Genesis 3:22-24

Tree of Life

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”— therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

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    T8…..It was God the Father know right from the start Adam and Eve would  “eat” (take to themselves) to “know”  (experence) Good and Evil., it was the only way that man could become more like him, all of this was in his plans , even our redemption , he knew from the start that this  was the only way we could learn to “love the good and grow to hate the evil”.  

    He simply used Satan as a “catlist”, to speed up the reaction, just as a chemist uses a catlist to speed up a reaction, so God the Father used Satan also to.  Mankind would have eventually did what they did anyway, but it just might have taken a much longer time to take place, so He spead up things . 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene





    We can speculate till the cows come home about that.

    Another option would be that man was destined to eat from that tree, but needed to be more spiritually mature. Eating it too early would result in death because it would wield us too much power in our immature state. Like giving a kid a car.

    Of course there is also the option that God preferred us to never partake of that tree. But it was necessary in order to provide us free will where we could choose to follow God or not. No free will, no true love.


    T8……Genesis, is full of symbolic language,  unless you understand what it means about the words used there, you Can’t fully understand it.

    eat……..”to  take something to one self”…..that’s what we do when we eat or drink something,   like when Jesus said “unless you “eat” my flesh, and “drink” my blood, your not saved. He simply meant we must “take to ourselves his sacrifice of his flesh and his blood”.  In Genesis it was referring to them “taking to themselves the result (fruit) themselves, doing good and evil. 

    Tree…..”to produce from self fruit” like a tree does, it produces it’s own fruit, so it is with us , we produce our own fruit.  Therefore it says, “every tree is known by it’s fruit, and again , “every tree”,  that produces not good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire.” , and again, “make the tree good and it’s  fruit good” .  

    In the garden of Eve,  the same things apply,  God warned them , saying you shall not “eat” of the tree”, (take to yourself (eat),  to produce from self ( like a tree), the knowledge of Good and Evil. why?, because then you will have to “know” (actually experence it).  

    God the Father was warning  them of the results , that would happen if they chose to take to themselves to experience “Good and Evil”. 

    God the Father know from the very beginning man would sooner or later eat and produce from himself both Good and evil, because he was the one who created them in the first place and know what was in them from the start.

    It had nothing to do with a “SO-CALLED, “FREEWILL”,  BUT A WILL GOVERNED BY STRONG DESIRES AND INFLUENCES.  God simply used Satan to speed up the reaction that was in man anyway, to accomplish is Goal for us quicker. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene





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