A message from a physicist and a message from a flat earther


I am a physicist and it comes naturally to me that all planets are spheres mainly because of gravity.

The gravity of a planet is directly proportional to the planet’s mass and inversely proportional to the planet’s radius.

Gravity can be calculated 6.67*10^-11(planet mass/planet radius^2).

This also means that, according to Newton, the earth’s rotation does not have a particularly large effect on gravity.

The sun has the greatest gravitational force in our solar system, approx. 247N/kg or 247 m/s^2, which means that if you fall one meter on the sun, you will hit the “ground” with a speed of 247 m/s. Similarly, 1 kg on the Sun will be 247N, while on Earth 1 kg will only be 9.81N.

We have formulas to calculate the curvature of the earth, and these are very accurate.

Why do some people think the earth is flat? When all scientific findings indicate that all planets are spheres?
All scientific sources on the shape of the plates are available to anyone. Flat earth documentation is not available, logically enough because it doesn’t exist. As a physicist, I must be able to explain observations and natural phenomena through mathematics and scientific models. This is exactly what makes physics so exciting!

A model must be able to explain all phenomena and observations, you can do that on a sphere. On a flat earth it is not possible, so above all one does not use false values.

The globe rotates 360 degrees/24 hours. Our solar system is moving at 600,000m/s towards the center of the Milky Way where there is a gigantic hole with an enormous gravitational force. Since the acceleration is constant, we do not  notice any of this, so Newton’s second law is fulfilled.

If, on the other hand, the earth’s rotation increased or decreased, we would notice it because Newton’s second law will no longer be fulfilled.

I love my subject and am happy to answer questions, but do not respond to sarcasm.

– Physicist

Flat Earther

The earth is flat because I rolled a marble on a table and it disappeared bottom up. Although when I moved my head up a little to be level with the table, it didn’t do that for some reason.

I brought a small boat back into view that was too small to see, although I can’t bring the sun back for some reason.

The bible teaches the world is flat, although I cannot find one verse that teaches this.

The flat earth map is accurate and explains observation, although it doubles and triples distances in the southern hemisphere for some reason. But the southern hemisphere kind of doesn’t matter.

The globe earth conspiracy means millions are in on the secret, yet not one person has leaked the truth despite the anonymity of Wikileaks etc for some strange reason,

The flat earth is hidden from the populace because it proves that God exists. Although the scientific view proves an eternal God because the cosmos is so finely tuned for our existence, that the odds of it being random are greater than 1 in a number bigger than all the atoms of the universe. Further it does demonstrate the eternal nature of God, but it is just too big to give God the glory if you have a simple mind. The pizza model and dome on top which BTW to keeps the pizza warm and contained makes it easier to see that there is a God, although not a very impressive one.

– Flat Earther

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  • #942939
    Danny Dabbs



    Yep, this is all you have. Your lack of understanding eclipses all reality and observation. Like I have said before, Uppity is a foolish way to see reality as even digging a little deeper into the meaning of up and down shows us the truth.

    Instead of just stating that Uppity is reality with lame memes, provide some proof. Bring back the sun or something similar. Until then, you are just providing free entertainment for readers of this topic. If the earth is flat, then the sun can be brought back like those boats going over the supposed horizon.

    If that is too difficult for you, then explain why the stars above NZ circulate the opposite way to you? The globe ticks that box too and the flat earth once again fails observation and common sense. Think about it, how do I see the stars revolving in the opposite direction if we are on the same side of the world? we should see the same directional rotation of stars. Your view simply doesn’t match reality because it is a lie.

    Believe me, reality wins. Lol.

    Danny Dabbs

    Danny danny danny boy.

    What is below that globe.

    Let me tell you.

    The earth is.

    Therefore, because down is toward the centre of the earth, this means in his globe and plane example, the plane is indeed upside down because the line heads from his globe to the plane then toward the centre of the earth below. But this is not true for the earth itself, because down is toward the centre of the earth, thus nothing is upside down.

    If his globe and plane example were in space, then it wouldn’t matter to which orientation the globe and plane were. It would only look upside down the observer was 180% from the plane in relation to that globe. The observer could simply flip himself the other way and the plane would be oriented the same way as him.

    So the example he gives is seriously flawed.

