Do not cast pearls before swine

Do not cast pearls before swine. What this means is that if you have something precious from God or a good understanding of something about God, then there will always be those who rush to trample what treasure you have in your heart. Do not bring this treasure out for them if you can help it.

If we are asked to give an account for what we teach (which hopefully contains pearls), we should support that because we taught for encouragement not condemnation. But if you are opposed by swine, be careful about introducing new things that they will unnecessarily trample on. Be careful not to open these up to a bigger sin if it can be helped. Be wise for their sake.

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    Hi t8,

    Thank you for the advice.

    And we will take care.


    never argue with a fool, they will beat you with experience……



    Wisdom is justified by her children.



    Hi t8,

    Thank you for the advice.

    And we will take care.

    Yes, we all need to be careful about trampling precious truths into the mud. That is for the realm of beasts who know no better.


    Hi T8,

    Who are the swine?

    Are they those who do not agree with your view?


    Swine according to scripture are those who trample precious truths and other aspects of God into the mud because they have no respect for it. They are like beasts who do not understand the ways of God.

    Some people build for the Kingdom and some try to destroy those works. While we should certainly destroy the works of the enemy, some are misguided and set out to destroy that which God has had his hand in because they cannot see God’s hand.

    In fact it was written that the time would come that some would kill God’s people thinking they were doing God a favour. While this is extreme and we see evidence of this through history, others are not so extreme, but are nevertheless of the same spirit.


    Hi T8,

    The church is built on the foundation of the unifying Spirit of God.

    In fact if you do not have the Spirit of Christ you are none of his.



    Hi t8,

    Unless the Lord builds the house the builders work in vain.

    It is no strange teaching that God works in men by his Spirit.

    Lk 4

    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because HE ANOINTED ME to preach the gospel to the poor….


    Let the dead bury the dead




    Lk 16.15

    What man thinks is important God holds in contempt.


    Great subject and points for us to consider.
    While we feel a desire to share what we learn in God’s Word, we need to be careful in sharing it with others who are not only not ready to hear it but will turn and attack us personally.
    The Apostle Paul and others wrote in the New Testament of individuals within church congregations that had agendas and motivation to undermine those who were doing and teaching good. The more God’s Spirit works in any individual then and now, the more Satan moves others to try to slander, bring false accusations, and try to get others to form a conspiracy to attack them and drive them out so they can be in control.
    I speak from experience, it is hard to believe how others you thought were truly godly men can change. Sadly, they do not understand that any good work that one does and ability that one has, comes from God. Of ourselves we are nothing. Those who attack what God’s Spirit accomplishes in us, attacks God not us personally.
    Such individuals that turn into virtual animals are like a herd of swine. Very little intelligence, insatiable appetite, and always ready to push others aside to feast on their slop.


    That’s true Richard. They are fighting against God.


    Hi T8,

    Was telling us that Jesus was born anointed one of your pearls?

    Because he was born under the law

    gal 4.4

    and those who are led by the Spirit are not under the law.


    You have some alignment to do it seems

    Andrew AD

    Yet those precious pearls  may very well end up as stones in the swines innards even as Christ is that stumbling stone to Jews and unbelievers.

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