The Rise of ISIS

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    I have no doubt that Russia will play a major part in the years to come. I don’t believe they are part of the Beast, but they will be a significant player all the same if the end of the age is near.


    ISIS plan Islamic nuclear holocaust to wipe hundreds of millions from face of earth

    ISLAMIC State nutcases are planning a ‘nuclear tsunami’ to wipe hundreds of millions from the face of the earth in the biggest religious holocaust the world has ever seen.

    The mind-blowing claim comes from a veteran German journalist who is the only reporter to have been allowed to operate as an ‘embed’ with ISIS and escape with his head still attached to his shoulders.

    Jürgen Todenhöfer, 75, a former MP with Angela Merkel’s CDU party, became a reporter in 2000 and has specialized in war reporting.

    He spent 10 harrowing days on the ISIS frontline, dodging bullets and death threats, while being chauffeured around by none other than the UK’s own scumbag traitor ‘Jihadi John’ – real name Mohammed Emwazi.

    Todenhöfer’s conclusions – detailed in a book called ‘Inside IS – Ten Days In The Islamic State’ – make chilling reading.

    He believes the west cannot militarily defeat the self-styled Caliphate rulers and writes: “The terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people.

    “The west is drastically underestimating the power of ISIS.”

    He says the genocidal killers have major ambitions to secure atomic weapons and compares them to a “nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in history.”

    Critics say Todenhöfer, 75, was only allowed to get so close to ISIS because of his reputation as a vociferous critic of U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    But he said: “This project was opposed by my family for seven months.

    “My son ultimately accompanied me – against my will. He meant to protect me. And he filmed there.”

    “My impressions?  That they are much stronger than we here believe.

    “They now control land greater in size than the United Kingdom and are supported by an almost ecstatic enthusiasm the like of which I’ve never encountered before in a war zone.

    “Every day hundreds of willing fighters from all over the world come.

    “The beheadings have been established as a strategy which they wanted to spread fear and terror among their enemies. This worked well – look at the capture of Mosul taken with less than 400 fighters!

    “They are the most brutal and most dangerous enemy I have ever seen in my life.

    “I don’t see anyone who has a real chance to stop them.  Only Arabs can stop IS. I came back very pessimistic.”



    Do you think the following points to a Russian invasion of the USA?

    ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “It will come about on that day, that thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil plan, 11and you will say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates,12to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.’…


    I have no doubt that Russia will play a major part in the years to come. I don’t believe they are part of the Beast, but they will be a significant player all the same if the end of the age is near.

    Yes I agree.


    ISIS plan Islamic nuclear holocaust to wipe hundreds of millions from face of earth

    About 20 years ago my mother who has prophesies believed a smaller Muslim(?) group will in the future get hold of a nuclear weapon, (something like that).



    Do you think the following points to a Russian invasion of the USA?

    ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “It will come about on that day, that thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil plan, 11and you will say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates,12to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.’…

    t8, Ezekial 38.
    I don’t know. I prayed and got “11:7” and opened the bible and it opened at Ezekiel. I read on till 11:13.


    Russia may be seeking proxy in case Syria’s Assad falls

    The U.S. intelligence community now thinks Russia may have embarked on its military buildup in Syria because Moscow believes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may not be able to hang onto power and it wants to position itself to back a proxy if the regime were to collapse. It is a view shared by the Pentagon, Defense officials told CNN.

    This is one theory, but there is not a firm conclusion within the Obama administration about why Russian President Vladimir Putin is sending aircraft, tanks and missiles into the wartorn country, several senior U.S. officials told CNN.

    On Monday on the sidelines of the United Nations, President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with Putin for the first time in nearly a year to discuss the latter’s plans in Syria.

    If the Russians assure the United States that they are planning only to fight ISIS and not prop up ally al-Assad, that could lead to a new round of bilateral discussions on how to avoid military mishaps as both countries have forces operating there.

    The Russians have not been clear about whether they will join the U.S.-led fight against ISIS or prop up al-Assad — which the United States objects to, as America has declared the Syrian leader must go.

    The meeting comes as the United States is watching initial intelligence indicators that the Russians also may be setting up some type of operation in Baghdad to coordinate their efforts with Iraqi, Iranian and even Syrian elements.


    The Christian martyrs

    Christian Man crucified

    IT WAS only when the gates of the Nazi death camps were thrown open that the industrial scale of Hitler’s killing became known.

    Western diplomats had received scattered information about Nazi massacres of Jewish people and “undesirables” in occupied Poland and Russia but it was difficult to confirm.

    Yet just 70 years since the end of the Second World War, a genocide is taking place once again, this time against Christians.

    Scores have already been murdered by Islamic State and thousands forced to leave ancient Christian communities in northeastern Syria and western Iraq as the extremists demand they either convert to Islam, pay an extortionate rate of tax or face execution.

    Some have even been crucified.

    Despite concerns being raised by religious leaders including the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the plight of Christian refugees is largely being ignored by the western world.

    Pray for our brothers in tribulation.


    I say Good on them for sticking up for their faith even unto death.

    They gain the crown of life. (Rev 2:10, 12:11).


