The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #943591
    Danny Dabbs



    The world was covered in water and even scientists believe this to be the case. Then God made dry land appear and separated land and water. Simple. Nothing at all to do with the shape of the planet. It’s talking about the surface of the planet.



    For centuries we’ve been able to measure gravitational force, e.g., a very sensitive plumb line placed next to a tall, huge mountain will deflect away from the horizontal, due to the mass of the mountain.

    Similar deflection tests have been repeated constantly since then, all confirming the presence of gravity.

    We can also see that the motions of the planets, moons and stars all fit exactly with the behaviors’ gravity predicts.

    It’s a PROVEN theory. The fact that you think it hasn’t been proven is entirely down to your ignorance, despite your laughable claims to have ‘done your research’. (AKA watching only biased FE YouTube videos

    Now that you’ve been told proof of gravity, will you change your mind?

    No, you won’t, because you’re all brainwashed cult fanatics led by emotion and psychological cravings, not by science or reason.


    Danny Dabbs


    I did apologize for my false accusations.
    Do you apologize for yours?


    What are they?



    Danny Dabbs


    You called me a simpleton and a low IQ person.


    When I use such terms, I say for example that simpletons do this or only a low IQ person could believe that. I believe these statements to be true and I think most other people agree. It is up to you if you feel that you fit that ‘simpleton’ bracket. If it points directly at you then yes, you might get offended. If so, then my advice is to realise your weakness and trust in God and BTW, it is not a sin to be intellectually challenged  or have no skills in science. That said, if you think your flat earth beliefs have merit, then prove it. But you can’t and never have. Instead you post the same simple upside down memes of globes with people upside down. That is what a simpleton would do and this is a true saying. Further, you have a choice to be wise or not. That is up to you, but you do not appear to have chosen that path so far. So the ball is in your court and while it is there, I repeat the truth that only a simpleton or a person who doesn’t have truth in their heart would believe the earth was flat if they were given lots of proof to the contrary. Finally, it is written that men would chase after myths in the last days. Obviously not all of them will be simpletons, but I would argue that most wouldn’t have truth in their heart so they are deceived and deceive. Of course, if you think about it, it would be much better to be a simpleton than a deceiver because God can make a wise person from a simpleton, but he cannot work with a deceiver. So, I am not saying you are either, but stating attributes that either have. It’s up to you if you identify with those attributes and thus classify yourself.


    Satire showing foolishness


    If you say there are no photos of earth from space, you are a liar.

    Danny Dabbs


    OK, fair enough.
    Let me leave you with my conviction:
    A sphere where people on the other side live with their feet above their heads, where rain, snow and hail fall upwards, where trees and crops grow upside-down and the sky is lower than the ground is just an illusion.

    God bless


    The reason a flat-earthers believe the earth is flat is the same reason a 4 year old believes in Santa Claus. They both think alike. The reason is the brain of both haven’t developed the mental faculties necessary to differentiate between fact and fiction. While a 4 year old will eventually mature mentally and realize the myth, the flat-earth believer refuses to grow mentally. How can you explain gravity to someone who cannot grasp the difference between flat and level? They lack the intelligence to understand in space there is no up and down. Their intelligence is so weak they actually believe on a globe people in Australia are walking upside down, (that’s how a 4 year old would think).


    The vast knowledge of the flat earth

    Welcome to the world of science for flat earthers. Here is their evidence:

    Earths shape: Flat
    Diameter: Unknown
    Area: Unknown
    Distance around the equator and the distance from the equator to the N Pole: Unknown
    Dome composition: Unknown
    Dome altitude: Unknown
    Polaris photos frome the southern hemisphere: None
    Suns composition or energy source: Unknown
    Suns shape: Unknown
    Distance to the sun: Unknown
    What causes the Arctic and Antarctic midnight sun: Unknown
    Where does moonlight come from: Unknown
    Moons composition: Unknown
    Distance to the moon: Unknown
    What causes lunar eclipses: Unknown
    What causes 2 centers of rotation on the poles in star trails: Unknown
    What force keeps the moon, the sun and the planets on the sky: Unknown
    Why are there polar ice caps on Mars: Unknown
    What are planets: Unknown
    what are comets: Unknown
    What causes retrograde motion on planets: Unknown
    Precise maps: None
    Why ships disappear beyond the horizon bottom first: Unknown
    Why does the atmospheric pressure drop the higher you go: Unknown
    What causes earthquakes: Unknown
    What causes Coriolis effect: Unknown
    Why do pendulums oscillate according to your latitude: Unknown
    What causes tides and how can we predict the times of when the tide comes in and the tide goes out: Unknown
    Why do helium balloons fall down in a vacuum: Unknown
    Why doesn’t the size of sun and the moon change during the day: unknown
    Why does the sun and the moon go behind the horizon: unknown
    Why do ring laser gyroscopes pick a drift. A 15 degree per hour drift: Unknown (Thanks Bob)


    Flat earthers see Globe believers as a threat. On the other hand ,given the well publicized evidence for a globe, Globe believers feel secure. Globe believers always ask for evidence that contradicts their beliefs, that’s how science works, question everything. To this day, no evidence had ever been put forward from a flat Earther? If this was a competitive boxing event , there would be a knockout in the first round.

    Thank you!


    Johannesburg – Sydney – direct flight over a spherical Earth!

    If the earth were flat you would see all those countries. If it were a globe you see mainly sea. I myself have flown between NZ and South America and seen nothing but sea most of the time, whereas on a flat earth it would fly over the USA. Personal observation and common sense sides with the globe. Another flat earth fail.


    Danny Dabbs


    Just to be fair, there are many flat earth and geocentric model
    proofs in this thread as well.
    Let the people decide which position is true or false.


    All flat earth evidence has been debunked in this thread. The globe is the only explanation left when using a process of elimination. One theory is a lie, the other is the truth. Lies come from the father of lies.


    Why do Flat Earthers deny the Moon Landing?

    Flat earthers believe the moon landings are fake. Yet if the moon is local, then you could fly a plane to the moon and hence it would make it easy to visit the moon. Thus, if the moon was local, then a moon landing would support a local moon from the perspective of it being easier to visit. Think man think. You need to try a bit harder.


    Understanding Maps



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