Veteran Dies – This is What God Showed Him

Army Veteran and heart transplant survivor Brian Hoyland died from a massive heart attack, leaving a wife and two young children. As a believer in Jesus as his Lord, he found himself in the presence of Jesus, and what God told him would be striking to most of us, but to Brian it was deeply personal. God told him to “suffer joyfully”…

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  • #97159

    Hi ST,
    And though after my skin worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see[2372] God:

    Number 2372
    chazah {khaw-zaw'}
    Word Origin:
    a primitive root
    Part of Speech:
    Usage in the KJV:
    see 38, behold 7, look 3, prophesy 2, provide 1

    Total: 51
    to see, perceive, look, behold, prophesy, provide
    to see, behold
    to see as a seer in the ecstatic state
    to see, perceive
    with the intelligence
    to see (by experience)
    to provide


    Quote (Irene @ July 13 2008,13:12)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 13 2008,08:17)
    Hi ST,
    As men like Jesus our spirits leave at our death and return to God.[ecc12]
    He was raised in the Spirit of God and we in him follow the firstborn from the dead.
    If we are in Christ we are alive in the Spirit of God with the men of old and the servants of God.

    Paul says there is a Spirit in men 1 Corinth. 2:11
    This Spirit is nothing more then our mind, our intellect. It is our capacity to understand the physical things of this world.
    To understand the things of God, meaning spiritual things, we have to have God's Holy Spirit.
    God raised up Jesus from the death by His Holy Spirit, not in His Spirit.
    The spirit that goes back to God at our death is God's Holy Spirit, who gave it to us.
    Our Spirit that Paul talked about remains unconscious at our death, until we are resurrected with a new body.
    If you believe that our Spirit is an immortal Soul , then you will have a hard time explaining the true meaning of dozens of other Scriptures.
    Peace and Love Mr. and Mrs,

    Hi Irene,
    10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

    11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

    12Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

    13Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

    So one of the attributes of man's spirit is insight.
    By the spirit we have been given we knows ourselves.
    By the Spirit of God we can gain insight into the ways of God


    Hi Irene,
    Our relationship with God comes through the Holy Spirit. By that connection our mind is given insights that build understanding but by that Spirit we receive so much more. God brings His gifts of power and the graces we seek to walk in love and forgiveness.

    The Spirit never left or forsook Jesus and neither will the Spirit forsake those who are in Christ but will give life again to our mortal bodies at the return of the King of kings. This is our hope – the hope of resurrection into the Kingdom.

    But the Spirit does not do everything. The Spirit does not speak on His own initiative but reminds us of the words of Christ. So for the Spirit to be able to do so we must have read them in faith, even fed on them, so that the Spirit can enliven the words for us unto life.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2008,16:03)
    I've wondered if demons are souls with neither body or spirit giving them no means to interface to either the corporeal or spiritual realm which is why they possess both animals and humans to have some means of interfacing with reality.

    Don't stone me yet, this is just speculation on my part.


    Hi brother Seeking,
    Please don't be afraid, I am not going to stone anybody here. I am only an honest seeker of understanding scriptures. Here we are debating about whether souls reach heaven after death. So far we understood with surity that our spirits reach God after death. You say that our souls along with our spirits reach God. You have also said that our soul and spirit come back into the transformed body in resurrection and rapture. I also agree that Jesus received his spirit and soul into his transformed body with flesh and scars. The same thing may be true with us in resurrection and rapture. Some resemblance of ours should be there to have our independency and recognising as ourselves by others.

    About the demons you mentioned even I am curious to know some thing on the thread “Satan” if actually there are some individual souls.

    It seems our brother Nick is not agreeing with this view, let us hear from others.


    Hi GM,
    I remain openminded.
    Jesus did not say whee the mansions are.


    Quote (gollamudi @ July 13 2008,15:09)
    Hi brother Seeking,
    Thanks again for your care in replying my post. Now I can get your views and beliefs based on certain scriptures. I also quoted from my beliefs on some scriptures only that Adam became living soul when the spirit from God entered him. I don't see any existence of soul without the spirit and body. Let us wait and see for other's views on this.
    Peace to you

    Hi Adam:

    Only God is a soul without a body.


    Hi 94,
    Do angels have bodies?


    Those who have asked God for forgiveness and have accepted Jesus as their savior and Lord are saved, because his atonement power wipes and forever cleanses our filthy rags.


    Hi TaA,
    Is this form of salvation written?
    Where is just accepting Jesus as saviour shown in the bible?
    Can we then arrange our own salvation and God's forgiveness by these actions?


