Signs Before the End of the Age

Terrorism is a sign of the end of the age

stpetersburgJust before I went to sleep one night back in the 1990s, I prayed to God and asked him when the prophesied end of the world/age would take place.

Obviously I was not looking for a date but wanted to know if it would take place in my life time in order to know if my future had room in it for a family and a normal life. That night I was shown about seven consecutive dreams which all had signs of the end, but two of them stood out and are now the only ones I can remember.

One of the two had me standing in a place surrounded by people going about their everyday business. Without warning a cluster of helicopters appeared and started shooting indiscriminately onto the crowd. Everyone in the area were running for their lives and the fear in the atmosphere was so thick, that even as a mere observer, I could feel the people’s fear and found it hard to breathe because of this fear. It was as if this place had enjoyed safety and prosperity for a long time and now that veil of protection was taken away and attacks seemed commonplace. While this was happening, I was puzzled as to why or how these helicopters could possibly be killing people in what appeared to be a western city. Who was this enemy and how could they penetrate so deeply into this city unhindered.

I then thought I would try and locate something that would give me a possible location or time period to this event. As I turned to my right side there in the distance was the skyline of a futuristic city. I didn’t recognize the city because it was way too futuristic for anywhere in the 1990s. It seemed more like the 2020s, 30s, or even beyond.

I think the message of this dream was this. In the future, people will live with great fear and be accustomed to attacks in areas that were once considered safe. This type of world was just one indicator that we are nearing the end of this age.

Cars will look quite different in the future

Futuristic BuildingsIn another dream, I was in this town where I went to school as a child. I was standing on a bridge and looking toward the school. Nothing seemed unusual as everything looked the same as it always has. Just then a car drove past me, but this car wasn’t like cars we have today. It was very box shaped but had curves, maybe squarish bubble shaped. It didn’t appear to have a boot or bonnet as the inside of the car looked like it reached the front and back. Also, when it drove passed me it was very quiet as if it was gliding on the road.  I heard a sort of rush of air rather than the sound of a motor. Being impressed by how smooth this car was traveling, I noticed I couldn’t see any wheels as there were no wheel wells. The car may have had wheels, but I could not see them. Perhaps it was a new technology. I don’t know. The car was white, not that this probably meant anything, but I noticed that it didn’t produce any noticeable emissions. As I stood looking at this car, I thought to myself what is this really futuristic car doing in this place that looked like the present. It must be part of a science show or something I thought. While pondering this, another car drove passed and it was a different, but it too was gliding down the road just like the one before it. Then another one drove passed and I realized then that these were not concept cars, rather I was looking at the future. The reason I did not recognise that it was the future was because the town looked the same and viewing these cars was the indicator that it was not the present. It makes sense to me now that houses may not change all that much in decades to come. At least in the place where the vision was set.

jakartaThe next part of this dream was a complete puzzle to me. I had moved off the bridge where I was viewing these cars and moved about 12 meters up the road to an entrance of a school, which happened to be the one I went to as a child. I was looking for the classroom that I use to go to, and there behind and around the classroom were about a dozen or so vintage cars parked in a row but in a curved shape that followed the perimeter of the school grounds. Behind these cars was and is today a steep bank and below the bank is a river. The bridge I was originally standing on spans this river.

I then woke up and the dreams were so vivid that I continued to process them in my mind and decipher the meaning. I remembered my prayer and petition to God, just before I went to sleep and I knew that God was showing me things that would be signs that would indicate to me that the world/age was about to end. These signs were not big events but enough to give me an idea of a time period I should be looking for. It became obvious when summing up the dreams that the world will be a lot more futuristic than 1991. I knew that people who once lived in safety and had little concern would one day live in incredible fear. I learned that cities and buildings in cities will be a lot more futuristic than today. That cars will be quite different and will perhaps be based on different technology. But the only thing that wasn’t clear to me were the vintage cars I saw in one of the dreams. Why did they standout in my dream, what did they represent, and why were they parked near the classroom of my old school.

