The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #942472

    Is this guy a liar danny?

    NASA like any organisation is made of people who are imperfect. Some believe in God some don’t. Many astronauts believe in God. And all the more after seeing the earth from space. This has had a profound effect on some if not all. He also talks about the circle of the earth. But you must be calling him a liar, danny.


    Here is the exact moment he states that he saw the circle of the earth.

    This is the testimony of a man who claims that Jesus Christ is the centre of his life. Danny, either he or you is a liar. Is he the liar?

    It seems clear that you don’t like truth. This not a good sign at all. It is by the fruit that we know what a person is like.


    A picture says a thousand words.



    Danny, is that man a liar?

    Yes or No.


    While you are carefully contemplating if that guy or yourself is a liar, I offer this video which answers your main question, but I am not sure whether you will be able to grasp it or not. I post it in the hope that you can understand it.

    Danny Dabbs


    The Genesis creation story provides the first key to the Hebrew cosmology.
    The order of creation makes no sense from a conventional perspective but is
    perfectly logical from a flat-earth viewpoint. The earth was created on the
    first day, and it was “without form and void (Genesis 1:2).” On the second
    day, a vault the “firmament” of the King James version was created to
    divide the waters, some being above and some below the vault. Only on the
    fourth day were the sun, moon, and stars created, and they were placed “in”
    (not “above”) the vault. – Robert J. Schadewald The Flat-Earth Bible


    The Genesis creation story provides the first key to the Hebrew cosmology.
    The order of creation makes no sense from a conventional perspective but is
    perfectly logical from a flat-earth viewpoint. The earth was created on the
    first day, and it was “without form and void

    Incorrect. The opening verse states that God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth that is formless and void means three things that you are ignoring.

    1. The earth already existed.
    2. It was covered in water.
    3. But scripture states that God created the earth in a perfect state and that the sons of God shouted for joy.

    Regardless, how we imagine what took place between the creation of the earth and then the earth being formless and void, the scripture itself states that God had already created the heavens and the earth by the time his Spirit was hovering over the waters. Read it yourself. Hovering over the waters in no way means God created the earth at that point. It just means he was renewing the earth. Making land appear etc.



    Only on the fourth day were the sun, moon, and stars created, and they were placed “in” (not “above”) the vault.

    The vault is the sky. The sky is a term that means atmosphere and space. Yes the sun and moon are in the sky even to this day. It is God who is above the sky / heavens.  In Genesis 1:8, God explicitly calls the expanse “heaven”.

    Danny Dabbs


    The vault of heaven is a crucial concept. The word “firmament” appears in
    the King James version of the Old Testament 17 times, and in each case it is
    translated from the Hebrew word raqiya, which meant the visible vault of
    the sky. The word raqiya comes from riqqua, meaning “beaten out.” In
    ancient times, brass objects were either cast in the form required or beaten
    into shape on an anvil. A good craftsman could beat a lump of cast brass
    into a thin bowl. Thus, Elihu asks Job, “Can you beat out [raqa] the vault of
    the skies, as he does, hard as a mirror of cast metal (Job 37:18)?”
    Elihu’s question shows that the Hebrews considered the vault of heaven a
    solid, physical object. – Robert J. Schadewald The Flat-Earth Bible


    A good craftsman could beat a lump of cast brass
    into a thin bowl. Thus, Elihu asks Job, “Can you beat out [raqa] the vault of
    the skies, as he does, hard as a mirror of cast metal (Job 37:18)?”
    Elihu’s question shows that the Hebrews considered the vault of heaven a
    solid, physical object. – Robert J. Schadewald The Flat-Earth Bible


    God spread out the heavens is what it means.

    Even in science, the consensus is that the universe / heavens is spreading out or expanding.

    It doesn’t mean it is made of metal. It’s the spreading out part you need to take note of.


    Two questions you haven’t answered yet danny.

    1. Have you brought back the sun after sunset like you guys claim that you can do with boats?
    2. Answer the question as to which of you guys is the liar. The astronaut in the video or yourself.

    Another question for you danny which you should be able to answer in order to back up your beliefs and teachings.

    Why does the moon stay the same size in the sky if it is local. When a plane flies across the sky it appears larger when it is closer to us and smaller when it heads or comes from the horizon.

    So why doesn’t the moon do the same thing?

    Because it is much further away and bigger than you think. A larger and much further away object will increase its appearance as the same size, the further and bigger it is. It’s about percentages.

    Think about it. If the moon is say 3000 miles away, then a person viewing it from 9000 miles away should see a much smaller moon compared to when it is overhead at 3000 miles away. I mean that there would be a massive change in size of the moon.

    Another problem for you danny is that even if you were as far away as the ice wall, you should still see the moon way over there in the sky when it is on the other side of the pizza. After all, we see stars at night.

    I’ll let you contemplate this and then realise you have no answer and then ignore my questions / put your head in the sand.


    Some good tips in here danny about testing your beliefs because you could be deceived.


    Conservation of Momentum

    Flathead: Why don’t you just hover in the air and let the earth spin under your feet.

    Glober: Doesn’t work like that. It’s like being inside a moving train. If I jump inside a train doing 100mph, I will not hit the back wall, rather I will land on the same spot because when I jumped, I was also doing the same speed as the train. Thus you do not notice speed if it is constant.

    Flathead: Try jumping while on the roof of the train.

    Glober: The earth and atmosphere is like being inside the train. But I will play your little game and jump from the outside of the train.

    Let’s think about this.
    The Earth turns but once per day.
    Addionally, it takes one whole year to orbit the Sun.
    Further, the Solar System takes 225 million years to orbit the Galaxy.
    Jump all you want.

    Danny Dabbs


    I don’t believe NASA.
    As for the Sun, I gave you two explanations.
    There are more. It’s a combination of several things.
    But I will no longer share it with you.
    Because I believe you will never reconsider.
    Time to shake the dust off my feet and move on.


    The truth doesn’t matter to you it seems.

    But the Spirit of Truth guides us into all truth.

    We must be born again if we are to see the kingdom of God.

    Pray for the Spirit of Truth and that your mind will be renewed by the word of God.

    Repentance is key.




    Neither you, Mike, or any flat earther ever has brought back the sun using a camera / phone zoom lens.

    Flerfers can bring back small boats, but not the sun for some reason. Something doesn’t add up.

    So why can they bring back small boats?

    Because they were never over the horizon to begin with. They were simply too small to see with the naked eye.

    But even this is deception to some degree. The videos that show small boats on the near side of the horizon being brought back into view actually disappear when zoomed out. But the human eye doesn’t see that view unaided. Further, they never bring back large boats that do not go out of view until the go over the horizon because of their large size. Go figure.

    So until you, Mike, or any deceiver wants to show a video of the sun being brought back, then you have nothing. This is something you can all do, but refuse. Ignore all the videos, photos, testimonies, and mathematics all you like, but no one has brought back the sun which anyone can test.

    This means you are dishonest and have zero credibility.

    Danny Dabbs


    Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38


    But you still need to listen to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will never lead you into lies, deception, false myths, and doctrines of demons

    You have to depart the faith to do such.

    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    Truth is one way we can judge if a person has the Spirit. And if not, such a person repents and gains truth as a result. They are teachable and do not stubbornly hold onto lies and teach them.

    Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

    Remember, pride goes before a fall.

    Danny Dabbs


    But you still need to listen to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will never lead you into lies, deception, false myths, and doctrines of demons

    I agree.
    Let go of your pride and listen to the Holy Spirit.

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