so-journ replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 11 years ago
I have an explanation for Revelation 1:8 here, but I do not have an explanation for Revelation 22:13. Is Jesus quoting what the LORD GOD said back in Rev 1:8? replied to the topic Where to fellowship if you don't believe in the Trinity in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years ago
That is a good question. Sorry I haven’t addressed this earlier, but I just noticed it.
You can be baptized by any true Believer into the name of Jesus. If you cannot find any willing and they insist on being baptized into the Trinity, then make sure that you are baptized in the Spirit of God which is the important one and you can do this…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic Where to fellowship if you don't believe in the Trinity in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 12 years ago
I agree that you can never really know given that many people say they know, but are so different that they obviously believe different things.
I know when I believed in the Trinity, I never understood it and rarely talked about it. But I certainly believed that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the messiah. On top of that, God moved in my…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic Where to fellowship if you don't believe in the Trinity in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 12 years ago
Most who believe in the Trinity would also probably believe in the truth regarding God being the Father, and Jesus being the son.
Given that, you may be able to help them reconcile this difference or contradiction in their belief.
Whoever resists questioning the Trinity and say it is beyond question because it is beyond our understanding, I…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic Where to fellowship if you don't believe in the Trinity in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 12 years ago
Yes we do need fellowship. And it is good to dwell or fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters.
But yes we live in hard times in this respect. Most Christians are under the traditions of men in one respect or another.
If people believe that Jesus is the son of God and that the Father is Almighty God, then they believe the truth. If…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic A god amoung gods in the forum Scriptural Teachings 14 years ago
I haven't been reading this thread but thought this might fit in here….I was watching an interesting Programme the other day and the Speaker, I think he was a Jewish man, was saying how important it is to the salvation of Jews and Muslims to believe that there is only ONE God. Not saying I'm convinced by it or wanting to enter a debate with…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 14 years ago
Quote (Tim Kraft @ Mar. 21 2011,12:52)Quote (so-journ @ Mar. 21 2011,10:01)Hello Tim. You said:Quote This Kingdom of God that Jesus taught us then is actually a picture of a King (us) ruling(dilivering) his Kingdom (God/Jesus/The Spirit Words that live within) of love, mercy, healing, and perfection to the world at hand.Tim, I would change that to…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic What is truth in the forum Scriptural Teachings 14 years ago
Good point Wispring.
so-journ replied to the topic What is truth in the forum Scriptural Teachings 14 years ago
Hi Mike.The stage to come to is spiritualness. Anyone can corrupt their own thinking by reading anything other than scripture, including discussions and debates here. And the feeling of confusion can be intense, especially if you continue on in that. The only way to recover from that state is to take back control yourself, and if you are…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic What is truth in the forum Scriptural Teachings 14 years ago
Hello Mike, “and in vain do they worship Me, teaching teachings, commands of men”You go through learning hopefully by the Holy Spirit and not Man, and then you go through the spiritual side which is much different…. and understanding what everything means is no longer the main focus. Does that answer your question Mike?
so-journ replied to the topic What is truth in the forum Scriptural Teachings 14 years ago
Amen Wispring! (and Tim too) way to go!
so-journ replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 14 years ago
Hello Marty.It sounds scary doesn't it….”Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, THE SON OF PERDITION”Its hard to know what it means, but praying is a good idea that you/we are not deceived. One thing that I see another poster here revealed is the…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic in the forum so-journ 14 years ago
so-journ replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 14 years ago
Quote (942767 @ Mar. 20 2011,15:24)Quote (so-journ @ Mar. 16 2011,08:59)Greetings to all.I was wondering with the recent events in Japan….I have had friends approach me who are non Christians who are asking questions on what the bible says about these things….also I have heard through other friends who do believe…. that the holy spirit will…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 14 years ago
Hello Tim. You said:Quote This Kingdom of God that Jesus taught us then is actually a picture of a King (us) ruling(dilivering) his Kingdom (God/Jesus/The Spirit Words that live within) of love, mercy, healing, and perfection to the world at hand.Tim, I would change that to ….This Kingdom of God that Jesus taught us then is actually a picture of…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic The key to knowledge ?luk;11-52 in the forum Exta-biblical Writings 14 years ago
Hello Wispring,I read your shorter post and it got me thinking.You said Quote “that it bring betterment to one's self and or someone(s) other than oneself.”Some verses which came to my mind:'That they all may be one, as Thou Father art in me, and I in Thee; that they also in us may be one' John 17:21 ' I did hunger, and ye gave me to eat; I did…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic in the forum so-journ 14 years ago
I agree, Wispring.
so-journ replied to the topic in the forum so-journ 14 years ago
Amen. JBL, Your father is fine, you will meet him one day, I love you like I would my own son and I'm sorry you have to go through this. May God lift you up and keep you standing. Sometimes, we don't know it at the time, but God is there, he is carrying us.
so-journ replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 14 years ago
Good posts Tim Kraft…. thank you…. that is really positive.Mark, I believe that maybe the restrainer is what what restrains sin, and that when the restrainer is removed then evil will have full force…and only our faith in God will prevent us from being like that ourselves or from it effecting us.Theodore….I do remember reading similar to…[Read more]
so-journ replied to the topic in the forum so-journ 14 years ago
I wish you would all just be quiet…? this isnt the time nor place to be posting things such as I have read here in the past couple of days…! and now your all making me put stupid things. JBL, I will repost what was in my heart…. private message me if you want to…. I have two sons about your age.1 Thessalonians 4:13-18But we don't want you…[Read more]
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