    Revelation 20:4
    Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

    Reminds me of this verse, even if the mark is not instituted yet. Something like this could happen if Islam were to control parts of Europe in the future.


    t8, the mark could be literal or spiritual (invisible). Take your pick!
    Could be both.
    But, loving not their lives even unto death…. is simple enough to see. We are either a part of the world or we are not. Literally and/or spiritually. Perhaps the mark of the “beast” (kingdoms) is connected.


    During his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found a novel way to protest what he calls an absence of criticism to Iranian threats against Israel. Midway through his speech, he paused for 44 seconds in response to what he describes as the international community’s silence.


    If this happens, then it could empower Iran and Shia Islam. They have the backing of Russia in this conflict as well. Could be in interesting development for Israel.

    ISIS left so weakened by airstrikes and desertion it could be wiped out in just HOURS

    ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) is now so fragile that its so-called Caliphate could be wiped out in a matter of HOURS, a top terror expert said today.

    Western and more recently Russian airstrikes, chaotic leadership and mass defections have weakened the jihadi group to such an extent that it would be unable to repel even a small invasion force.

    A terror analyst told that the fanatics have vastly exaggerated their military strength and called on Western leaders to launch a co-ordinated fightback which would obliterate the hate group.

    Dr Afzal Ashraf said ISIS has become its own worst enemy with its campaign of terror against the West, which has prompted an international backlash.

    And Dr Ashraf said that another atrocity on the scale of this summer’s Tunisia beach massacre could result in boots on the ground and an end to ISIS’ evil grip on power.



    Putin set to send in 150,000 soldiers to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State jihadis in Syria

    The Russian leader is reportedly mounting an enormous military mission to take control of the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa.

    The city is the self-declared capital of ISIS in Syria and is patrolled by as many as 5,000 jihadi members.

    Putin is set to mobilise 150,000 reservists who he conscripted into the military earlier this week.

    An insider revealed: “It is very clear that Russia wants to sweep up the west of the country, taking Raqqa and all the oil and gas resources around Palmyra.

    “This is fast becoming a race to Raqqa – to secure the oil fields they need to cleanse the region of insurgents, and the IS capital is vital to do that.”

    It comes a day after Russian jets obliterated nine ISIS outposts in just 24 hours using bunker-busting bombs.


    Regarding Israel being quiet, here is what I think.

    For them, both Shia and Sunni Islam are their natural enemies. My opinion is that Israel is not going to step in and stop them fighting each other. They would prefer to let them weaken each other and Israel doesn’t have to lift  a finger. Seems brutal, but Israel’s main concern is their own existence.

    To some degree, I think the USA has this attitude too, hence why they haven’t annihilated ISIS yet. The Russians have a different view, so they will probably get the job done if anyone can.


    48 hours in Israel


    This topic is about the Islamic Empire. There has already been one (Ottoman), and a good chance there will be another significant one.

    There is also a Russian Empire as there is a Chinese one.

    If the USA and Europe are overtaken in the future, the world could well fall to a few empires and new lines drawn.

    The Death and Hades horse has control over one quarter of the world.

    Revelation 6:7-8
    7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

    That pale horse is a green horse. Islam’s identifying colour is green and it is closing in on encompassing one quarter of the world’s population. It is also often said that it is the fastest growing religion today. So while it is just short of 25% of the world population, it probably won’t take long to reach that number at its current growth rate.

    We also know that those who worship  the beast also worship the dragon who gave his power and authority to the beast. This is interesting because it leads us to ask:

    Question: What do you call a person who denies that God has no son? What people worship a God whose religion is founded on a tenet that God has no son? And do these same people often hate Christians and Jews and even go as far as behead Believers who love the true God and his son?

    The other thing to consider is that the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic world today exist around the Great Sea where the Beast is said to come out of and where the heads of the Beast were all located. The Russian, Chinese, or current American empire are not located at the Great Sea.

    Furthermore, we read in scripture that they will think they are doing God a favour by killing you. That does explain Radical Islam. They kill the Jews, Christians, and want to see the downfall of the West.

    …but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God. “These things they will do because they have not known the Father or Me. “But these things I have spoken to you, so that when their hour comes, you may remember that I told you of them. These things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you.



    i am sure there will be none for the simple reason that a divided empire cannot rule ;history will tell you that ,

    Russia is like all other powers they do nothing for having nothing ;Russia wants a pay back ,and will have it,


    They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.

    A divided kingdom can only rule for a short time.

    The feet are not just clay, but iron mixed with clay. The word ‘mixed’ is the word ‘arab’. Perhaps those who predict a ‘revived roman empire’ are correct. Accept it may not be ruled by Romans/Europeans but Muslims who are invading Europe in hordes today. If Europe falls to the Muslims in the future, then Israel could easily be surrounded by enemies. Muslims could rule not only the Middle East but a future Europe or large swathes of it. Where will America be if this happens. It could be fallen itself or could have rejected her partnership with Israel in those days.


    who says that the seven king come before the millennium ? this could very well refer to Gog of Magog the final power of men and the devil ,for we know he will only remain a short time

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