Did Jesus quote the Book of Enoch?

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  • #779014

    Timothy of britania.

    You should know what the word sodom means.
    And the word sodomy.



    This world(not the earth but the system) belongs to satan,he is the king of babylon(cofusion).
    He also is in charge of his angels,and demons.
    He also is in charge of his spiritual kingdom, and sends his angels and evil spirit to have influence over the non believers,and believers not truly in Christ.
    Satan’s kingdom is based on confusion,corruption and wars for greed.
    God’s angels are here to minister over all believers,guiding them to follow the narrow path.
    Many do follow, but also many will not, because of all the world’s temptations are too strong to resist.There is more fun in the world.
    Christians are advised not to be OF babylon the great;but to come out of her.
    Receive the renewing of the mind; walk in the spirit of Christ and you shall be saved.
    The Holy bible is the Word of God leading us to God.
    Jesus was the Word of God in the flesh, teaching us how to serve God.
    He is now spirit again since His resurrection.His flesh is spirit and is life. The SPIRIT in the printed words we read in the bible, is the flesh of Christ.
    We are advised to eat it; meaning seek,read, and learn.Get some knowledge,with the help of the HS Jesus will provide.Get to know your God; dont put Him on the back burner.
    Put Your God first on your list; walk your talk; not just talk your talk.Those are called the luke warm christians.
    This is what is happening in the christian world for many years.
    Many praises, just good to the ears,but not enough seeking. We need to search for the truth,we can not turn ito pools of water,not going anywhere.Seek and ye shall find.We are the church;the living temple of God, not made of stone and mortar.
    Satan’s kingdom is numbered: is coming to an end soon,because evil has reached to the full.
    The grapes are ready to be harvested and put through the press.
    The wheat/corn is also ready to be harvested and stored.
    Come out of Her my people for the harvest is ripe.
    Seek and receive the renewing of the mind; and break the bond with babylon. Be ye seperate my people.Dont mingle with the traditions and works of the world.Hide just for a while(stay clean),until she(babylon) will be no more.Your reward is great,and is life everlasting with God.
    The sufferings are not compared to the reward.



    It should be noted that Jesus talked about eunuchs being in the land. Eunuchs are men that either are unable physically or mentally with women. Jesus himself never took a wife or had children, therefore he lived his life as a eunuch in this world. He said a prayer on the mount that he would sanctify himself so that those his father had given him would be sanctified in truth. If you look at his teachings and prayers on the mount of olive, he said I pray not for the world, but only to those his father had given him. If you read 1 corinthians chapter 1 you will see Gods plan clearly. Jesus was preaching to this last generation that would keep the commandments of God. The truth is that God knew that it would only be eunuchs that would be able to do so.Why? The bible says that their are three abominations God hates. Homosexuals, adulters, and witchcraft. This world from the beginning of time has praised adultery and even witchcraft is celebrated(holloween) yet, it has despised homosexuals. Jesus said quote: the land of sodom and gommorroh would fair better on the day of judgment than this adulterous generation. Why? Because not all but most homosexuals know they are wrong and can’t understand why the thorn is in their flesh wereas adulters and people who do witchcraft has been taught a lie and they continue to let blind men justify their sins as truth meanwhile the condemn people that live homosexual lifestyles therfore condemning their own selves. It’s why Jesus refuse to stone or agree with stoning the woman caught in adultery. He knew that if he participated in that then he would have been judging the generation of the afflicted righteous redeemed through him.







    I just finished reading (a considerable amount of it at least) the book of Enoch.
    It kind of reminded me of the book of Mormon. Somebody trying to sound like other Biblical books presenting what they think and wholly made up of their own imagination.
    The part about fallen angels mating with women is vulgar and ludicrous. This alone tells me to trash the book and not waste my time reading it.
    Is some part of it true? Sure, I can copy a portion of scripture and then ramble on about something else. While the scriptural part is true that does not make anything else true.
    Bottom-line, there is nothing in the book of Enoch that is true that cannot be found in the Bible books that are canonized both Old and New Testaments. Archeological facts may be interesting but even these do not make up for the outright errors.
    If Jesus Christ tells us something, (Matt. 22: 30; and Mark 12: 25) that is what we should believe and not compromise it with our own reasoning or logic. Angels do not have the ability to mate with mortals. (Period, end of discussion.)


