911 and Terrorism


Around the day before 911, I woke up from a very vivid but puzzling dream that left me very concerned that something very bad was happening or going to happen. In the dream I was standing on top of a high hill looking at the ocean. I saw a boat, that looked like the type you see in WWII movies, rectangular with a cargo of soldiers. The soldiers were all dressed in black, and they looked like trained killers, the sort of army that you wouldn’t want to mess with. The boat came ashore and the soldiers all ran on the land and started to spread out immediately. There must of been about 150 to 200 of them from what I could see at least. I thought to myself, I wonder if they are after me. I then realised that they were as some of them headed straight for me. At this moment I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, as I realised that I couldn’t really hide from this army because the terrain of the land had sparse vegetation, and it was near impossible to hide behind a tree as they were all too small and too far apart. I realised at this point that I had no protection and started running, but I knew for sure that they were going to catch me. As I started running I was frantically looking for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere. I was terrified, and at this point I woke up.

Terrorists dressed in black

I take my dreams seriously and I tried right away to decipher the dream, but I couldn’t understand it’s message. I gave up and turned on the TV and watched this program about an artist who had cancer and the program contrasted her beautiful paintings that she painted when she was healthy and the art she produced when she was fighting cancer. One particular painting looked horrible and reminded me with the same dread I had in the dream. The painting was of her cancer and there were these black streaks and blobs that gave the painting a grim but effective look. It reminded me of this army dressed in black that I saw in the dream.

After I got out of bed, I told the dream to a good friend to see if he could shed some light on it’s possible meaning. By the time Sept 11 came around suddenly my dream made sense and my friend reminded me of the dream and said that it was amazing timing. The army I saw represents terrorism. From a series of dreams I received about 5 years before that, I also saw how places that were once considered safe, were now in fear of attacks from an enemy that was among them. Read more here.

God used the enemies of Israel in Old Testament times as Israel’s judgment when they continued to sin. Egypt was a judgment for Israel. God allowed them to be held captive by Egypt, because they turned away from God and started to worship idols. God also used the Roman Empire to destroy Jerusalem because the Jews rejected their saviour. God allows enemies of countries like the USA to discipline them. There is only one true protection for America. It is God himself, and if America continues to turn from God, then America will become more and more defenseless. Terrorism is like cancer. It is more lethal when it is spread out than concentrated because it becomes harder to destroy. America needs to repent and seek God and believe in the words “In God We Trust”.

Update 2013

God will give a sign in the heavens in 2014-15.  The last time there were four blood moons was apparently the six day war and the previous time, Israel had just become a nation. What will 2014-15 bring?

Update 2014

Thirteen years after the vision ,there is a new threat of terror called ISIS, ISIL, or Islamic State. The uniform they wear is black and reminds me of the army I saw in that vision back in 2001. ISIS have even threatened to destroy America and to invade Europe.

Below is a video from Rick Joyner who had a vision of ISIS attacking the USA.

Update 2015

Refugees from Syria and Iraq flee to Europe to seek refuge from ISIS. Among them are others including terrorists and people from other Islamic countries that seek entry into Europe. Many people are worried that Europe will become Islamic due to immigration and the faster population growth of Muslims in comparison to Europeans.


2016 update

Donald Trump becomes the new president of the United States. He has been voted in because of his promises which include stopping illegal immigration and visitors from nations where Islamic terrorism is rife. He also promises to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants and criminals from entering the country unfettered. He has also promised to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, and to stop Globalisation and make America great again. I believe Trump has been called by God for this time. However, he is both loved and hated, but many are his enemies and he endures negative press daily and ridicule like no other. It is written that we are blessed are we when they revile us and while I believe he has been called by God and was even prophesied to be the president, regardless of our view, his placement as president is going to be significant and it is already polarizing the world.

2018 update

The Islamic invasion of Europe has been going on for some time now. It is assumed that former ISIS members who now are mostly defeated in the Middle East number among them. Coming to Europe could see this continent in the future be overrun with Muslims and the establishment of Sharia Law could be the end result. The following video reminds me very much of the vision  I had. A boat landing ashore with an army spreading out in the land with the occupants not being sure if they were enemies or not. I believe Europe is at this stage.  Some say they are refugees who need compassion and help while others see them as invaders to Europe who are entering for better economic opportunities and who will in no doubt bring their culture and religion to their new lands. And with such a great number in Europe already coupled with their high birth rate and a very low native European birth rate, Europe as we know it could radically change in a matter of decades or less. As for America, the same fate seems delayed or halted with President Trump being tough on illegal immigration and with his ultimate plan including building a wall that spans the whole southern border with Mexico.

2019 update

As a confirmation to the video above (under the 2014 heading) where Rick Joyner sees ISIS coming over the Mexican border, this story on Fox News seems to confirm this:

ISIS plotted to send westerners to US through Mexico border: report

This news story contains a chilling confession from a captured ISIS fighter who talks about how the terrorist group intended to exploit the vulnerabilities at the U.S. border with Mexico by sending English speakers and westerners to take advantage of smuggling routes to enter the US and hit targets that would cripple the U.S. economy.


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    Islam does not hold that Jesus is God the Son but they do hold God has many children.

    They are so busy answering the Trinity that I cannot get a strait idea about what they believe. From what I see at the title of son as meaning those that were raised with honor by God.

    He is not the Jesus preached by the apostles but then neither is the one Trinitarians or others preach.


    Trinitarians say that Jesus is the son of God and God.
    Muslims say that Jesus is neither son of God or God.

    Both are wrong.

    Jesus is the son of God.


    September 11, 20 year anniversary

    It’s September 11 in New Zealand, but I think this event might have happened for us on September 12.

    So it has been 20 years now.

    And my vision is as pertinent as ever.

    It explains that because of what happened that day, that the West would be invaded by an army of people on boats that want to attack us and our way of life.

    The night before, I received this troubling vision explained in the opening post. I didn’t know its meaning, but it became clear that it was connected with September 11. And as time has passed, the symbolism and message was right on.

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