In the nineteenth century a young woman received a vision of the events that would precede the second coming of the Messiah and the end of time.
Misunderstood for decades by Believers and not completely understood even by her, the vision was rejected by the vast majority of mainstream Christianity.
But as it is written in the prophecy of Daniel, as time would race toward these incomprehensible events, knowledge would be increased.
As we enter the time of her once misunderstood vision, many are now beginning to believe that she did indeed receive this amazing vision from the Creator of the Universe and that the earth now stands at the dawning of something great and marvelous that is about to occur.
The video starts with the fall of Babylon and proceeds into the new heavens and earth and the ages to come.
You do not need to watch the video as it is really an audio with some accompanying images, so you can turn it up and just listen if you want.