    Hi Richard,

    Is the book not quoted in Jude 14?

    Jude is in the canon.


    You are making the same mistake everyone else on this net is making. While Jude mentions Enoch, he does not mention any ‘Book of Enoch’. There was a considerable amount of information from Adam to the writers of the New Testament that was carried forward orally and was not written down (at least no copies of it remain AND the Book of Enoch is not inspired by God, Period).
    The Book of Enoch that everyone on the net is writing about is spurious. Just because it bears the name of Enoch in no way proves the writer was the same Enoch mentioned in Jude or in Genesis. In fact, so much of this book states things that are so base and ungodly I find it amazing people are taking it seriously or saying it helps us in any way to understand any real truth of God. This book is about as authentic as the Book of Mormon. Both are demon inspired and profane.
    Follow God, read His Word and follow what it says unto real knowledge and truth. Forsake the writings and ramblings of ungodly men and their foolishness.

    I just wish others would consider these words about that ungodly book and heed my warning. Playing with the devil will cause you to get burned in the end.


    Hi Richard,

    So your opinion is a good foundation for making decisions like this?


    Hi Richard,

    Jude quotes from chapter one of Enoch.

    Should we doubt the veracity of Jude?


    Do you realize what you are doing. You disagree with me, fine. However, in attempting to refute what I wrote, look at what you wrote.
    In one of your replies, you accuse me of inferring that Jesus is a liar.
    In another, you infer that I am using or encouraging the use of opinion as a foundation for making decisions.
    In the last reply, you say I am encouraging others to doubt the book of Jude which is in the Bible simply because I do not find this supposed ‘quote’ supports the authenticity of the Book of Enoch.
    All these are personal attacks against me and none really address the subject with facts.

    Just because a ‘book’ contains a quote that is ascribe to a person that does not mean that person said anything else that is written in the book before or after the quote nor does this prove the person who is quoted is the author of that book. I accept the quote of Enoch presented in the book of Jude. That quote, I know is truth. However, everything else in the Book of Enoch is not quoted by Jude or anyone one else and is not in the Word of God. Therefore, I do not accept anything else written in the Book of Enoch as being truth especially when much of it goes counter to what the Bible says and particularly some things that Jesus stated. Such as that angels do not marry, which I believe means they do not engage in sex and most likely do not have the physical organs to make it possible for them to have sex.
    Now, before anyone jumps on this last statement as OPINION not FACT, let me say. Jesus was very clear that no one who wants to be in God’s Kingdom should have sex outside of marriage. That would be fornication or adultery. Both will keep one out of the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5: 19 – 21). I think this prohibition applies to angels as well.

    Guess this could start another topic: Does God have sex organs? I hope such a discussion does not take place. I think this is too personal about God for mortals to discuss.


    Hi Richard,

    Yes I do make you think about what you write but there are no accusations against you .

    Just questions .



    The part about fallen angels mating with women is vulgar and ludicrous. This alone tells me to trash the book and not waste my time reading it.

    But what if the Bible said the same thing?

    Genesis 6:4
    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

    Take the Greek legend of Hercules. His Father was supposedly Zeus (a god) and his mother was of the Earth. In fact ‘Gaia’ means Earth and I think is where we get the term “Mother Earth”. But in Greek legend Gaia was the mother of the giants the Titans. Hercules was a giant perhaps in stature but certainly in strength as the legend goes.

    Of course I am not saying that I believe in legends, but that many stem from something that was true. In fact some translations of this verse in the bible say: “legends of old”.  Thus it says that some of these legendary men of old were actually the Nephilim who were the result of the union of the sons of God and woman. Please explain.

    It appears that the Bible quotes the Book of Enoch in a number of places and in this particular vulgar act as you call it. In the Book of Enoch, God seems to agree with your summation of this.

    I find it difficult to believe that Enoch’s words were passed down all those generations audibly and I personally think the Biblical writers were referencing the Book of Enoch even though such a book was not mentioned. This book is supposedly ancient and was also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls collection. Scripture does mention other books like the Book of Jasher too, even though that book is also not part of the canon.