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2008,11:03)
    I've wondered if demons are souls with neither body or spirit giving them no means to interface to either the corporeal or spiritual realm which is why they possess both animals and humans to have some means of interfacing with reality.

    Don't stone me yet, this is just speculation on my part.


    This guy doesn't know what he is talking about :p lol.

    Rev 16:14 They are spirits of demons

    obviously demons have spirits. I posted quick without researching it first, teach me.



    Hi brother Seeking,
    Are you addressing me?


    No way, I was addressing me. I proved myself wrong so was poking fun at me, sorry you mistook my remarks.



    Enjoy fun :D


    No one goes to heaven, and here are the scriptures.
    Heaven is God's throne, his place of authority, and only Christ shares that place with God and the angels who minister to them.

    Mat. 5:34 “But I say unto you, swear not at all, neither by heaven, for it is God's throne.”

    Jesus came from heaven, and is the only one that went back to heaven, but before he left he told his disciples.

    John 7:34 “Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come.”

    He even said it again.

    John 8:21 “Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go , ye cannot come.”

    And Jesus made it quite clear why?

    Rev. 5:10 “And hast made us (the saints) unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign (with Christ) on the earth.”

    Christ will reign the earth with the saints on this earth, not from heaven.



    Hi brother Georg,
    I agree with some of your points, but what about these verses in Jn 14?

    3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

    Peace to you


    Quote (gollamudi @ July 15 2008,02:48)
    Hi brother Georg,
    I agree with some of your points, but what about these verses in Jn 14?

    3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

    Peace to you

    True He is preparing a place for you, but it will not happen until He comes again. He will bring with Him, that place prepared for you since the beginning of all times. We are predestined to be called. It is our choice to follow that calling or not.
    God Bless you
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Adam

    John 14:3, Jesus said, “I will come back”, the reason for his return is, to rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years; that's were he will be. He will be the King in a spiritual kingdom, and all his saints will be there with him, in the new Jerusalem that John saw coming down from heaven, Rev. 21:.
    Verse 4, “where I go you know”, Jesus was going back to the Father, verse 28.
    He also said, “I am the way”, Christs gospel teaches us the way into his kingdom.
    The mistake is being made by thinking, Christs kingdom is in heaven, and that is where he and the saints will rule from, Rev. 5:10 tells us different.



    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 12 2008,13:09)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 12 2008,04:33)
    Hi ST,
    But what of the spirit?
    The heavenly body has no relationship to the spirit of a man.

    I believe that our heavenly body will still include our spirit. Is there some scripture I'm not aware of that leads you to believe otherwise?

    Our spirits bear witness with God's Spirit that we are the sons of God. So does that mean that we actually have a spirit that can join/connect with God's Spirit?

    If that is the case, then from the outward layer we have a body, which houses a soul, which houses our spirit, and God's Spirit is connected to our spirit giving us eternal life springing from our inner most being.

    When God breathed into Adam's nostrils, Adam became a living soul. This was the breath of God. But the Spirit of God gives us eternal life and the Spirit without measure.

    Men who are not saved live because of the breath. But that is not eternal.


    Quote (Irene @ July 15 2008,22:27)
    Hi Adam

    John 14:3, Jesus said, “I will come back”, the reason for his return is, to rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years; that's were he will be. He will be the King in a spiritual kingdom, and all his saints will be there with him, in the new Jerusalem that John saw coming down from heaven, Rev. 21:.
    Verse 4, “where I go you know”, Jesus was going back to the Father, verse 28.
    He also said, “I am the way”, Christs gospel teaches us the way into his kingdom.
    The mistake is being made by thinking, Christs kingdom is in heaven, and that is where he and the saints will rule from, Rev. 5:10 tells us different.


    Thank you very much brother Georg, for cofirming my beliefs on 'Heaven' and kingdom of God.
    Peace to you


    T8……> we have a body with a spirit in it the combination is a soul, When God breath a spirit into the body it became a soul. Our bodies God considers as a building or temple that He can inter or indwell. When this happens we become (YOKED) with Him and become one team. But Just like a team all ways works as one they in fact are two different animals, but when yoked act as one. Jesus said me and my Father are ONE he did not mean one and the same being but one team so to speak. And as in a team of animals there is always one lead animal that takes the lead and pulls the biggest part of the load, Jesus told us to take that yoke upon us because it lightens our load as it did His. When we receive our new bodies it will have our Spirit and God's of Spirit in it, it the combination of these two that make us the sons of God. Just like it does Jesus.


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