George Orwell on truth

George Orwell

‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.’

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four. If that is granted, all else follows.’


“They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks the truth”
(Amos 5:10).

The “gate” was the public square where the people discussed all kinds of things. Politicians even established public policy. Amos discovered that people who spoke truth were not welcome. Today the public square is social media and nothing has changed. Conservatives and Christians are often targeted for censorship and their content demoted and demonetized.  The world is still the same as it was.

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  • #844325

    T8…..So then why not let NICK, POST AGAIN?

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene



    All @nickhassan does is fire fiery darts and he can still do that. But not having him post in public topics keeps them on subject and people who casually come here can read topics that do not turn into a personal attack fest which can put people off the message. It keeps things on topic and tidy. Plus you get the benefit of being criticized personally on your own wall which let’s face it is now a debate about each person that Nick spearheads. I think it is a win win as there is no benefit with all topics being turned into the Nick Nitro Circus where he fires flaming arrows at everyone in a show as spectacular as fireworks, but you can still oppose him from your own wall. What do you think? After all, is not the Devil himself limited to being cast to the Earth, yet still carries on with his job?

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