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    shakai7 replied to the topic The false church in the forum Faith 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Nick,  I am saying that the meaning of the original text in some cases has been distorted or changed by the by the translation. Through the translation Greek mytholgy has been injected into the doctrine.  In the case of hades. Hades was understood by the early Greek believers in it's pagan dress when they were converted. They brought that u…[Read more]

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    shakai7 replied to the topic The false church in the forum Faith 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Nick,  For sure the Jewish religious leaders were a problem for the Messianic assembly at first. That was because of their twisted interpretation of the Torah. Later as believers from the gentiles increased, their pagan teachings were adopted into the Messianic doctrine.  An example came to my mind when I was reading a disscussion on another t…[Read more]

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    shakai7 replied to the topic The false church in the forum Faith 20 years, 2 months ago

    Nick,    I see the deception beginning in Eden. Satan is the author of all deception. Ephraim Israel was deceived and sent into captivity. Jewish Israel was deceived and sent into captivity in physical Babylon. While there Jewish Israel had intercourse with the Babylonians, returning from there the Jews brought a bastard religion back to J…[Read more]

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    shakai7 replied to the topic The false church in the forum Faith 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Nick,   He was never called Jesus Christ when He was here. That is a  substitute name from the whore's system. Ieasus Christos, appeared in the Greek translation of the original Hebrew writings replacing, “Yahshua Ha Mochiach”. Even if Christ is a Greek translation for Mochiach “anointed”, Ieasus is not the Greek translation for “Yahshua”. N…[Read more]

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    shakai7 replied to the topic The false church in the forum Faith 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Nick,  Strongs grk# 1577, Calling out, meeting, congregation, Jewish synagogue.Ex. 20:5Duet. 7:61Peter 2:9, They are all speaking of the same called out people. There are not two groups of called out. They are not Jews and certainly not Christians. How can I get “Christian” from being a follower of a Hebrew Messiah? Christian comes from the…[Read more]

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    Nick, I forgot to mention that I did not know that fact about the tribe of Benjamin being disproportionally left handed. I wonder if their may be significance to that?

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    Hello Nick,  All true.  Some Pharisees did believe in Yahshua but many did not. They fulfilled what had to be done in order for us to be redeemed. The Samaritans also did what prophecy said about them.  Yahshua was just passing through, staying as he found good soil, and leaving when it becameshallow and rocky.   John 11:54 “Therefore Yahshua no…[Read more]

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    Hi,Nick, Yes that is true about the Pharisees, I think they were the teachers of the law, they interpreted the law, of their own mind, not by the Spirit. Yahshua said to do what they say but not what they do. Their interpretation was in fear that Israel would be punished again for covenant breaking, so they added many hard regulations to Elohim's…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,  Sadducees and Pharisees I've never thought much about them.  I do not think they were tribal based, they were of post Babylon corruption. I have heard that they were pawns of the Roman government. I do not really know from where they got their authority. This is speculation but I think maybe they were self-appointed experts of the law. I…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick,  I thought that was what you thought I would say. Yes some did return after time, I think maybe some of the Samaritans, in Yahshua's time were decended from Ephraim. Samaria was the capitol of the northern tribes.  The Jews had low opinion of the Samartians in the time of Yahshua. When Yahshua went to Samaria and talked to the woman a…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick,  You might be getting sick of this, but I see Judah as the son who has remained with his father and Ephraim who has taken his inheritance. Ephraim, who is the younger, went out to foreign countries, gave up everything that he had received from his Father. There was a famine in the country where he had hired himself out to feed pigs.…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick, I think that the seed of Abraham is physical. That the covenants were made with them. But true gentiles receive equal blessings through their acceptance of Yahshua as Messiah, and true physical Israelites, who do not accept Yahshua as Messiah are still under the curse of the law and without Yahshua they are without hope. Many who are…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick,  Yes, part of the old covenant was that any foreigner who who wants to serve Yahweh will become Israel. I have written about that in earlier post.  Is. 56:3 “Let no foreigner who has bound himself to Yahweh say, Yahweh will surely exclude me from His people,” 6.”and foreigners who bind themselves to Yahweh to serve Him, to love the n…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick,   I understand that it seems a stretch, I once understood it as you do. When a friend first told me of his understanding, gentiles are Israel, I rejected it too. I thought it was rediculous, a contradiction.We both had studied the OT to gain a deeper understanding of the NT and had seen that Ephraim was scattered among the nations.…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,  I have never said or implied becomming a Jew under the OT. I am not a Jew, can not become one, don't want to become one.  Eph.2: To my understanding is speaking of Ephraim. From NT understanding only, as is the church, they interpret it as best they can with their limited resources. The church, with it's diluted greek influence has t…[Read more]

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    Hi,  For the others who believe that they are of Ephraim Israel I can not speak. For myself, I was drawn to the OT, in an attempt to better undersand the NT. I was in a full gospel non-denominational church.I always studied the NT and found that what my church was teaching, I had a different understading of scriptures.  I suspected that the c…[Read more]

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    Hello, Nick  Yes I do agree, the spiritual rebirth will happen first. That is what has begun now, what I have written about so much, the awakening of the lost sheep of Israel, a rebirth spoken of in Eze. 37. Initiated by the sacrifice of the Messiah, making it all possible.  I agree that the people of Israel will be gathered back to their own l…[Read more]

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    Hello Nick,  The gate “process” I have never really researched it deeply. I looked into it this evening and this is my understanding.    John 10   The watchman: Represents the prophets and their writings. Eze. 3:17 and 33:7 call the prophet                         Ezekiel “watchman of Israel”. Hoshea 9:18 “the prophet along with my Elohim is th…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of shakai7

    Hello,  Everyone, no matter who you are, must go through the gate of the Good Shepherd. It is Him and only Him who can set you free from the sin.  Hebrews 9:12 “He did not enter by the blood of goats and calves; but He entered the Most Holy  Place once, for all, by His own blood having obtained eternal redemption.” 15. “For this reason, Messiah is…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,  Some people who answer the call of Messiah are of Ephaim Israel, and some are not. Some people who hear this word of lost Israel, believe it to be true, and some people do not. Your understanding of this is different than mine. Each must believe what is in our heart. I feel from your replies that you do not completly understand my…[Read more]

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