Is the virus natural or manufactured?

The following documentary makes the case that Coronavirus is man-made. Is this the truth or not. You be the judge. It is worth noting that this film is banned on the major tech networks so you will only find it on alternative platforms like BitChute.

Note: I have been careful to not mention this documentary by name because it would likely lead to the site suffering a penalty is search. To be honest, I am concerned at the current title too. I will see what happens.

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  • #931293

    Adam, interesting.


    Investigation Reveals Effort To CONCEAL Lab Leak Research


    How Massive Censorship Led to the Decay of Trust in America’s Institutions


    Life Insurance CEO Reveals Non-Covid Deaths Up 40% Among Working People


    Hi to all

    Created a New Deadlier Strain of Covid that is Capable of Killing 80% of those Infected 


    News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.

    Boston University Created a New Deadlier Strain of Covid that is Capable of Killing 80% of those Infected
    October 17, 2022 by Andy Roman 10 Comments

    On October 17, 2022, the Daily Mail reported that “researchers” at Boston University created the “most infectious variant ever” by inserting Omicron’s spike protein into the original Wuhan Covid strain. The newly created and deadlier Covid strain killed 80% of the mice that were exposed to the virus during its development. The Daily Mail reported the following:

    “US researchers have developed a new lethal Covid strain in a laboratory  – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic. The mutant variant — which is a hybrid of Omicron and the original Wuhan virus — killed 80 percent of mice infected with it at Boston University … The scientists also infected human cells with the hybrid variant and found it was five times more infectious than Omicron. This suggests the man-made virus might be the most contagious form yet.” [1]
    This is referred to as research, but it is not research. This is pure evil. There is no reason to create a virus with the potential to wipe out 80% of the world’s population if this new strain of Covid somehow “leaks” out of the lab. Despite the fact that they claim to be studying viruses, these biolabs are developing highly contagious agents that are either indirectly or directly becoming bioweapons.

    Conspiracy theories have become reality. This new, more lethal Covid strain was developed in a laboratory. They are no longer attempting to conceal these facts. According to the Daily Mail, there are currently 63 biochemical labs around the world experimenting with dangerous viruses. We should be concerned that these experiments may increase the risk of future pandemics, especially since many believe that the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 was caused by humans.

    Many countries are conducting these experiments in order to create deadlier and more potent strains, and Boston University has just created the mother of all Covid viruses, which has the potential to wipe out 80% of those infected. What are they thinking? Why are they doing this? Unless, of course, they want us to trust the scientists who are telling us that they have everything under control and that nothing will go wrong. What could possibly go wrong when fallen, sinful human nature is tasked with safeguarding these deadly bioweapons?

    While politicians and climate activists warn us that we must significantly alter our lifestyles in order to escape a catastrophic climate change calamity that would destroy the earth, biochemical labs are developing super lethal viruses that could kill millions of people. This is completely insane. Have we learned nothing? We just went through two years of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, the destruction of small businesses, the loss of employment, and the loss of civil and religious liberty during the Covid-19 pandemic. How many more times do we want to repeat this?

    Why do we allow these laboratories to modify viruses to make them more lethal? Why is this happening? There is no reason to do this unless drug companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and others are funding these projects in order to sell us more vaccines and boosters. Perhaps the government is funding these biochemical experiments in preparation for the next election, future lockdowns, and the end of our constitutional freedoms as we know them. Or maybe the globalists need more chaos in our world in order to advance the Great Reset.

    One thing is certain: sooner or later, we will learn that a new super lethal strain of Covid has arrived “accidentally.” But we don’t have to be concerned because a new drug would have already been developed. New vaccines will be created with their never-ending boosters. New mask mandates, new lockdowns, new digital IDs, a new digital currency, and a new global economic system will also come. And in order to save the planet from this “accidental” virus, a New World Order based on totalitarianism will emerge.

    Inspiration tells us that some diseases are created to bring ruin and desolation:

    Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows … While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work” (Great Controversy, p. 589).



    God bless


    Yes, I saw that. And they brag about it.


    Investigation Into Origin Of Pandemic

    When the Republicans take power in January, Jim Jordan and House Republicans will launch an investigation into the pandemic and demand testimony from dozens of officials from the Biden administration as well as other experts on the origins of COVID-19 in China. They will also inquire about U.S. funding for Wuhan virus research.


    Documents Reveal Secret Twitter used by US Government for Censoring


    The Story Of COVID’s Creation

    And why the denial. Could it be that the US funded this?


    Why the COVID Lab Leak Story is NOT a Conspiracy Theory Anymore!


    CDC Director Admits Under Oath: Vaccines Do Not Prevent Transmission


    Lab leak confirmed?

    Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi recently disclosed that Chinese researchers conducting gain-of-function studies on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were the initial individuals to be infected with COVID-19. A recently released government report has exposed that the funding for these experiments originated from US taxpayers.


    The ‘Smoking Gun’

    Did the former chief medical advisor lie under oath to Congress?



    Coronavirus is God’s judgment on China’s widespread cruelty towards animals. If you don’t eat meat you are immune. Wait and see.

    Do you still think this is the case?

    Or do you now think it came from a laboratory?


    The ineffectiveness of the shot


    History of vaccinations

    Facinating documentary about vaccines


    How did Sweden’s approach to the pandemic workout?


    CIA Paid Officials to BURY EVIDENCE of Lab Leak Theory.


    Coronavirus is God’s judgment on China’s widespread cruelty towards animals. If you don’t eat meat you are immune. Wait and see.

    Do you still think this is the case?

    Or do you now think it came from a laboratory?

    Hi Proclaimer, long time.

    Yes I do still believe that.


    The prevailing albeit not politically correct theory is that it escaped from the only level 4 virus lab in the country at the time. You then must think that it is simply a coincidence that Wuhan Institute of Virology happened to be the approximate location of the virus’ origin. That is a huge coincidence. Too huge to overlook. The media brainwashed people to think this was a conspiracy theory. But logic tells you that it would be a main contender if not most likely explanation. It seems anything goes, except believing that the Wuhan Virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We live in strange times indeed.

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