Flat Earthers gather in New Zealand

Flat Earthers hold a conference in Auckland, with speakers from around the globe.

Flat Earth celebrities have flown across the globe to speak at the Flat Earth Expo in Auckland, New Zealand. Flat Earthers believe that we live on a flat plane rather than the accepted globe model. Flat Earthers also believe that most evidence to the contrary is controlled by a giant conspiracy of which NASA is at the forefront.

The Flat Earth model has the north pole in the centre of a flat circular disc and the South Pole as not existing at all. Instead, they believe that Antarctica is a giant encircling ice wall that hems in the world’s oceans. They point out that nearly all of us have never visited Antarctica, thus we rely on the testimony of a few who claim to have visited the frozen continent, and who are mostly lying to us and are part of the conspiracy. Flat Earthers are quick to point out that it is illegal to visit Antarctica. Whether this is true or not, the fact is, it is illegal to do a number of things in any protected wilderness areas of the world of which Antarctica is a special one.

This conference in Auckland comes with a huge opportunity. Flat Earthers flying to New Zealand from the Northern Hemisphere have a unique opportunity to prove to themselves that the Earth is not flat and instead the mostly accepted globe. They only need to travel via South America to New Zealand and note the hours spent getting there will be way less than their Flat Earth model would have you believe. You see, the Flat Earth disc with no south pole has New Zealand, Australia, South America, and Africa many times apart in distance from each other as the globe suggests, simply because, instead of reducing down to a single point we call the South Pole, the area of land in the Southern Hemisphere expands out to the giant ice wall circumference of the whole disc. This projection is similar to how we view Canada, Russia, or even Antarctica on most world maps where they are many times larger on these maps than they are in reality . This is because maps have difficulty projecting a 3D globe onto their 2D canvas. In essence, the Flat Earth model is a 2D construct as it is a flat surface albeit disc shape, so it has the Southern Hemisphere as being much larger in area than it really is.

Sitting in an isolated spot in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand gives these Flat Earthers travelling to Auckland the unique opportunity to debunk their own belief. But how many will actually test this out? I am thinking perhaps a few, but most of these guys will just be looking forward to rubbing shoulders with their Flat Earth brothers when they get here and on-route looking out toward the flat horizon because they are simply not flying high enough to see the curve.

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  • #943867

    The Lunar Module was not originally intended for reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. Numerous observers perceive the LM-2 as delicate, resembling a flimsy foil structure. Nevertheless, this lightweight construction contributed to the LM’s remarkable functionality, as a heavier module would necessitate additional fuel for a return to orbit.

    Further, if you think about it, if it was all fake, then surely they would have made it look more professional to stop you asking questions. But the truth is that they built it to do a particular job and it didn’t have to be pretty. That would be the last thing they would have done if they were trying to sell a lie.


    Think about it. Pride makes a person blind.


    Danny Dabbs


    Pride makes a person blind.

    I agree with that statement.


    Okay good. Yes, pride goes before a fall.

    Now, with that understanding, look at this once again and be honest to yourself



    But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.


    A lie is a lie

    Why is the sun lower than the clouds at sunrise and sunset?

    In the flat earth model that is impossible. In the heliocentric model it is guaranteed.

    Lies don’t add up. Rather embrace the light of truth.

    Think @dannyd.

    Danny Dabbs




    Think @dannyd think

    That is exactly what you would see if you were putting something into orbit. It goes up then turns into orbit. Did you think it would go up and suddenly stop when it reached its exact orbital altitude? Lol. If you did that, you could easily overshoot the correct altitude. Further, it is actually curved because the earth is curved and altitude follows the curve. Your memes have all failed. Do you have anything else to help keep the lie going?

    Danny Dabbs



    The bible does not teach a glass dome anywhere

    Psalm 104:2
    Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain.

    , you really need to understand the definition of a metaphor. If we take everything as literal, then the bible contradicts itself. You think that Job is saying it is solid dome and King David then says it’s like a fabric. Interesting because Einstein says that space-time is a fabric and believed that the universe was expanding (spreading out). In other words it is a solid thing of type, as opposed to being  nothing, but the bible is not teaching you that you live under a glass dome. Lol. BTW, a glass dome over a pizza earth is not stretching.

    It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.

    -Mark Twain

    As for Dr. John Mack. Ask him yourself if he is a flat earther. Do your homework before posting fake memes designed for idiots.


    Metaphors are not meant to be taken literally

    From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.

    Danny, I bet you do not believe that Jesus is coming back with an actual sword in his mouth and I bet you do not believe that he will not necessary have a rod made of iron, and that you do not really think that the wicked will be turned into wine using a giant winepress.

    So if you do not believe that literally but metaphorically, then why is it that you believe other things literally which would be just as foolish?

    I’ll tell you why. Because you suffer from the human condition called ‘trusting your own understanding’.  You are also biased toward your own understanding and just flat out reject any truth that contradicts your flawed understanding. This behavior is not befitting for a man of God.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.



    Wisdom is gold. Seek it with all your heart. Turn from foolishness and seek that which is of great value instead. Life is short.


    This doesn’t match reality, lol.



    Truth is accepted verbatim by people who have true hearts. Jesus Christ is the truth and those that do not love truth cannot love the Truth himself. Regardless of what that truth is, truth is reality. Do not live a lie or be a fake person. Lies have a source. They have a father.



    Vanishing point is the furthest you can see. That is where the sun goes right? Hang on, what about those mountains? Lol. The sun must be bigger, yet it disappears at that distance. Lol. Back to the drawing board.



    Circumnavigation of Antarctica

    Yet another nail in the FE coffin.

    In 2018, Mariusz Koper (of Poland) & crew sailed a yacht (the “Katharsis 2”) to circumnavigate around Antarctica in 72 days (from January into March) –requiring a distance of about 21,600 nautical miles, as they sailed in an EASTERLY direction, always tending to the RIGHT to get around Antarctica. ——- HOWEVER, IF there were an “ice wall” along the edge of a “flat earth,” the dimensions of such a “flat” earth would require a boat crew to go about 60,000 nautical miles to sail along the entire circumference of the “ice wall”… and they would always have to tend to the LEFT while traveling in an easterly direction. —– BUT –in fact– no one has EVER sailed along (nor flown an airplane along) the length of such an “ice wall,” because it does not exist… nor does a flat earth exist. — (NOTE: The radius of a flat earth –from the north pole to the waters off the shore of the “ice wall” would be about 9,500 nautical miles.) —– IF the flat earth “ice wall” existed, there would be some of these Everest-climbing types that would have tried to sail the whole circumference.


    Danny Dabbs



    Either this guy or @dannyd is peddling lies

    So who is telling lies?

    What other option is there?


    Flat Earthers: HOW do you maintain your self image of having superior knowledge and intelligence to us, if you just run away when asked any tough, specific questions about the claims you make in your posts or comments?
    I mean you must be aware you do it, since you make the decision to do it.
    What do you tell yourself your running away means?
    Do you tell yourself it’s a sign you won the argument?
    Do you tell yourself your running away isn’t really running away?
    Are you the slightest bit aware of how it comes across to others if you start by making blunt arrogant assertions of your mental superiority and then chicken out if challenged about your claims?
    How is any different to some bloke strutting around saying he can beat anyone in a fight, and then, when offered a fight, he runs away?


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