Can a rich man enter Heaven?

Can a rich man enter Heaven? If so, how hard is it for a rich man to enter Heaven?

Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”.

Because it is impossible for a camel to go through an eye of a needle, then it appears at first glance that Jesus basically said it was impossible for the rich to enter Heaven.

Read on and learn the truth behind Jesus words that most people miss.

Can the rich enter Heaven?

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    Catherine Shaver

    After I read your account, it made me look at it with different eyes. There are rich people who obey God help the poor whom I now believe will be saved. On the other hand there are rich people that may be greedy, vain, full of lust and unrepenting with no obedience to God. I think these are the kind of rich people Jesus was referring to.
    As you said, Job, David Solomen were rich yet God loved them. Even Lazarus
    whom Jesus loved and even brought him back from the dead was very rich and as I said, Jesus loved him. He was very rich yet he was a man of God. These are
    not the rich that Jesus was referring to.


    Good. God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance.

    Some who are rich got there by being immoral and serving mammon. But that is not true with all rich people. Some became rich by inheritance, others by successful business, still others because of an extraordinary natural gift they possess like being a world-class soccer player. Such things do not damn a person, but where their heart is.

    Further, we in the Western World who own their own home and have one or two cars and can afford holidays are rich by comparison to most of the world. Surely we are not damned by reason of our wordily privilege. Rather we have been instructed to be generous.

    Osnola Kinnard

    Anybody that will, by faith alone in Christ alone, accept Christ as Savior can be saved.  Rich and Poor alike…

    Christ died on the Cross

    Christ was buried

    Christ rose from the grave


    Hi and welcome Osnola,

    Where does scripture preach your gospel?

    Accepting Jesus is a popular idea for salvation but is it scriptural?


    Osnola Kinnard.

    Have you tested what you have heard and repeated?

    James preaches against the teaching of faith alone by teaching faith without works is dead. Actually Paul does to but his words are not as literal after all righteousness from God is works; it is just God’s works. I have not mentioned grace but it is in there both in that faith comes from grace and the works of God are God’s grace on those that believe. There should be know that all good things come by the grace of God.

    Of course it may mean that the words “faith alone” are not meant to be understood literally. In which case could you be clearer. Thank you.


    24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
    25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
    26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    What is impossible with man, but possible with God?

    Perhaps giving up riches.

    Jesus said unto him, If thou desire to be perfect, go and sell what thou hast and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come follow me.
     Matt 19.21





    It is about more that what Jesus literally told the rich man or the disciples would have not said “Who then can be saved?” Even the poor exist “who”. The answer is in order to be saved one needs the power of God which is exactly the answer Jesus gave to them.



    It is essential that we do not have no needs. The righteous walk by faith.

    We need to be dependant on God for our supply.

    Give us this day our daily bread.


    God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith-james


    Hi and welcome Osnola,

    Where does scripture preach your gospel?

    Accepting Jesus is a popular idea for salvation but is it scriptural?

    Nick, pay close attention to his words.

    Anybody that will, by faith alone in Christ alone, accept Christ as Savior can be saved.  Rich and Poor alike…

    It is true that they can be saved.


    Hi T8,

    Faith is the essential starting point.

    Then faith in the commands and obedience to them.


    Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do as I say?



    you don’t even believe the words that Jesus spoked ,how can you give advise that you don’t follow ?



    you don’t even believe the words that Jesus spoke ,how can you give advise that you don’t follow ?


    Nick, you are trying to change the subject or point I made. You were wrong, just admit it. You said:

    Hi and welcome Osnola,

    Where does scripture preach your gospel?

    And what did he say?

    Anybody that will, by faith alone in Christ alone, accept Christ as Savior can be saved.  Rich and Poor alike…

    He is right Nick. You are clearly wrong when you oppose these true words of Osnola.

    BTW, welcome Osnola. Yes there are those who seek to condemn you here. Ignore them, there will always be Pharisees and the religious proud who gather around to persecute those who are innocent and love God. Jesus suffered them and so will all who seek to live a godly life in Christ Jesus.

    It is true that anybody that will, by faith alone in Christ alone, accept Christ as Savior can be saved.  Rich and Poor alike…

    They can be saved Nick. You were wrong.


    Hi T8,

    You are right

    Anyone can be saved.

    Despite their current beliefs anyone can be saved


    Thanks for being honest. So that makes your answer to Osnola wrong and uncalled for. You could apologise to him/her if you want.


    Hi t8,

    Why search for faults when you have so much to learn of the work of the Spirit?


    I rightly corrected you when you were fault finding with Osnola. You seem to fault find a lot and turn people away.

    The Pharisees blocked the way of Heaven for men. Do not be like them.

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