Coming Out of the Closet

“Just because a guy struggles with same-sex attraction doesn’t mean God made him gay, any more than a guy struggling with anger means God made him a murderer. You have a choice about what you do with every temptation. You may not choose homosexual desires, but you do choose what you do with them.”

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    HI….I BELIEVE when we give in to our lusts it is to teach us of by the consequences of them. WE should all understand we are being taught by GOD, as Jesus said. I have noticed if we engage in a sin and continue by not repenting, our state as we continue gets worse and worse, u till we repent of it, and the GOD restores us again.

    As far as homesexuality goes , it is a sin, but Jesus did say, in the day of judgement it would be more tolerably for Sodom and Gomorrah then for the pharisees of his day. ALL manner of sin shall be forgiven man, except blasphemy of the spirit it shall not be forgiven in this life or the next, we are told.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    That’s a good point Gene,so maybe there’s more hope for sexual perverts than holy religious pharisees? Surely that can’t be the case can it? Weren’t Sodom and Gomorrah damned already anyway for their stubborn sexual perversions? Idk why Jesus would even make such a statement unless he really just despised the pharisees that much for disagreeing with and not accepting him.


    Dear Kerwin,

    “You are seeing what is not in my writing”  But of course the so called omniscience and omnipotence have to take a backseat to man’s freedom.That’s okay with me too but I don’t think Paul saw it that way according to Rom 9,10, and 11.And yes of course it applies to all sins no matter which way we look at it.


    Sin: reference the Holy Bible it’s all there in black and white

    Quick question.

    When the biblical men of the bible had many wives do you think they took one at a time to bed with them?




    “Quick question.

    When the biblical men of the bible had many wives do you think they took one at a time to bed with them?”

    If you read the book of Genesis the answer would appear yes only one at a time.So just what is your point?


    Andrew a whole book to reference is a little vague, could you narrow it down a bit.  There isn’t really a point to be made is there, thought we were discussing why people are homosexual?



    Peter is correct about some of Paul’s writing being hard to understand and we have less than the individuals his letters were addressed to as we lack some if not most of the unwritten context. Even when it is clear some people still misunderstand him.


    I’m not concerned right now about Peter not understanding Paul but I don’t understand what Princess point/question is? I agree that we were talking about why some people are homosexual,but she changed the subject to a question about polygamy;did you not Princess? as I asked before I ask again,what is the point of your question? is it that polygamy is as much a sin as homosexuality? if so polygamy is only perhaps a sin in one book of the bible where it says a deacon should be married to only one wife. Homosexuality is condemned in both the old and new testaments.


    @Andrew give me your take on this. If a biblical man has many wives and let’s just say he ‘happened’ to find himself in bed with two wives, not saying any upstanding biblical man would even think such a thing, just hypothetical. Would you consider this homosexuality?


    And just why should that be considered homosexuality since it’s still with the opposite sex? a sin maybe to most but not homosexuality.


    So by your question you do admit it was you changed the subject? unless you are trying to say that polygamy is somehow homosexuality? please explain.


    If we are born slaves to sin then how are our wills free?

    All men have a conscience and the spirit convicts all men of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

    We can also be led by the Spirit from with in.

    Free will is choosing among these options. We are not without help. God has not left us defenseless against sin and evil and the inevitable conclusion of not being able to overcome.

    God is love. He sent his son into the world to die for our sins and save sinners. After his work, he didn’t abandon us, but left is with another. The Spirit empowers Believers and they can choose to be led by the Spirit or by the flesh. This is the choice we have.


    Are you sure it’s “another” T8? Jesus said he’d come to us and not leave us as orphans.Am I wrong on that point?

    And since we are not slaves to sin then I suppose we can all merit salvation by our own free will decisions?


    your saying just because there is an opposing gender in the midst it is not consider homosexuality?

    so it has to be one on one to be consider ‘abomination’ but another gender joins in ‘it is just a sin’



    Ok so what is your definition of homosexuality? can you even define that?  hahahahah!!!

    And when did I mention the word abomination? I know I didn’t but I think your God might have.


    remember Andrew you speaking with someone that doesn’t have a god, for choice of better terms. I can just pull from the book, most is from memory.

    idk know no one has ever ask me.

    I would lean to say that having a desire of the flesh of the same sex.

    what do you think it is?


    I wasn’t referring to a book but to your own definition. And so now you say just having a sexual desire for the same gender is homosexuality. Ok fine but why did you bring polygamy into the topic then?

    And I think it’s having and even wanting to have sex with the same gender. I think that definition is even politically correct or would you disagree?


    And there’s no need to all of a sudden play stupid with me when I know you know what the OT that you favor says.

    “I can just pull from the book, most is from memory” yes that’s how it is with most of us too.


    Jesus said, some will say they know me and I will say to them I never knew you……’s kinda like that with you.





    Are you sure it’s “another” T8?

    No, I am not sure. I am relying on the English translation without digging into it deeply.

    And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-


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