Is Donald Trump chosen by God?

Has Donald Trump been chosen by God to lead America? If so, then nothing will stop him from becoming the president.

It seems that no man has been attacked by the media and by other politicians as much as Donald Trump has. Yet with every bit of slander and even true criticism leveled against him, he seems to get more popular.

The following video is an interview with Mark Taylor, (a retired firefighter) who talks about a prophetic revelation he received back in 2011 which says:

The Lord has chosen Mr Trump to bring America back from the brink of destruction…

He also says that Trump will have two terms among other interesting points, some which have come to pass and others yet to do so.

NOTE: Video updated as old video was taken down.

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  • #817880


    Hmm. Perhaps one day you will see you have fallen into the Trump delusion….

    Would Christ turn away a refugee? Can you honestly answer Yes? Well then you don’t know. Testing times indeed.

    Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you – 1 John 2:15

    Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you – James 1:27

    Time to change?


    Hoops indeed 😀


    People say Trump is a racist because he wants to stop illegal immigration. That is not racism, that is enforcing the law. Immigration will continue. If you are a good person you have a better chance. Further, countries let in refugees and I assume the US will continue to do that. New Zealand enforces immigration law and who says that country is racist because of that.

    As for the Trump delusion you speak of. You are wrong. Trump like other leaders can do well or not. Look at King Saul vs David. Trump is certainly going to bring change to America and this is why he was voted in. Clinton was more of the same old as they say. But Trump may struggle with humility and other things. We know what happens with pride right. Nothing is certain here.

    But you doubted that Trump could make it and I assume you likely laughed at this possibility in your heart. But you were wrong and many Liberals were so arrogant, that they are still reeling from the shock. Their rioters say Trump will wreck America all the while they go around wrecking America by burning cars and smashing up businesses. (Sorry I got that last idea from a meme, but it is true). In fact so arrogant were some Democrats that some celebs who endorsed Clinton threatened to move to Canada if Trump got it. I mean how big-headed is that? Ooh, better not vote for Trump or we will lose Cher and Miley Cyrus. How important do they think they are? This is partly why the Democrats lost. They were arrogant, they thought they had it in the bag, and they believed the left-wing media and their polls which was no reflection of reality at all. Makes you wonder what else is not real from the media?

    And America like other nations have to deal with the thought police who stop people from saying and debating what they really think. So when they went to the polling booth, that was the only time they could actually have a say and they voted accordingly. And calling them Deplorables was pretty dumb you have to admit. Will they vote Clinton so that they won’t be a Deplorable or would they just vote against anyone who called them that. If you are going to be derogatory, then at least do it after the election. Calling people that and expecting them to vote for you is insane.

    Political correctness is so rife now that people are just fed up with being judged and told what to think and believe. The term that has been liberally applied to many, that of ‘bigot’, ‘racist’, and ‘sexist’, is no longer working. It use to win arguments if your opponent used it even if it were not true, however people are waking up to that kind of bullying. Your comment that he is racist because he wants legal immigration is silly. He employs all kinds of people and is married to an immigrant who doesn’t even have great English. Anyway, as for the terms of racist etc, I hope those terms do work in real instances of such things, don’t get me wrong.

    I don’t know what will happen to America, but all I know is it was going down hill and has been for some time now. Trump will bring about change alright and he will either make America great again or he will completely fail and escalate America’s downward spiral. Either way, he won’t bring the ‘same old’, that much I know. I hope the former and I will be praying for President Trump. Will you pray for him too when he is president? Will you pray for him now? He has the chance to make America great again. No other candidate was even going to try that.


    Many of us in NZ laughed at the thought of Trump winning the elections. We are still in shock! (Christians and non Christians alike). And especially considering that many Christians worldwide endorse him. A delusion indeed. We are all shaking our heads.

    Being right does not make you right. And just because he won does not mean he is of God. Certainly God allows people into power for a reason, much like Putin who will perhaps be used to punish a sinful world. But, supporting Trump, as a Christian? Oh please, t8, I’m shaking my head in disbelief!

    Is New Zealand safe from Trump? NZ will most likely be invaded by Russia.

    Trump’s future? Time will tell. Even an Autistic person tried to assassinate Trump.

    Nevertheless, as my son said, I suppose the news will be interesting..

    No I will not be praying for Trump.


    I will be praying for him and I think he is presidential material.

