of this thread.

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