A day to us is 24 hours. But is a day to God 24 hours too, like some argue? A day on Earth is 24 hours, but a day on Mars is not 24 hours or any other planet that we know of for that matter. So how long is a day to God then? ‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, a...
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” Werner Heisenberg
The idea that the Big Bang has a beginning is universally accepted. But what happened before that? Could the universe have come from a previous iteration of the universe? It is possible scientifically and even scripturally. The Bible states that God will create a new heavens and a new earth. Who knows, God may have been d...
This is the concealed history that young earth creationists wish to keep hidden. The actual beliefs of Christianity regarding the age of the earth and creation have been largely forgotten due to the recent surge of young earth creationism. However, there exists substantial evidence indicating that before the 1960s, the ma...
Joe Rogan hosts a discussion with Stephen Meyer, an expert in Intelligent Design, exploring the Big Bang and the James Webb Telescope.
John Lennox, Dave Ruben, and Justin Brierley come together on a stage to engage in a conversation about the relationship between God and Science. CS Lewis said: Men became scientific because they expected law and nature. And they expected law and nature because they believed in the law giver. If everything is reducible to...
The subject of God’s existence is discussed in a debate between John Lennox & Richard Dawkins. John Lennox makes a great argument about the existence of God and faith. He even stumps Richard Dawkins on the subject of faith at one point. The commentator in this video also provides some pearls of wisdom such as: &...
Why are the parameters of the universe fine-tuned for life?

The question of a creator of the universe because the parameters of the universe is fine-tuned for life, is a topic of debate among theists and atheists. The concept of fine-tuning refers to the idea that the fundamental physical constants and laws of nature are set in such a way that if they were even slightly different,...
The other day I visited a forum where a person asked three questions as an indirect way to debunk the bible. He said: So the earth was created it 6 literal days? Humans came from dust? A women came from a man? Here is the answer I gave him: Six literal days? This just means six stages is what it means by the earth being f...
Darwin’s Doubt

In this conversation, Ben Shapiro is joined by Stephen C. Meyer, a geophysicist, Vice President of the Discovery Institute, and the author of the best-selling book “Darwin’s Doubt” as they delve into topics such as philosophy, the beginnings of life, the intersection of science and religion, and other re...
The presenter in this video asserts that Christianity played a role in sparking the Scientific Revolution and suggests that the Bible has had a major impact on the fields of literacy, universities, and science. He even asserts that the great scientists up to Newton believed that the study of science itself was a form of w...
Old Earth Creationism (OEC) is a Christian viewpoint that aims to harmonize the biblical creation story with scientific findings that indicate an old earth. OEC proponents do not subscribe to the Young Earth Creationism (YEC) belief that the book of Genesis describes the creation of the world in six literal 24-hour days. ...
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