The answer came to me weeks later when I went to visit my dad who still lives in this town where I went to school. On the way to his house is the old school I went to that was in the vision. As I drove passed I remembered my dreams and decided to stop near the spot I was standing in this dream in order to think about the dream that was set here. I then recalled the vintage cars in the dream and looked toward the location where I saw them. To my surprise I saw  a big sign with a message that said something like “Museum under construction”. This was not exact wording as it mentioned the name of the town as the name of the museum. Of course I had no knowledge of this museum and to me it was God’s way of confirming the visions I had that night. I have never visited the museum since, but I can only guess that they will display vintage cars or perhaps host them from time to time.


This last part of the document is dedicated to my thoughts to the vision in relation to new developments and technologies taking place as the years pass by. Some of the dates below are approximate, as I decided to list these thoughts years after pondering them.

UPDATE 2001:
It sort of dawned on me that this enemy in this vision could be terrorists, rather than some invading national force.

UPDATE 2010:
The thought came to me that the helicopters in the vision could be drones.

UPDATE 2015:
Since the vision, I have noticed that cars are morphing more and more into the shapes I saw in the vision . Still the absence of wheels gets me thinking. Will cars use a completely new technology like magnetism one day or perhaps they will be powered by a clean energy source and their wheels will be hidden in the chassis. More importantly, the end of this age according to this dream is really not that far off in my opinion.

UPDATE: 2017
It has just dawned on me that cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi look like the city I saw in  one of my visions. As I had the vision in the 1990s, I just assumed it was a western city being attacked because cities from other parts of the world including the Middle East were not really modern or futuristic like the one I saw. So it could well be a city in the Middle East too as some are arguably the most modern cities in the world today. In fact, many parts of the world have cities with futuristic skylines now, but I think the one I saw is still in the future. Makes me wonder what city if any it could be. Perhaps it is a representative city showing me what will happen to many cities around the world. Whatever the case, I can say for sure that the message in the vision was terror and fearful things will become the norm or will at least be frequent. We are almost witnessing this now anyway. It seems every week an act of terror takes place in a city somewhere.


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    Nick and David,

    It is fear, and a fear I understand. Faith overcomes fear but faith must be learned. When love is protected there is no fear. The people of that time were trained to be resilient but the children are even more resilient. We need to seek God’s righteousness and his kingdom.


    To nick I would say only the stupid welcome torture.  I’m not even talking about the kind of torture Jesus went through. I’m talking about the Middle Ages. These seems to perfect evil back the.   Tie a person to a plank. Cut a slit in his stomach.  Put a rat on the stomach with a metal cage on top.  Then heat the cage so the rat eats its way through the persons stomach to escape the heat.  Or being drawn and quartered. Having your intestines shown to you and burned while you are still alive.   Today we have a couple of capital offences. Back then there were hundreds.  And many of them first involved torture.



    The Roman Empire methods were the inspiration of justice of that time.


    Hi David,

    Does your faith not offer you protection and consolation?

    Do you have no hope yet?


    Less accountability?  People chopped off hands for theft.  Death sentence for petty crimes.  10 minute trial and then slow torture to death.

    This is still common place david. There in Canada you may not have this so it might seem like things have got better, but then again, it probably wasn’t present there 2000 years ago either.

    And in New Zealand, there was just the natural world without man. No one to have their hands cut off.


    mmm. No.  Death sentences for petty crimes isn’t common.  Death sentences for murder isn’t even that common.  In the US they still have the death sentence but in a land where there are 18000 homicides a year how many death sentences?  

    And death sentences are different than torture.  Death by torture used to be common. Now it isn’t.  Stoning to death was the biggest less way.  This was the torture death for many crimes.  Has that stayed the course?  No.  While almost all cultures used to be able to legally and openly torture it’s citizens, now it has to be done clandestine,  in the dark.  And it’s not that common.  It’s true that the Muslim world still does this stuff to some extent.  But it used to be not just them.


    Here in Canada, our national sport is croquet. (Not hockey)  In the past it was played on horseback and covered many miles and lasted days.  And if a team mate wasn’t playing to his full potential he was beaten to death by his own teammates.

    I think this illustrates nicely the difference between now and then.


    In Canada go back just 105 years and we were still lynching black people (and Asians and even white people) and we could legally beat our wives.  It was a family affair.  Travelling back through time we have slavery and the Indian wars. And back then it may have been burnt alive for my beliefs.  I’m sure it was swell. Exempt infant mortality was much much higher and infectious diseases seemed unstoppable and there was no doctors like nick to give me pain killers.  If I had an operation where were the anesthetics.  People seem to think it was easier.  It may have seemed peaceful but there was a lot of suffering and hardship daily.  If I was born 500 years ago I get the feeling I would have already died 3 or 4 times by now.  And some of them would have been horrible deaths.



