What would happen if Trump was impeached?

Pense Trump praying

The Left is trying its best to impeach Trump and remove him from office. But what would happen if this were to take place? It seems the Left has not thought this one through very carefully, because the man to replace Trump would be Vice-president Mike Pence.

Why would the Left regret having Mike Pence as president? Because he is a staunch committed Christian who knows his Bible well. He stands for godly principles and is more socially conservative than Donald Trump. Pence is stronger on issues that divide the Left and Right such as abortion, marriage, and freedom of religion and prayer. It seems if the Left were to successfully remove Trump, it would be out of the frying pan for them but into the fire.

Of course the chances are that Trump will remain in power, but if they really want Trump gone, then welcome to the possibly the most committed Christian President in the history of the United States.

Job 5:11-13
11 The lowly he sets on high,
and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
12 He thwarts the plans of the crafty,
so that their hands achieve no success.
13 He catches the wise in their craftiness,
and the schemes of the wily are swept away.

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  • #818458
    Ed J

    Hi Andrew,

    It is comforting to see an informed public.

    Thank you



    you have to go back about 40 years in history not only in the USA but Europe ,and understand what was the program for ;

    “multiculturalism”   “political correctness”  “open borders” global warming hoaks “mass immigration from islamic countries ” and the purpose of the NWO


    and understand ;Nationalism ,control of borders , clashes with other cultures (Islam)

    now see what was done to bring the NWO in place but only in western world ,for any country that as only poor and rich as already made their choice for the NWO

    the Obama/bush’s and clinton’s thought that the NWO add all in place to defeat anyone but the chosen candidate chosen by the NWO,but they were wrong an failed

    thanks to some good nationalist americans that could see the deception of the NWO










    Was Trump called to save America?

    In time, we will obviously know either way.



    Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees

    Ed J

    Hi Marty (942767),

    Here is another pre-election prophecy of Donald J Trump…

    God bless
    Ed J


    Trump forgot one thing when promising a wall: Today’s generation fly!!



    Obama Shadow Government?


    To All Those Protesting Against Donald Trump:

    “Where Were You When Muslim Terrorists Were Slaughtering And Persecuting Christians in their Tribulation?”


    Trump forgot one thing when promising a wall: Today’s generation fly!!

    I may be wrong, but I imagine that the drug dealers, rapists, gang members, etc would likely cross by land rather than be scrutinized at an airport. But what do I know. lol. Trump is not against good people (including Mexicans) from entering the US. Perhaps you were not aware of that. It’s called legal immigration. We have that here in NZ too.

    And here is what I say to resisters who also call themselves Believers.

    1 Timothy 2
    “1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…”

    Further, I have noticed that most resisters who by the way are doing a fine job at resisting, were surprisingly silent when ISIS was killing Christians, young boys, and old men, and raping women and girls. I also know that many in fact even support Islam to a degree and believe it is a religion of peace. So Islam good and Trump bad according to them.

    We seem to live in that time when evil is considered good and good is evil.


    Police Chaplain Who Prophesied Trump’s Win Years Ago Has New Word About the Presidency




    1) First they ignore you,

    2) then they laugh at you,

    America? Donald Trump? Really?

    For those who think that America and Trump are chosen by God – lol, is all I can say.

    3) then they fight you,

    4) then you win.

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.


    It is interesting to see how things play out, but sad to see people so deceived.

    Terrorists attack anyone – Christian Muslim or Jew, Hindu… Atheist.



    Regardless of whatever you say, you are still ignoring the main commandment of Jesus Christ and that is – love thy neighbor as thyself. It doesn’t from what I have read include building walls, or turning away the refugee.

    How to reach out to people without judging must be hard?


    We can all show videos, but the proof is in the pudding, and without love there is NOTHING.

    Yes, this (i.e., Trump), is meant to BE. But only to bring an end to PAIN, and a beginning of eternity in heaven, with God. This world WILL pass away, and all that is in it.

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