sunnyb replied to the topic Everything has an origin, why doesn't God? in the forum Faith 21 years, 9 months ago
interesting tid bit to throw out there being a physics geek…In I John 1:5 it says that …God is light… and other places he is represented by bright lights. The reason that nothing (anything contating information) cannot travle faster than the speed of light or the speed of light, is that it would have infinite energy, no time, and would…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic The Geneolgy of Jesus in the forum Scriptural Teachings 21 years, 9 months ago
hey,THe reason that it is talking of mary’s bloodline has to do with the conception of Christ. Joseph did not have a part in it, and wasnt even married to Mary until after the conception. Who was the bible talking about when it said "of whom was born Jesus"? –Mary, not joseph. yes it is weird that the translations all get this mistranslated…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
Hello everyone,I don’t think that we need by any means keep people from committing suicide by inducing fear motivation…. what option does that give them then?—Hell or being miserable the rest of their lives? Instead the truth of the word should be taught to them, if they see the love and grace that God has given them and what he has done for u…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
opps, I forgot the ‘L" on the end of the link…use this one: sunnyb
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
Hello all, I am sry that people are having a hard time downloading the file that I said was interesting and would help on this subject…The file is a PDF file and needs adobe reader to open it. PDF is a standard internet file, and if you go to the can download it for free. This should make it…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
hey childofthelight, I believe if you look at the link that I supplied in a previous post and look at chapter 2&4 of the post, you will find what the unquenchable fire and everlasting punishment is. Thanks for your time and thoughts, sunnyb
sunnyb replied to the topic God's plan of salvation as revealed in Scripture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 21 years, 11 months ago
IN your list of how to be saved you state that we must do alot of things, and at the end you state that we must remain faithful for the rest of our lives and carry the cross daily…..Well I surely hope that you mispoke here because we were saved by grace and believing Rom 10:9-10, nothing we ever did will ever make us deserve what we got and…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years ago
hey all again, I just found a really good article on the web about “Hell”. it is very through and worth reading: think that if you are interested in the subject like me you will appreciate all the work that was done in this paper. that is it…
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years ago
hey all, T8 thanks for the great work you did on the subject, I think you hit it on the head using what you are supposed to use….the word. Echad when I said seed of the serpant I meant the ones who worsip the devil…the equivalient to being born again….I am not familiar with Arnold Murrays teaching on it. Thanks all….it is good…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic The Geneolgy of Jesus in the forum Scriptural Teachings 22 years, 5 months ago
In the first chaper of matthew there is the genealogy of Mary. This is very easy to get except for verse Matt 1:16 "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband (greek: andra, aramai: gavra) of Mary…" there is confusion here because of the way andra was translated here. it should have been father. There are two Josephs, one whose father is Heli (lu…[Read more]
sunnyb replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years, 5 months ago
in I John 1:5, the bible says that “God is light and in him is no darkness at all”. I cannot figure out how then we can attribute a place of suffering for anything other than the spirits under lucifers control and people's spirits born of lucifers seed. We are basically come in this life to make a descison as to wether we would like to be with…[Read more]