    I have no looked at new Zealand.  Seems peaceful now.  I have considered tribal. Societies of today and what they likely were like in the past.  If the average holds true then new Zealand a few hundred years ago was much more violent than today.  Genocides were how tribal wars seemed to work. Get them before they get you. And no rescue team to stop disputes.


    Hi david,

    Why the obsession with fear, horror and torture?




    david, I wonder if you are comparing apples with oranges. While such horrid crimes existed in the past, they are still with us today and there is more technology to inflict such terror.

    Some places have got better (Great Britain perhaps) while other places are getting worse, (Syria).

    All up there are usually trends that fluctuate. But if you believe the world is corrupt, then you will believe that it will get worse because that is the definition of corruption. When an apple is corrupt, there is no turning back. It will get worse. Remember that once men believed in God even if they didn’t give him the glory. Now look at that fruit. Many honestly do not believe in a creator, an after life, or a judgement.

    If the world appears to you as being more friendly, then perhaps you need to look at stats to see if this is the case.

    We should never look upon the world as a friend of course and the darkness will get darker and the light brighter as we head to the end.

    That doesn’t mean less darkness, it just means more intense darkness but light also. Don’t let more light confuse you about the darkness and its nature


    I have no looked at new Zealand. Seems peaceful now. I have considered tribal. Societies of today and what they likely were like in the past. If the average holds true then new Zealand a few hundred years ago was much more violent than today. Genocides were how tribal wars seemed to work. Get them before they get you. And no rescue team to stop disputes.

    In Canada go back just 105 years and we were still lynching black people (and Asians and even white people) and we could legally beat our wives. It was a family affair. Travelling back through time we have slavery and the Indian wars. And back then it may have been burnt alive for my beliefs.

    No doubt some places have become better, even much better. But that doesn’t make the world better overall. Let’s take tribulations, there have been a number of them, but the world is heading for tribulation such as the world has never seen nor will see again. Sure there are fluctuations as you see with anything. Look at earthquakes, if they are getting more powerful or frequent, then we still know that the past had some bad ones and even compared to say this year, they were worse. But what about the overall graph, does it go up or down.

    I think before you substantiate that the world is a better place now, you might need to look at some stats. Does the graph go up or down overall. You might find that the number of violent deaths may be on the increase overall for example.

    This topic is about terrorism and who would deny that this has increased.


    Perhaps I need to look at stats to see if this is the case?


    I feel like devoting the next several pages to me laughing.


    i havent been been putting graphs down but maybe I should start doing that.  I’m not sure I know how.  You should genuinely read Steven pinkers “the better angels of our nature–why violence has declined.”  It’s an 800 page book with 100 graphs outlining the decline in violence over the millennia, centuries and even last few decades.  Each area has different time scales.  War for example didn’t really begin the massive decline until right after ww2.  It was one of the last things to begin this decline.  But interpersonal violence also affects people  wife beating   Poisoning husbands   Beating children   Capital punishment   Judicial toerure.   Slavery   Racist attitudes   Human sacrifice   dueling  homicide

    Yes   It’s important to look at the whole because it’s the whole world we are concerned with.   Britain and ALL of Europe got massively better   European countries started 2 new wars a year with each other for the 600 years prior to 1945 after 1945, zero.  2 a year on average to zero   500-700 years ago The average Italian had a 90 times chance of violent death as opposed to their modern counterpart today   It was 35 times more likely to die in England as today from homicide.   So yes all of Europe is way better   Better in every way  as is ALL of the world EXCEPT Latin American countries and 2 or 3 middle eastern ones   So there is a handful where They are getting worse   And the rest are getting better






    Yes.  The horrible crimes are still with us today.  I would never argue otherwise.  I’m merely saying violence is declining. Not that it has vanished.

    In America there is still the odd black hate crime mirder.  But there isn’t 150 lynchings as an example.  So yes.  Racism still exists.  But we don’t have 4 million kkk.  We have 4000.  So it still exists.  I am not suggesting everything is perfect at all.  I am saying the trend is not what most believe.  And this is because of the availability heuristic cognitive illusion, the way the news business works, and a lack of evidence based research.



