The Bible in the Oval Office

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  • #814070
    Ed J

    Hi Marty,

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
    that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
    that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”


    how many minutes/seconds did they really believed this and put it to action across the USA ?

    Hi Pierre,

    From July 4, 1776 until Jan. 22, 1973.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    There is no such thing as a Christian nation.

    A nation loosely based on traditional religion and masonic ritual is as much of the world as any other.

    God calls individuals to join his kingdom.


    But God does bless or curse nations depending on their conduct. So a nation with godly principles will be better off than one without or one that shuts God out. No one believes that a nation is completely Christian, for surely there are Atheists and ungodly men in all nations. But it stands to reason that some nations are blessed because they have obeyed the Lord more than others.

    The USA has enshrined within its constitutions certain godly principles. This is far better than a nation that enshrines evil. Some nations such as Russia enshrined the notion that there is no God. Not saying that everyone in a nation obeys either the evil or good principles, so please no silly or unnecessary comments on that.

    “At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. “Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.



    The U.S. Constitution does have some nice ideas in it but it is neither a religious or moral nation and so those ideas are of value to it.

    It is the practice of those in power to misinterpret those words to advance their politics and often at the beck and call its people. There has been the legalized slaughter of innocent children in their mother’s womb for over forty years and before that many did it anyways.

    There are some politicians who say they are against it but in action they are more concerned about economical issues. In practice a number of Muslim countries may be more godly than the United States, who seeks to import sexual immorality to those countries. The EU works hand and glove with the US.

    Strangely Enough Russia may be one of the more friendly places to true Christians in Europe.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    There is no such thing as a Christian nation.

    Hi Nick,

    Better go back and read your bible a little bit more:

    “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you,
    and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. (Matt 21:43)

    God bless
    Ed J



    The church of God is that nation not the United States.

    The U.S.A. sacrifices its children to the flames of their own desires. I would not be surprised if it were revealed they sacrificed more children for every 100,000 population than did the Canaanites at there worst.

    Test the spirit of your doctrine.


    Hi ED,

    Did you think Jesus was talking of worldly nations??


    1Peter 2.9

    But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, A HOLY NATION, a people for God’s own possession.


    In the U.S. a mass shooter shoot and kills multiple victims. Just a normal event in the United States except when it has terrorists ties. In any case Americans are more interested in their political debates than the victims they do not know. They do at time make a show of interests in the victims.

    I have no power to resurrect the dead or heal the wounded among the victims. Perhaps I have the ability to console those who grieve but doing so has not placed into my hands.

    Jesus answer to controversy is right, “repent or you too will perish”.

    Ed J

    Hi Guys,

    Go ahead and change the meanings of any words you like, but
    as for me and my house – I will go by what “The Bible” says.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    Very noble sounding sentiments.

    But are you saying Peter did not understand?



    Hi Ed,

    Peter was quoting another witness to the word NATION

    Moses in Ex 19

    Better witnesses than you offer.


    Some nations such as Russia enshrined the notion that there is no God.

    That was a long time ago. Russia is mostly Eastern Orthodox, as is President Putin.


    America? Donald Trump? Really?


    For those who think that America and Trump are chosen by God – lol, is all I can say.


    That was a long time ago. Russia is mostly Eastern Orthodox, as is President Putin.

    Pay attention. Russia enshrined that there was no God in the days of communism. They failed, their economy failed, and they failed as a decent society to live in. I could tell you some stories about that as I visited their back in that time.

    Russia is better off today, I agree.


    America? Donald Trump? Really?

    England? Churchill? Really?

    We will wait and see if Trump makes it in. Would not be surprised however, if someone attempts to take him out before that day as he is not beholden to anyone it seems. The Elites do not seem to be able to control him because he has taken no money from them. I this is one huge reason for his popularity. Who knows. And of course the theory goes that the Elites are using everything they can to discredit him. The more that happens the more popular he gets. Must be very frustrating for them. Very interesting to watch this play out, here from NZ.

    I take it you are politically left aligned judging by some of the comments you have made.


    For those who think that America and Trump are chosen by God – lol, is all I can say.

    The guy in the video must be of Satan to you then? He claims that God told him this.

    So it is you against him. Your God against his God.


    I take it you are politically left aligned judging by some of the comments you have made.

    I am not aligned to any political party (never voted). But I liked Helen Clark!


    The guy in the video must be of Satan to you then? He claims that God told him this.

    So it is you against him. Your God against his God.

    I beg your pardon? I haven’t watched your video.



    Last I knew the Elites were attacking his conservative credentials. He is essentially what conservative Democrat. The Democrat party has become more progressive and so alienated their members. They still when elections so they have not had to tack to the center.

    Personally I think it is too late but perhaps they are hoping to chase off conservative voters to balance the conservative Democrats he has enticed to vote Republican this year.


    Hi Ed:

    All men were endowed by our creator by those all of those truths,  and He has also given us a “free will”, that is the freedom choose whether or not we will obey Him.  We must be a part of the body of Christ to be Christians.  A Christian nation will be a nation of born again believers.

    Love in Christ,


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