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    Cubes,That is the truth and is the way that I teach it.

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    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 12 2006,08:08)Well that's quite a rave Malcolm.  Don't forget that Jesus said and did more than was ever recorded in Scripture.  The Holy Spirit does and makes known the will of the Father, therefore Jesus is the Son of the Father because God is one, yet God is three.I definately do not limit God and probably most of what you s…[Read more]

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    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 12 2006,05:20)So here we are… 11 pages of posts and still no-one has been able to show me in Scripture where it says that the Bible is the Word of God.I know that all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and that the Bible contains the words of God.  But please please show my WHY everyone insists on calling the Bible the…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 12 2006,02:18)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 11 2006,23:10)Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 11 2006,23:01)If a babe is born then not feed it will die.kenrch,Please explain what you mean. I do understand what you are saying here.When one accepts Christ he is a babe and unless led by the Sprit and fed the word he will die.Sorry I didn't make it clear…[Read more]

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    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 12 2006,01:31)Dear Ty,I am sorry, I mistook your stand on the trinity or should I say confused you with another new brother on the forum. Forgive me for my lack of memory. I won't forget again. I hope. I am a man though and am capable of sin. As for our salvation, when we are born again, we are baptized into his…[Read more]

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    Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 11 2006,21:57)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,18:25)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 11 2006,02:41)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,01:46)Dear Ty,1) No, if a person does not receive the Holy Ghost, that person is not saved. Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again and He described the birth of the Spirit…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 12 2006,00:10)Hi Typ, I believed in the trinity as a child and even till mid 40s but gradually the Spirit in me stirred me up by showing it's huge inconsistencies and I started searching deeper finishing up here a few years ago and finding I was not alone and it was OK to check out what had been my foundation.I found it…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 12 2006,00:03)Hi T, God is a Being and Jesus says we should pray to Him in heaven, which is His throne. But just because he is in heaven does not preclude Him from being throughout creation, so close to all of us as Paul told the Athenians in Acts 17, by His Spirit, His finger.Nick,I just wanted to be sure that we are on…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,23:44)Hi Oxy, I Have pasted this here as discussion here is more appropriate.You said”1Jo 5:7  For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. This is a false KJV rendering added from a note in the margin .1Pe 1:2  according to the f…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 11 2006,23:01)If a babe is born then not feed it will die.I do not understand what you are saying here.

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    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 11 2006,23:01)If a babe is born then not feed it will die.kenrch,Please explain what you mean. I do understand what you are saying here.

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    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,22:28)I understand now. You believe in the trinity. Am I correct?H,This is the 2nd time in 2 days that you've asked me that question. Do you not remember asking me already? I've already told you that I do not believe in the trinity. God does not exist as 3 persons. Please just respond to my post.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,22:25)Absolutely,God had a beloved Son before all else. He was with God in the beginning as the Word.The Son was begotten of that God as an image but was never that God. The firstborn Son, through who all other sons and indeed all of creation was made, emptied himself and was sent partaking completely of our…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,22:13)Hi, John and John the baptist spoke about the Word of GodThe monogenes Son of God,who existed before the baptist who was conceived before him and who came into the world,which had been made through him. Jn 1 14 f” 14And ®the Word (S)became flesh, and (T)dwelt among us, and (U)we saw His glory, glory as of…[Read more]

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    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,20:54)Nick,Unsound teachings are unsound, reguardless from where ever the source. Most come from indoctrination by the words of men. I agree Ty is flesh and blood, but he is also under the influence of the doctrines of men. If it were not so, he would not be in dispute with the Word of God. I do not love…[Read more]

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    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,18:25)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 11 2006,02:41)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 11 2006,01:46)Dear Ty,1) No, if a person does not receive the Holy Ghost, that person is not saved. Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again and He described the birth of the Spirit (John 3:1-8). Paul also says in Rom.…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,03:49)Hi RR, We are not meant to know of God. We are meant to know Him.Nick,Paul says in Romans 10:11-17For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (this is YHWH from Joel 2:32) shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,03:31)Good stuff typ,I believe Rom 8 and Jude explains that the gift of tongues is for the building up of the individual too.Nick,That is correct. Rom. 8:26,27 and Jude:20 are the verses you reference.

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    Quote (malcolm ferris @ Aug. 11 2006,05:02)Hi typrsnI disagree that in Acts 3 Peter is not speaking of the future coming of the Lord, as the progression of the verses indicates otherwise in my opinion.The way I read it he is speaking of a time of refreshing to come in which Jesus Christ shall be sent who must be retained in the Heavens until this…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,04:09)Hi typ, Fair enough but we should not add words lest it is thought that we do so to bring out the meaning we want rather than exactly what is written. But what do you say about 1 Jn 4.9 and Jn 3. 16-171Jn 4.9″ 9By this the love of God was manifested (A)in us, that (B)God has sent His only begotten Son into…[Read more]

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