The Bible in the Oval Office

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  • #867284
    Ed J

    I’ve been in almost constant prayer:

    For Donald J Trump, our Nation, and the World.

    Father bring Trump to victory in Jesus’ precious name!



    God gave us a little reprieve in President Trump,  now let’s see how long it lasts,  now that Satan and his workers are taking  back control.  Let’s see how long it will take them to destory all the progress made in the last four years.  We are at the end, the  BABYLONIAN kingdoms  of this world, a system  of buying  and selling  and usery  for gain and personal wealth  is comming to and end, we must all turn our attention to the soon comming of a,  new world rulling system of government,  under Jesus Christ and the Saint’s.

    The rock cut out without hands, that will Smite the  Babylon system of rule,  and bring it to ruination is about or is starting  to occur.

    So we need to all look up for our redemption draws near,  Very near. IMO

    Peace and love to you all and  yours. …….gene






    Amen to that Edj. And may God use this to expose the corruption.


    Will the election fraud be exposed?

    Interesting word here.


    Ed J

    Here is an interesting video:

    Oh sorry, it looks like you already have it posted


    Names Have Meanings:

    In the Bible the names given to people in ancient times often had a significant meaning of their characteristics and their destiny. Abraham for example, meant: Father of nations.


    Now, the United States of America has a new President. The name of the previous one was ‘Trump;, which means ‘loud noise’.

    The new one is Joseph Biden, which means: ‘bi’ = two, and ‘den’= dwelling or house.


    Could this refer to the Two Houses of Joseph?

    It’s very interesting as Joseph, the favourite son of Jacob, [Israel] had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Genesis 48:1-22

    They received a special blessing from Jacob for their descendants: Manasseh being a great nation and Ephraim being a great group of nations. We know them today as the USA and the British Commonwealth of nations. They both have received the Blessings described by Moses, of being very numerous, living in fertile lands and having great power. Exodus 33:13-17

    [‘Brit-ish’ in Hebrew means Covenant people]


    Joseph means He will add. Maybe the increase of his power as 2nd in command of Egypt, but also the power and prestige of his descendants.

    Manasseh means to forget the bitterness of past experiences, and also denotes a democratic type of government.

    Ephraim means fruitful, spreading out and prosperous. The tribe of Ephraim was also the leader of the ten Northern tribes and they originally settled in England. Then out to colonies around the world.

    The British Royal family traces their ancestry to a daughter of Zedekiah from the Perez line taken to Ireland by Jeremiah.  Jeremiah 43:6, Ezekiel 17:22 She married Herremon a king from the Zerah line. Genesis 38:27-30


    God is unfolding an amazing Plan. He chose a people: they disobeyed Him and were exiled from the holy Land. Many prophecies say how they and others, will return and only those who are faithful Christians will enter and live there. Ezekiel 20:34-38, Isaiah 35:1-10, Romans 9:24-26, Psalms 37:27-29, +




    Ed J

    Here is yet another video, check out this one:


    Thanks Edj, I will look at this.

    Also, if these prophecies about Trump being a two term president are true, then he will either win after recounts or he will win the following term after Biden. Or could another Trump be president in the future? This will be interesting to see how this plays out.



    Graham encourages Trump to mount presidential bid in 2024 should election challenges ‘fall short’

    Ed J

    WOW, check out this one T8:

    Ed J

    The truth has finally emerged, but I already knew…

    The reason the Dems were fighting the Amy Comy Barret nomination
    so vehemently, was NOT for the reason the Dems were claiming;
    But because if John Roberts could be compromised, then the
    vote would be 4/4 and the fraudulent ballots would count.

    BUT thanks to God, he is helping us remove the corruption from our land!

    God bless
    “The USA”=74

    Ed J

    Here’s another good one…

    Ed J

    This one is HUGE


    Edj……Are you now following false Prophets?   These  guys are  so screwed up it’s pathetic.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene


    Thanks Ed J.


    Edj…..I wasn’t talking about you last video post but the one before that.

    Just wanted you to know that,  the last posted video was good.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Now, the United States of America has a new President.

    The United States doesn’t have a new president yet. It could happen next month or in another 4 years.

    Also, the mainstream media doesn’t have the power to confirm who is president. They can only project.

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