Flat Earthers gather in New Zealand

Flat Earthers hold a conference in Auckland, with speakers from around the globe.

Flat Earth celebrities have flown across the globe to speak at the Flat Earth Expo in Auckland, New Zealand. Flat Earthers believe that we live on a flat plane rather than the accepted globe model. Flat Earthers also believe that most evidence to the contrary is controlled by a giant conspiracy of which NASA is at the forefront.

The Flat Earth model has the north pole in the centre of a flat circular disc and the South Pole as not existing at all. Instead, they believe that Antarctica is a giant encircling ice wall that hems in the world’s oceans. They point out that nearly all of us have never visited Antarctica, thus we rely on the testimony of a few who claim to have visited the frozen continent, and who are mostly lying to us and are part of the conspiracy. Flat Earthers are quick to point out that it is illegal to visit Antarctica. Whether this is true or not, the fact is, it is illegal to do a number of things in any protected wilderness areas of the world of which Antarctica is a special one.

This conference in Auckland comes with a huge opportunity. Flat Earthers flying to New Zealand from the Northern Hemisphere have a unique opportunity to prove to themselves that the Earth is not flat and instead the mostly accepted globe. They only need to travel via South America to New Zealand and note the hours spent getting there will be way less than their Flat Earth model would have you believe. You see, the Flat Earth disc with no south pole has New Zealand, Australia, South America, and Africa many times apart in distance from each other as the globe suggests, simply because, instead of reducing down to a single point we call the South Pole, the area of land in the Southern Hemisphere expands out to the giant ice wall circumference of the whole disc. This projection is similar to how we view Canada, Russia, or even Antarctica on most world maps where they are many times larger on these maps than they are in reality . This is because maps have difficulty projecting a 3D globe onto their 2D canvas. In essence, the Flat Earth model is a 2D construct as it is a flat surface albeit disc shape, so it has the Southern Hemisphere as being much larger in area than it really is.

Sitting in an isolated spot in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand gives these Flat Earthers travelling to Auckland the unique opportunity to debunk their own belief. But how many will actually test this out? I am thinking perhaps a few, but most of these guys will just be looking forward to rubbing shoulders with their Flat Earth brothers when they get here and on-route looking out toward the flat horizon because they are simply not flying high enough to see the curve.

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  • #943758

    In order to preserve the flat earth lie, proponents simply ignore the facts.

    Here is one:


    There is no excuse for flat earth lies. Such facts for the globe are easily verifiable. If truth is not hard to discover, then only liars will deny it.

    Liars do not inherit the kingdom of God.


    No lie is of God

    How come flat earthers never bring up this experiment that Bob Knodel did to prove earth’s rotation? The fact that it was done by a prominent flat earther makes it all the more delightful. What it also proved was that flat earthers are not scientists but cultists. When the experiment didn’t go his way he looked for ways to disprove it. That fact alone tells us that these people are all about lies. Whatever it takes to keep up the belief of the cult. It’s so obvious it’s painful and yet all the flerfs just ignore it.

    What’s ironic is that most of them tell us that the bible is all we should need to believe that the earth is flat, yet at the same time the bible tells us not to deceive or lie, which is exactly what Bob’s next plan of action was.

    Flat Earthers Spent $20,000 Only To Prove That Earth Isn’t Flat

    Danny Dabbs


    All flat earth evidence has been debunked in this thread.

    No, that’s a lie.
    Lies come from the father of lies.


    Okay  let’s see who the liar is. Give me one example that can’t be and hasn’t been debunked. I’ll wait.

    Danny Dabbs


    You don’t get the point. You may have addressed every proof. I don’t know.
    But that doesn’t mean that the proofs are debunked.
    That was my point.



    You don’t get the point. You may have addressed every proof. I don’t know.
    But that doesn’t mean that the proofs are debunked.
    That was my point.

    Give me one then. If you cannot, then you are not a man of your own word.

    If you can’t back up your words then don’t say it.


    It’s truly amazing that Flat Earthers will not believe their own eyes but will believe everything that their cult leaders teach them, even lying about what the Bible clearly says: Psalms 50:1 and 113:3 speak of “From the rising of the sun to its going down” Indicating that the sun goes up and down over the horizon and NOT around in a big circle shrinking and disappearing into the distance as Flat Earthers falsely claim. But it seems that Flat Earthers are affected by some form of “strong delusion” and “unrighteous deception” – “because they did not receive the love of the truth” just as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:10.


    Danny Dabbs


    Your debunking arguments aren’t necessarily true.
    Everybody can post some google material.
    Just to be fair, I did the same.
    Let the people decide which position is true or false.
    Are you fair enough to leave it at that?


    Unless you are in the flat earth cult:

    • Anyone can see that all the flat earth arguments here have been debunked by science.
    • Anyone can see that there are zero bible verses that state that the earth is flat.
    • Anyone can see that flat earthers are in a cult and they preach lies.

    So am I willing to leave it there and let people decide?

    They have already decided against the flat earth theory.

    But the interesting thing about your question about leaving it so others can make their own mind up is that you are still in the deception and happy to remain there and happy to keep lying about the flat earth being scientific and biblical.

    Shame on you. You will get what you deserve because you respect not the truth and the facts.

    You are happy to remain in the deception.

    And because of that, no one can trust a word you say about other biblical subjects here, even if you are correct. You have a bad reputation. I am telling you the truth.

    Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?

    Who will take you seriously about anything. No one but flat earthers in your same situation. This is the harsh reality. This is why Flat Earthers join echo chambers. As it is written:

    For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.


    BTW, the fact that you cannot even put forward one argument that you feel hasn’t been debunked proves that you know nothing about the subject of our planet. Science and truth mean little to you it appears.

    Danny Dabbs


    You: Shame on you. You will get what you deserve because you respect not the truth and the facts.

    Me: You are a liar and a hypocrite.


    I see that you are not interested in repenting, rather just imposing what you should be dealing with onto others. Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the serpent. Very human of you.

    For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

    When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
    but with humility comes wisdom.

    Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.


    When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    Danny Dabbs


    Listen Proclaimer, I’ve tried to be fair to you, but no, you had to push it.

    When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2


    Pride includes being given truth, but sticking to lies anyway. Pride stops people from learning like children do. They become haughty and rely on their own understanding because they hold their view in high esteem to the point of placing it above truth itself.

    A real student is humble and learns truth because they know that they have need, are inadequate, and will hold onto truth and learn from it. And with that, they gain experience and wisdom which they can pas on to others.


    It is better to deal with lies now and embrace the light than learn of the lies you have been involved in on judgment day. Everyday you are alive on earth is God’s grace. Don’t throw it away.


    Best to face the truth here and test all things to see if they are so. This way, you will spare yourself from propagating lies and the consequences of those lies. Seriously. This is no laughing matter. You either love truth or you don’t care about it and thus open yourself to deception.




    Think Dan think


    Does this look like a self-illuminating light?

    No its light comes from the Sun.

    God created two lights and the moon is a light.

    But it’s light comes from the sun.

    Similarly, God is light but we can the be the light of the world.

    That light comes from God not us, yet we can be light too because we reflect God’s light.

    Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

    Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

    Danny Dabbs


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