    1 Timothy 2:1-3
    I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,


    Many of us in NZ laughed at the thought of Trump winning the elections.

    Did you experience that earthquake just now?


    Feel that earthquake?


    Lo, t8. I’m on Facebook with family, apparently it was centered in ? Our lights flickered, sirens going


    Near Christchurch


    1 Timothy 2:1-3
    I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,

    But what did Jesus and Peter, John or James say?


    Did they have an argument about this with Paul?


    1 Timothy 2;1-3 how do we apply those words can we apply them out of context of all what Paul as ever said ? or should they be applied in a congregation view of integration ,many in Paul times came familiar with the WAY even Felix to which Paul spoke intensively so praying for those in power that showing a good response to the message would be appropriate to do ,but I don’t see praying for the emperor Caligula   and some other despots ,

    Jesus said that he does not pray for the world , but pray for those that respond favorably to his message either common men or kings or any in a position of authority ;for many followed the WAY that belong to the house of Caesar in Rome ,

    so I would disagree to those that apply those words openly to all or any king/authority /men for this would imply that it is ok to pray for Satan himself .


    Jesus did not pray for the world because his mission was to save the lost. Jesus didn’t pray for many things that we may pray for and there are a ton of reasons for that.

    Paul exhorts us to pray because after the main mission was accomplished by God through Jesus, then we who are called to be the light to a dark world are told to pray this way in order to make our mission easier and more widespread. We are also told to preach the gospel to the ends of the world, yet Jesus did not travel to the ends of the world himself. So in order to do our mission, he needed to complete his one.

    There is no contradiction here but just a different season. Thinking that God doesn’t want us to pray for or against the powers in high places does not please God according to Paul.  He said: “This is good, and pleases God our Savior,”

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Jesus also said this:, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep–the people of Israel.”

    So do we do the same and are we rebelling against God if we preach to the Gentiles?

    Just understand that there are seasons and different seasons have different priorities.


    Jesus: “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep–the people of Israel.”

    Jesus:  “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

    No contradiction here. Different season different priorities.

    You cannot take one statement and make it a blanket statement.

    Same goes for what Jesus said and what Paul said.

    Ed J

    I will be praying for him and I think he is presidential material.

    1 Timothy 2:1-3
    I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,


    But, supporting Trump, as a Christian? Oh please, t8, I’m shaking my head in disbelief!

    No I will not be praying for Trump.

    Hi Miia,

    You attack T8’s view – which aligns with Scripture…

    Mmmm ???

    Ed J

    Many of us in NZ laughed at the thought of Trump winning the elections. We are still in shock! (Christians and non Christians alike). And especially considering that many Christians worldwide endorse him. A delusion indeed. We are all shaking our heads.

    Hi Miia,

    It saddens me that you cannot hear God’s voice.
    Can you pick out God’s voice in this video?
    I post this video especially for you…

    …but will you watch it?

    God bless
    Ed J


    you have it wrong ,you should read the scriptures more carefully but I am not going to argue with so many believers of error ,

    let God be found true ,


    I quote Jesus verbatim and I have it wrong. Please enlighten me terr.


    An anatomy of the election makes it clear that Trump could not have won without the evangelical support, with some estimating that they accounted for up to 1/3 of the votes he got. The main reason for this appears to be his pro-life stance, followed by Mike Pence, followed by other conservatives like Dr. Ben Carson supporting him.

    Trump did get much stronger support from evangelicals that Romney or McCain by a good margin, and is evidence that what many have been saying may be true–that if evangelicals strongly back any candidate then they will win.

    Trump also got the majority of blue collar support, which is one of the foundations of Democratic Party success in the past. As the counting of the absentee ballots have come in, it also appears that Trump won the popular vote as well, and by a pretty good margin. A high percentage of the absentee ballots are from the deployed military, which was very strong for Trump, so this was expected.

    What this means is that Trump put together one of the most unique coalitions in recent times for winning the Presidency. He ran the most unique and unorthodox campaign in history, completely upsetting “traditional wisdom” in national politics, and may be the first one to hold the highest office in the land without owing anything to special interests since George Washington. All of this is leading to potentially the most unique Administration ever. I personally love the possibilities.

    Rick Joyner

    Hi Miia,

    You attack T8’s view – which aligns with Scripture…

    Mmmm ???

    Agreed Ed J.

    Miia, your comments on this reveals you heart and shows that you are not always aligned with the teachings in scripture.

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