    The most interesting thing I find about the Book of Enoch is that the language sounds very much like the Book of Revelation more than the Old Testament even though it predates the Old Testament. Take this snippet for example.

    There I beheld the Ancient of days whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of a man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was; and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwealt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.”



    The Hebrew language version of Genesis 6:4 and the translation from it you quote does not support the idea angels mated with humans as sons of God can be human beings as testified in both old and new testaments. The title also belongs to the angels of God so it is confusing.

    The line of Seth is the chosen line and he and his children are the children of God.

    The line of Cain are “godless” because of his fall from grace and so they are the children of man.

    Enoch 1 is a patchwork book with additions and subtractions. Some of it may well be legitimate but 500 feet tall giants are hard to believe considering they would dwarf dinosaurs and their human frame would not be able to handle the multiple tons such a huge creature would weigh. Even the tallest biblical Nephilim is quite small compared to them.

    Jesus implied angels lack the ability to reproduce.

    Ed J

    Hi Kerwin,

    Wrong conclusions result when conclusions are made with insufficient information.

    1) Are sons of humans ‘GIANTS’?
    2) Do sons of humans need their genetics wiped off the face of the earth?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Wrong conclusion Kerwin. All flesh was corrupt, not just one genealogy or line. This argument is the best that men can come up with that want to refute what the text actually says. But it is riddled with flaws and assumptions. It would take too long to post a reply to you on this in my own words, so I have copied and pasted from this page to save me having to word it myself. While I haven’t read the whole page from where I take this text, what I do copy is pretty much what I want to communicate to you.

    Source: http://www.khouse.org/articles/1997/110/

    Genesis 6:1,2
    And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 

    It is clear from the text that these daughters were not limited a particular family or subset, but were, indeed, from (all) the Benoth Adam, “the daughters of Adam.” There is no apparent exclusion of the daughters of Seth. Furthermore, the line of Cain was not necessarily known for its ungodliness. From a study of the naming of Cain’s children, many of which included the name of God, it is not clear that they were all necessarily unfaithful.

    Genesis 6:12:

    Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.

    There is no evidence, stated or implied, that the line of Seth was godly. Only one person was translated from the judgment to come (Enoch) and only eight were given the protection of the ark. No one beyond Noah’s immediate family was accounted worthy to be saved. In fact, the text implies that these were distinct from all others. (There is no evidence that the wives of Noah’s sons were from the line of Seth.) Even so, Gaebelein observes, “The designation ‘Sons of God’ is never applied in the Old Testament to believers,” whose sonship is “distinctly a New Testament revelation.” If the lines of Seth were so faithful, why did they perish in the flood?

    The most fatal flaw in the specious “Sethite” view is the emergence of the Nephilim as a result of the unions. (Bending the translation to “giants” does not resolve the difficulties.) It is the offspring of these peculiar unions in Genesis 6:4 which seems to be cited as a primary cause for the Flood.

    Procreation by parents of differing religious views do not produce unnatural offspring. Believers marrying unbelievers may produce “monsters,” but hardly superhuman, or unnatural, children! It was this unnatural procreation and the resulting abnormal creatures that were designated as a principal reason for the judgment of the Flood.

    The very absence of any such adulteration of the human genealogy in Noah’s case is also documented in Genesis 6:9: Noah’s family tree was distinctively unblemished. The term used,tamiym, is used for physical blemishes.


    A Black Hole In The Book of Enoch?








    Did Jesus quote from the Book of Enoch?


    The video on YouTube (English text, Images, Music)
    “Message to the Unborn 2”

    Tags: Message of the Watchers, Book of Enoch, calendar, decryption.
    This video shows the process of deciphering the Message of the Watchers.
    Now the millennia-old story begun by Enoch is completed.



    I started this, but it wasn’t too engaging in the beginning. I wonder if I should try no1 first to get the context?


    Hi T8, been a while. Been studying the book of Enoch for some years now. Very informative. It proves that we have been indoctrinated with Pseudo science. Many things they have told us about earth and space is a lie. This is what they have been trying to hide. The earth has a thick firmament which protects everything inside. The sun, moon and stars are inside the firmament. Nothing gets in or out. The sun, moon and stars have motion and the earth is still.

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