    I happen to know that since the middle of the 19th Century the birth rate has been declining which leads to an aging population.

    I also know that younger people are more prone to violence.

    The result of these is that the decrease of young people in proportion to the total population would correspond to a decrease in violence.


    I have studied earthquakes in ways you can’t even imagine.  About 13 years ago they picked up in intensity and magnitude.  The USGS says the is nothing special.  Bumps Come and go.   Some religions have been saying how much worse they were when there was zero evidence of this.  You can argue that the devastation is worse because of things like the Japan earthquake and the nuclear reactors.  But the average earthquake–today we have rescue teams.  We have medical help.  There have been earthquakes in China and India 1000 years ago that killed almost a million people.  A lot of this was because they just had no help.  No ambulance or rescue team or medication to fight infection.   They just payed there and died.  I can’t imagine the distress.  I spent months studying earthquakes.  And pestilence.  And years on the trend in morality, which I’m more interested in.


    Kerwin. I thought that for the first couple years I was looking at this.  The baby boom in Canada and the US.  From is a young persons game.

    But it’s been pointed out by people much smarter than me that this mathematically can’t count for it.  It likely contributed to it but the contribution is actually pretty small given the decline.  There are many possibilities and probably a combination of them are responsible.  Expansion of the circle of empathy due to cosmopolitanism and literature and literacy is one. It’s harder to mirder someone when you can empathize with them.  It’s easy when you think blacks or natives have no soul or are half animal.


    As for earthquakes the graph goes flat for about 100 years with bumps up and down and then about 13 years ago spikes upwards.

    This is for great earthquakes.   Ones with magnitude of 7 or greater I believe.


    I I can’t think of anyone that wrote a more complete book on the history of violence than Steven pinker.   It is an 800 page book but hugely fascinating and filled with 100 graphs.

    He he also has many videos on YouTube.   And some of them are video presentations with a few of the graphs.


    Moor find Manuel Eisner.   He studied homicide in Europe for 30 years.  The last 700 years of homicide.   He has a projection for the future and a video that is long but looks at a ton of graphs   I can’t think of anyone more knowledgable than him on homicide    Watch his video on YouTube



    Kerwin. This is why when watching police shows they try to personalize the hostage.  Because it’s much harder to shoot a person who you can name and empathize with.  The explosion of literature and literacy a couple centuries ago contributed greatly to the expanding Circe.  The global village effect.  We can relate more.

    also people have gotten better at abstract thinking. They are getting smarter.  The flinn effect.  And when people get smarter they stop the stupid dumb violence.  Like getting in bar fights or stabbing someone over a pool game.


    I really really really thought and actually was telling people just what you told me.  It made so much sense.  It was so easy to understand.  But it just doesn’t work.

    Mad really the downward trend is much longer than this couple decade old trend.  There was a counter trend in the Us and Canada before that that lasted a coupe decades.  I Blaime this on cocaine. Lol.



    I am not sure people have gotten better at abstract thinking because Scripture uses a lot of it and many today still stumble over the ideas expressed that way.


    I’m merely saying violence is declining. Not that it has vanished.

    Is it really though David? The Middle East was once full of Christians, now they are almost extinct in that part of the world. Like sheep among the wolves who desire to tear you apart.

    Lest you think that fewer Christians means less violence over there, then know it is toward many others too. And it is not just ISIS. Many Islamic regimes commit similar crimes against people. This is the part of the world where beheadings and crucifixions take place. Then we have the communist regimes like North Korea and even Russia has prisons and camps that are harsh. And the US has way more males in prisons per head of population than even Iran and China. Personally I think your view of the world is a bit sheltered. I could easily have that view from New Zealand. The biggest problem I have here are people snapping the flowers of my agapanthus at the front of my property. But a little research shows me a very violent world indeed.

    The people of God in the Middle East are in tribulation in case you were not aware. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine the black flags coming down your street and you hiding in your home with your family knowing your days are numbered. I wonder if you were posting from there if you would have a different view. Just saying.

    Warning, this video shows extreme violence.

    Daishi kutoon ka zulum khuda in kutoon ko our in k sarparaston ko nest o naboot kare .ameen.
    Posted by Arshad Zaidi on Sunday, 22 November 2015

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