    He says he is not a fool, but then makes this absolutely foolish blunder which makes you question his statement.

    I had to laugh honestly.

    Uppity is not a thing and you cannot prove it. But gravity works time and time again.

    Remember in science class when you were at school how you flunked?

    There might be a message in that danny that you need to pay attention to.


    One minute video

    Flat earther debunks himself.


    A complete lack of common sense

    Imagine believing gravity doesn’t exist, Space X is a hoax, the moon is self illuminating, there’s a glass dome over us, the Sun is local and follows a wibbly wobbly path that speeds up and slows down depending on the season, and a giant ice wall that is massive and partolled by the milary.

    All without one jot of rational explanation.

    Where is the common sense? It’s not there. Flat Earth is a delusion, lie, and a cult.

    The only positive thing about it is it makes you laugh at how silly the whole thing is. In other words, it’s free entertainment.

    Danny Dabbs


    I had to laugh honestly.

    l don’t find anything funny about it.
    Anyway, “Gravity” doesn’t change the fact that the plane is now upside down.
    There are no upside down planes in reality.
    Conclusion: We don’t live on a globe.


    Happy Flat Earth Day Danny





    General Message to Flat Earthers

    The truth is truth. There is 2500 years of experimentation that all leads us to the same conclusion. Literally everything debunks flat earth. Do yourself a favour and try to debunk flat earth with as much tenacity as you go after the globe and you will see just how easily it is debunked.





    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Proclaimer,

    I know this is a different topic but I want to say it one more time.
    The lying freemasons are even in our christian circles.
    Please note, I’m no longer saying that you are one of them.
    What are they doing?
    Well, 1 John 2:23 explains it very well:
    Whoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father.
    Of course, this works both ways:
    Whoever denies the Father, the same has not the Son.
    That’s what it’s all about.

    God bless


    If you believe and teach something that is not true, it effects your other teachings, even if they are true.

    “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”

    New Living Translation:
    This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!


    Here’s a quote from a person who looked into flat earth.
    Wise words.





    Danny Dabbs


    If you believe and teach something that is not true, it effects your other teachings, even if they are true.

    Right back at you, Proclaimer.



    I would never teach people that the bible teaches a flat earth. That would be a lie.

    I also wouldn’t teach the earth was flat from a scientific viewpoint as the evidence is overwhelming that we live in a universe filled with galaxies, suns, planets, and moons. And because of gravity, shapes that are not spherical will eventually break up and become spherical. Common sense too.

    The universe displays God’s eternal nature and fine tuning.

    The god of a flat earth disc would lead men to ask who that god was and who was his god.

    The universe we understand shows that the God that created it is the Most High.


    Zero Common Sense


    Danny Dabbs



    Two truths can be deduced from your meme

    1. Light would never have that effect on a flat earth where it curves away like that in the corners. It would be evenly circular around the light source itself which doesn’t match reality when you look at the area that would be lit up by the light compared with the area that actually experiences day.
    2. If it requires a god to create the flat earth, then it would require a much greater God, even the Most High God to create the universe that we observe.

    Let me ask you a question. If a simple paper plane requires a creator in order for it to exist, then how much more would a stealth bomber aircraft require a creator. Flat Earthers are silly because they are basically saying something simple is created, but the way more complex version isn’t. Foolish to the extreme.

    For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    A flat disc universe with a dome does not and never will display God’s eternal power.

    The truth is this. If the earth were really flat, then yes we would have a god, but it is quite feasible that this god would have a higher God. But the universe that we have observed and understand, shows us that the god who made all things fits the description as the Most High. He doesn’t need a god because the universe he made seems eternal. There is always more wherever we look. Only the great God can do this. The flat earth god if there was one could just be an alien species that has higher technology then we currently have.


    Four different types of men

    1.  A man who knows, and knows that he knows. This is the scholar, so take and patiently learn from him.
    2. A man who knows, but does not know that he knows. This one has forgotten, so quietly remind him.
    3. A man who does not know, and knows that he does not know. This one is a student, so teach him continuously because he will be a great scholar one day.
    4. A man who does not know, and does not know that he does not know and isn’t even interested in knowing. This one is an idiot, so reject him”.

    ~ ECSaayli

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