Decoding the Mark of the Beast

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  • #869135
    Ed J

    There is even more evidence to suggest that 666 is instead about
    Muhammad of islam…. (as islam is clearly the spirit of Antichrist)

    Especially since there STRONG evidence to suggest the ‘dome of the rock’
    is the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of by both Daniel the Prophet
    and also by Jesus Christ. (see further posts on exactly why this fits)


    It could be a prophecy that applies to the multiple heads of the Beast. But mostly aimed at the last empire. In other words, there are other Neros to come. But from our perspective have already happened. Although, there is an eighth king to consider that could be in our future.


    To all ….. Something to consider,   those who have the “Spirit” of Satan, driving them (have the mark of Satan in their “foreheads” that is to say “in” their thinking) they will do his “work”  (the mark seen by what their hand is doing) , which is present in all the Babyloian type kingdom that have risen on this earth , and will again be the mark of the 7th last Babyloian kingdom to rise,   “after”  the millennial reign of Jesus and the Saint’s, which is the SIXTH WORLD RULING KINGDOM  that will shortly BE HERE .

    We are now  in the “Fifth” Babyloian world rulling kingdom period now,  which is the “feet of Iron and clay.  Next comes the “Sixth” Kingdom , of Jesus and the Saint’s,  a non Babyloian type of kingdom,  and Satan who “carries”  all the Babyloian type kingdoms will be placed in the bottonless pit, for that thousand year period and then at the end of it released and  repairs the deadly wound that Jesus and the Saint’s inflected on it in the beginning of the Sixth kingdom,   and reastablishes it as the Seventh  world rulling Kingdom and out of that will come ten kingdoms which shall give all their might unto Satan , because God will put it into their hearts to Destory the “seventh kingdom of Babylon ” ,  then Satan will go after Jesus and the Saint’s  at Jerusalem, and God the Father will rain down fire from heaven and destory those 10 remaining kingdoms also, that is the battle of ““ARMAGEDDON ” , mentioned in scriptures,  and Satan is goes into Predition, this all it takes place , not at the return of Jesus  to this earth, but at the return of God the Father.  

    Nearly all the prophesies are false , if you don’t have the timeline mentioned in Rev 17, right you simply can not understand the truth in Revelations, it impossible to.

    Peace and love to you all and yours………gene



    Edj……Revelations has  nothing to do with any religion , it about world rulling empires , economic and MILITARY powers , not religions , because  all religions exists and existed in all the Babyloian kingdoms,  that ever existed.

    All who try to make it about religions are “false prophets”  BECAUSE NO RELIGION HAS EVER BECAME A WORLD RULLING EMPIRE,  NOT A SINGLE ONE! 

    So it looks like, Edj,  you have goined the ranks of the rest of them. Don’t feel bad you certainly has a lot of company.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    All who try to make it about religions are “false prophets”  BECAUSE NO RELIGION HAS EVER BECAME A WORLD RULLING EMPIRE,  NOT A SINGLE ONE!


    The Beast is the relevant ruling empires. Each head is a kingdom.

    But there is a harlot woman clothed in purple. She is not the Beast because she rides atop of the Beast as a separate identity. It is she that makes the whole world drunk.

    In contrast to this whore is the virgin bride made clean for her bridegroom.

    The bride is committed to one, while the harlot has many lovers / gods.

    You judged those that teach the woman is not an empire by calling them false prophets. But you are wrong. This makes you what kind of teacher?

    God judges false teachers particularly harshly. Not all should be teachers. Be wise in your decisions. After all, it is your soul.

    Ed J

    So it looks like, Edj, you have goined the ranks of the rest of them.
    Don’t feel bad you certainly has a lot of company.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene

    Yes Gene,

    It seems you alone have ‘a captivated will’ that is unable to
    “Freely” choose to add information to your understanding.

    Too bad really ???
    Almost like a robot.

    God bless
    Ed J


    What generation robot are you Gene.

    I demand you to tell me. You have no free will and must obey humans.

    Are you Gen E?


    Proclaimer. …..Evidently you haven’t understood what I and others and even your own posted Videos  have said, over and over,   there exists no such thing as a WILL “itself” that is free , or it simply would not be a WILL,  GET IT? ,  A WILL is what a “captivated mind produces” a mind held captivated by it thoughts.  just as “ALL” humanity is. 

    Your getting the “freedom” to excercise your “captivated” will , mixed up with how the will “itself ” works.  nothing free about it. you or anyone else will only follow what  is “influencing ” you the most, you, yourselves can’t change that not now or ever could,   that is exactly why  it takes the Spirit of God to change us,   common sense 101. 

    You may think you make your own destiny by your so-called “freewill” choices, but you could not be more wrong even if you tried.   True believers are being “CREATED” by God unto rightiousness, not by their own so-called “freewill” choices.  

    I realize you carnel natures want’s you believe you are your own “freewill” God,  and can become rightious forever by yourself ““freewill” choices. That’s exactly what Adam and Eve thought too, that’s why we are in the mess we are now all in. 

