Are the sons of God the angels?

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  • #819638

    Hi Jodi, I hear what you say about not being overly interested in anything. And indeed there isn’t anything overly interesting in this section of the thread – it’s just being drawn out as there isn’t anything else going on.

    The video is a trivial piece of nonsense – one of a thousand or more in which really unworthy and indeed unscriptural pointless claims are suggested.

    THE FOOLISH THING is to try to investigate these pointless claims to see if there is any validity to these unscriptural and unworthy pointless claims.

    My point was that for someone as interested and deep-thinking as t8 shows himself to be, it is amazing to me that such s fruitless brier of a claim should be posted by such a learned person for ‘investigation’.

    Scriptures warns us against taking such a path as it opens the doorway to the possibility of BELIEVING there is merit in unscriptural seeds (sorry for the mixed metaphors!)

    So, Jodi, did you understand the summary I gave you from scriptures regarding the pointless subject that should never have been put foreward?

    Do you agree that even the term ‘Strange Flesh’ is nothing sinister but simply a euphemism for the set of explicit immoral sexual acts.

    Remember that Holy Angels are ‘SPIRIT’ – they do not have ‘FLESH’. Even the appearance of flesh (under clothing) is just so – ‘appearance’!

    I AM a little confused as to EXACTLY what the point of the discussion is between you,t8 and the guy in the video, but one thing is crystal clear: the video is simply designed to entrance the minds of those seeking weird and wacky alternative and malicious views scriptural matters.

    However, I will withdraw my protestation with a quote from scriptures (which may require legitimate investigation!):

    “Do not resist evil”….



    Many, many people believe the conclusions this dude makes and are under the impression that his stance is scripturally sound. Some of his points are of the majority of what Christians believe, while yes other claims are pointless, “weird and wack”.  I would have to disagree with your point, we are to test all things. Yes we need to be aware of deception as well within false doctrines, but that doesn’t mean we should not dissect opposite views. Honestly your point still doesnt make sense to me. Someone is not going to be drawn away from absured points, but they might be drawn away by more clever ones, if they don’t have a solid foundation in that topic in the first place. How would you even know if they were absurd or more convincing if you just took a stance not to read anything? What happens in the video is that when the guy starts making weak points his other points are weakened because he no longer seems at all credible. If someone is immersed in the truth and under the guidance of God they don’t need to fear dissecting oppositional views. What could result is an ability to help the blind find truth. If someone who is blind but thinks of course they are not and follows your advice they might be more likely to walk in their blindess.

    What happened when I watched the video? I looked up many scriptures, I became more well versed in them. I dove into a few scriptures I hadn’t looked to deeply at before and learned something new from those scriptures. I also looked up and read a Hebrew article talking about their traditions, giving further understanding about their culture. I read more about the Book of Enoch and discovered more precisely it’s errors and why it was not canonized in the first place. I also went onto another one of this guys videos and joined in on the discussion. Some accused me of being of the devil, while at least one person was intrigued and thought I was making a lot more sense and I got him thinking.

    Just because YOU think a subject is pointless doesn’t make it a pointless subject! I understand you are wanting to discuss something that is more appealing to you and isn’t a waist of your time.

    I respect t8, He posted the video believing there are some good points and I wanted to dissect it with him and we could at least find where we agree and have to disagree. Obviously not everyone is of the same mind as you, or in your position of knowledge, I find it disrespectful to assume others are, when you actually know full well they are not. So because this is a pointless topic to YOU we should just ignore our inclination to look at it? We should look to you as the authority on what we should or should not discuss? Should we all on this forum check with you first and clear a topic or a topic within a topic, to make sure it’s not considered pointless by you?

    I am going to start a new topic today, I hope you won’t think it’s pointless and you will be willing to discuss it with me!!


    I hear you, Jodi…

    As a last on this element, can you outline to me somethings that you thought at the beginning and how your views have changed since learning that ‘Strange Flesh’ has nothing to do with anything other than immoral sexual activity…

    Why did you imagine that anyone could have sex with an angel – given that angels are Spirit and do not have bodies?

    Also, why it was ever conceivable that the holy angels could be mistaken for fallen angels?

    You say you still don’t understand what I’m saying – there are those who desire to worship angels unknowingly but refuse to understand their nature and more importantly why scripture says not to enquirer into them (a controversy that surrounds the book of Enoch).


    Hi Jael,

    None of my views were changed they were made more confident as being true.  I never misunderstood ever what the strange flesh meant, I knew exactly what it meant and it is the same as you. I was asking questions for others, particularly t8, to explain what HE THOUGHT it meant. I’m sorry for the confusion my posts brought. When I was asking questions it was not because I was searching for answers to those questions themselves, it was because I was wanting to know HOW t8 would answer them, what HE would say so that I could have a focus on what to disagree with.  It was never conceivable BY ME that the holy angels would be mistaken for fallen angels. I was producing questions THROUGH the dude in the videos own logic, not my logic, yes you have recognized that the questions are quite stupid, that was a point I was trying to make! I think you finally did it Jael, lol, I think I am over talking about the video!!


    t8, I guess the purpose of your investigation into ‘strange flesh’ is to keep the thread going as nothing else is happening here.

    I would rather nothing happen here than a bunch of people argue over little things like posting a particular video.

    I didn’t even bother reading the rest of your posts after that comment. I don’t think you are of the right spirit. The forums is about a real search for truth, not about aggravation and antagonising people.

    Finally, the site actually gets decent traffic and has done for nearly two decades. About 1 year ago, the forums stopped about 6 people from posting. They posted everyday and argued over nothing. It was pointless. This site is not about quantity but quality.


    Also, why it was ever conceivable that the holy angels could be mistaken for fallen angels? –  Jael

    lol. No one said this. It was a misconception from your own mind.

    It was never conceivable BY ME that the holy angels would be mistaken for fallen angels. Jodi

    It was only ever conceivable by Jael. No one but him said this or taught it. The guy in the video is saying strange flesh is different flesh to human flesh. He is not saying that strange flesh is the flesh of fallen angels. I assume he believes as does most others that they were holy angels in physical form or in a form like us.


    yes you have recognized that the questions are quite stupid, that was a point I was trying to make!

    While I may not agree with all his points, I thought many of his questions and points were actually pretty good. I will post the video up again and look at one of the first questions and ask you why it is stupid.


    Will ask you what I think is a good question or point. Then you can answer as to why it is silly. For now though, it is getting late, so gotta get some sleep. 🙂



    Did Jesus quote from the Book of Enoch?



    Of course the heavenly sons of God are mentioned a few times in Job 1-2  and again in Jb 38,

    perhaps also in Ps 89.


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