The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #942843
    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Proclaimer,

    It’s sad that you can’t grasp simple basic things like “up” and “down”.
    Sorry, no offence, but come on!


    Look in the mirror danny.

    Have you even attempted to bring back the sun at sunset?

    If no, then the truth doesn’t matter to you.

    If yes, then you failed, so explain why you can’t do it.

    I can. It went over the horizon because the earth is revolving.

    The facts are all on the side of the earth being globe.

    Flat Earth is a stone age view that reality, science, and scripture does not support.

    And all lies come from the father of lies.

    Nothing good comes from a lie.

    Danny Dabbs


    Common sense tells every free-thinking person correctly that there truly is an “up” and “down” in nature, unlike the “everything is relative” rhetoric of the Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm.


    Common Sense proves the earth is not flat

    I do respect common sense and feel that society today does lack common sense in many things. Like men getting pregnant for example. Let’s look at other ways people today lack common sense, in particular flat earthers.

    1. They believe that millions of people in the space industry, pilots, scientists, explorers, sailors in the Round the World Yacht Race, satellite TV companies and employees, mobile phone operators, Elon Musk, meteorological organisations, the military, etc are hiding the flat earth. And not one of these shapeshifting lizards have come forward despite Wikileaks and Project Veritas.
    2. They believe that Antarctica is patrolled by the military and given the circumference of their ice wall, this would require 10,000 or so military boats.
    3. They believe that the distances in the Southern Hemisphere on the flat earth represent reality.
    4. They believe the earth is flat despite not being able to bring back the sun with a zoom lens shortly after it has set.
    5. They believe the bible teaches the flat earth, but cannot give you one scripture when you ask for their best one.
    6. They believe the earth is flat despite the stars rotating in different directions in each hemisphere.
    7. They deny the shape of the Earth’s shadow during a solar eclipse: During a solar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow is cast on the moon, and it appears to be curved, indicating that the Earth is round.
    8. They do not understand the implications of climbing higher and seeing more distance.
    9. They believe that this trillion dollar conspiracy exists in order to hide God when in fact our current understanding of the universe and its fine tuning for life shows the works of an eternal God very clearly for those who have eyes.
    10. They believe the flat earth despite zero evidence for it. No photos, no math, no predictions like solar eclipses etc.

    Let’s be real. Common sense debunks the flat earth.

    Danny Dabbs


    Danny Dabbs



    Easy debunk

    You can perform this yourself easily. When you are further out, you see more of the globe.


    The Theory of Uppity makes a comeback

    Your stuck with your theory of uppity.

    What is your proof that uppity is reality and gravity is not.

    You have no proof.

    Just a stone age view based entirely off your own perspective.

    If you lived 100% of your life inside a moving train that was doing 100 mph consistently, you would argue that you were still and trees and people outside were all moving despite their hair not moving and trees not bending because of the movement. That too is a stone age view.

    As you can see, you completely lack the understanding of different realities based on your unique position. This is what Einstein taught us and he called it Relativity. So inside the train your reality is different to the reality of those outside. Notice that both realities are correct, but determined by perspective of the viewer. Relativity means that reality is relative to each of us. So to you I might seem like I am upside-down because I live in the land down under. But from my perspective, you are upside down. Of course, gravity tells us that up and down are relative. Up is heading away from earth and down is heading toward the centre of earth. This truth ticks all the boxes for all perspectives. Your ridiculous way of seeing things forces you to believe we are on a floating pepperoni pizza and on the same side of that world. But we are not. I am on the other side.

    To wrap up. You have zero proof of uppity, yet their is a ton of proof for gravity. Much technology and designs of aircraft, satellites, and even cars take gravity for granted. If they ignored it, they would do so at their own peril. I guess you would be happy to fly with Flat Earth airlines. Taking a straight line on the flat earth keeps you at the same altitude, but because we are on a globe, you would be sent into outer space.

    Bye bye! Remember to pack oxygen when you fly Flat Earth Airways. Make sure you have travel insurance, so your family will be looked after.


    BTW, why haven’t you brought back the sun after sunset using zoom. If you can supposedly do it with boats, then do it with the biggest light from our perspective. You can’t. You lose then. But then your ability to pretend is quite remarkable.

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Danny.

    Your meme is useless. It proves nothing. All you really have are useless memes.

    Do something useful like bringing the sun back after sunset using zoom.

    You can’t do it because the earth is not flat. Rather, the sun has sunk below your horizon. Simple.

    Did you know you can watch the sunset multiple times if you are able to gain altitude fast? This means that when you gain height, you see further over the horizon and can see the sun again. This can only work on the globe and cannot work on a flat disc. Observation and common sense are important. Do not throw them away for useless memes.

    Even if we ignore all other evidence, this alone means your flat earth is a lie.


    Seek and you will find

    If you cannot afford a trip to Dubai, then buy a drone and watch the sun set twice from your own backyard.

    You see the further from earth you get, the more of the globe you get to see. This also explains why some photos of earth show countries looking bigger. If you see less of the globe, the land you can see will take up more of the earth in your view.

    It’s all logical and common sense when you think about it.

    Question everything, otherwise you will be fooled by tricksters.


    Show us people upside down

    Here is a side view of the globe.

    Of course, the satellite or camera could rotate to get a different view and the resulting photo could be rotated to match the man-made maps that place the north at the top.

    But think further. If you wanted to zoom in and capture people swimming on the side, you would have to get closer and you would end up pointing your camera down and zoom in and end up with the same view as Google Earth. An aerial view. This is reality, not your theory of uppity which is one of the most childish things I have ever heard.




    Look what happens when you rotate the photo.

    Of course, the satellite or camera could get this view if it rotated.

    Amazing that such basic realities need to be explained.


    Danny Dabbs


    The existing laws of density and buoyancy perfectly explained the physics of falling objects long before knighted Freemason “Sir” Isaac Newton bestowed his theory of “gravity” upon the world.


    While Newton’s membership was largely intellectual, his scientific achievements and contributions were not directly related to his membership in the organization. In fact, he is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of Christian thought. He wrote extensively on theological topics, including a treatise on the interpretation of biblical prophecy titled “Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John.” Newton also believed that his scientific work was a way of understanding God’s creation and revealing the mysteries of the universe that He had created.

    IMO, a man who searched for truth and found it, unlike yourself Danny. If your heart is not tuned for truth, you will believe in lies.


    I notice that you have not posted a video of you bringing back the sun. What is the delay?


    Like Mike, you have been debunked so much that most people would have at least questioned their beliefs by now. But not yourself and Mike. Are you aware that the Flat Earth movement has sunk. I guess many adherents just realised after a while how foolish a belief it was.


    Another prominent flat earther admits he was wrong

    Not looking too good for those few who are still hanging onto the lie.

    Danny Dabbs


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