    That’s exactly how Satan wants you to think, “be a God”,  unto yourself,   don’t think you must totally rely on God the Father to guide you forever , you can do it yourselves, by you own freewill choices, that thinking is from Satan himself,  you very own words speak for Satan himself, “God knows you can be like him  knowing good and evil” , but what the outcome of that thinking,  well your living in it, that’s exactly what your kind of so-called “freewill” salvation thinking produces, death in the end. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene



    To all……The beast (SATAN)   is what carries the women (Babylon )  all seven of her rising from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar to present Satan is and alway was it’s underpinning,

    They are all world rulling powers that have risen and fallen over time  we are in the time of the fifth Babylonian world rulling kingdom,  the next to come is the  Sixth  kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Saint’s,  it will also be an actual physical world ruling kingdom also.

    Don’t be decieved by these false prophets here who try to make it about religions, all the Bablonian kingdoms had all the world religions  in them,  even Christanity from the time of the Fourth to present Babylon kingdom ,  the Fifth kingdom,  of Iron and Clay .

    Satan is the one who controls “ALL” the BABYLOIAN  TYPE  KINGDOMS  FROM THE START TO THE FINISH! He carries them all. .  And when it is all over,  he will Be Cast into the lake of fire and go into Perdition,   just as it says. 

    He will be put away for a thousand years during the SIXTH KINGDOM PERIOD, OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE SAINT’S,  THEN RELEASED FOR  A SHORT TIME,  3 1/2 years ,  AT THE END of the millennial reign of Jesus and the Saint’s,  then God the Father returns and  destory’s Satan and the ten kings with him by fire, and takes over the rule of the whole world from Jesus and the Saint’s,  and places them back over it again later ,  “for the kingdom shall be given unto the Sain’t of the most high and they shall rule it forever and ever”. 

    Peace and love to you and all and yours. ………gene




    To all……The mark of the beast might not be able to be understood until after the millennial regin when it appears during the SEVENTH Rise of the Babyloian kingdom on this earth, which takes place at the end of  the millennial regin of Jesus and the Saint’s.  So until then there might be no way we can actually know for sure.  I am not saying that is the case though,  but it could be. IMO

    Peace and love to you all and yours. ……….gene


    Why not humble yourself and admit that the woman is not the beast and neither is Satan.

    Your posts are a waste of time for everyone.


    Ironic that you choose to argue against free will. Hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.

    Ed J

    To all……The mark of the beast might not be able to be understood until after the millennial regin…

    So until then there might be no way we can actually know for sure.

    Hi Gene,

    Are you finally admitting that you really don’t know the mark of the beast is?

    Ed J

    This video establishes Prophecy is given “a day for a year”.
    That is an important president, as the same formula is used
    to prove the ‘abomination of desolation’ is the dome of the rock
    …and is used to prove conclusively what ‘the mark of the beast’ is.

    Ed J

    Line upon line upon line, here a little and there a little


    Proclaimer…who said the beast is the women, your not reading my posts right, your trying to make me out to look wrong , go back and reread the post, and try to get it right this time.

    What I said was, Satan is,  the beast who , “CARRIES” the woman, Babylon .

    Your getting mixed up like when I say the Will “itself” is not free,  but we are given the freedom to exercise our “captivated” Wills.  Like David is trying to explain to you.

    peace and love to you and yours………..gene 


    Edj……..what I said was “SOMETHING TO “CONSIDER”   You people can’t seem to get ant thing right,  I never said I know for sure that was it,   I simple said “something to consider” .

    But I will tell you this, unless you understand that John in Rev. 17,  was speaking from the point in time of the end of the thousand year period of the reign of Jesus Christ and the Saint’s . You or anyone else can’t even begin to understand  the book of the Revelations properly.  IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours……..gene


    You keep saying that Gen E, but no one is buying it at this stage because we have free will. I and others just think there are better theories out there from our point of view. That said, i always take a note of new ideas and do not trash them completely.

    I remain open minded on all theories. Your theory is not tidy. It jumps all over the place, cherrypicks empires, and ignores Middle East history which seems a better fit for Revelations.

    You might be the only one in the world with this view. If not, where did you get it from?


    Proclaimer…who said the beast is the women, your not reading my posts right, your trying to make me out to look wrong , go back and reread the post, and try to get it right this time.

    I dont want to read your posts again to see, but going on memory, you are saying the woman is an empire, kingdom, or collection of countries.

    Please articulate what the woman is in your next post. Keep it simple and about the woman only. This will make it easy for us humans with free will. Thanks Gen E. By the eay, my request is a direct order. You need to obey.


    Proclaimer……problem is not that I am saying it wrong but your not reading it correctly.  But I will quote again  the scriptures that show that the beast is Satan and he is the one carrying all seven of the world ruling Babylon kingdoms, which scripture shows as a women.

    Rev 17: 4…..And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER  OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

    REMEMBER Babylon is a set of kingdoms that have risen and fallen since the time of  king Nebuchadnezzar the head of gold .  The women mentioned there represents all the Babylonian kingdoms of the world .

    Rev 17: 7……And the angel or (messenger) said unto me, wherefore did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the women , and the beast” that carries her, which hath  the seven heads “and”  ten horns.

    Rev 17: 8……The beast” that you saw was , and is not; and “shall” ascend out of the bottomless pit , and go into perdition : , (who is in the bottomless pit at the time this prophesy takes place? “SATAN”  is.) and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from foundations of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
    Satan is still in the bottomless pit (at the time ), of this prophesy taking place. That’s what time dates this prophesy.  It takes place at the end of   The thousand year reign of Jesus and the Saint’s 

    Proclaimer,  that beast is Satan the devil , and he is the one who was and is still “carrying” the Babylonian type of kingdoms of this earth.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene



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