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    nick,jesus has no geneology in the order of Melchizedek.He has no beginning and no end, but as a son of man he is from Judah clan.babu

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    Irene,I believe virginity of maria according to luke 1:34.But this issue was raked up because of the word 'almah' which means young woman only, but not virgin.I don't wan't to profane mary, as the sadducees used to do.With the word 'almah' only so much explanation ,supposition cropped up to support isaiah 7:14 in which young woman is there instead…[Read more]

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    Hi Gene & Nick,this is my simple reasoning concerning God, spirit and son:We, human beings have a pattern/shape/structure made of flesh.In it, blood is made to flow which bears source of life to us,.That means blood is the life to us and causes animation to our structure.inference:flesh became a living thing through blood which came through God's…[Read more]

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    Hi Gene,I agree with you bacause of virginity tests prevailing among post-mosaic jews.babu

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    mandy,We are of flesh and blood.Flesh gives pattern for our shape and size etc, whereas the blood is lthe life of body and the same blood carries/prepares our seed/semen.Similarly GoD has a pattern (image/shape of Father) and similar to blood, spirit flows in him as Gog is spirit.It means God is full of Spirit/life.That spirit only carries his…[Read more]

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    Faith is surety,steadfastness,certainity of what we expect for and desire to sense/realise the same.

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    faith is steadfastness .babu

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    Gene,thank you .Virgin is translated word for parthenos, a greek word from Septuagiant written 200B.C.babu

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    Hi Gene,whether all young women are virgins? or all virgins are young women?According to scriptures in bible and the word almah adoption in bible,young woman means virgin only.Especially God will not choose a fornicator/unholy to become flesh form because our God is not easy going God and he will not live in them whoever sins.The speciality in…[Read more]

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    Hi Gene,young woman means what in your opinion? young woman is different from virgin? in that case is rebekah not a virgin/young woman before her marriage?I think world was not that much corrupted at that time, as it is now. paraphrasically, young woman and virgin are same.babu

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    Hi all,Jesus is God.He is Lord also.He is holy spirit(source of Holy spirit).He has origin of Himself,God and fleshy father to make us his children who are of blood and flesh.Some people who are not realisin that Jesus is God, the father, they are blinded like jews,muslims etc.babu

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    G Aam,I think as per your version, Moses , Jacob, Abraham were Also influenced by pagan beliefs/ideas.Because the Altars, Sacrifices(sprinkling blood) etc.. are of pagan origin only.There was a period among pagans also to sacrifice their first offspring , as such Abraham might have followed paganistic beliefs.Moreover, breaking bread and drinking…[Read more]

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    Hi, Nick,Do you agree that Mary, the mother of Jessus Christ is virgin before her union with Joseph? or Still Doubting Isaiah 7:14?

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    Hi, Mandy,pl. see this :Data element One: The use of a “composite unity” word for 'one' in the Shema of Deut 6.4-5. This is the older translation of the famous Shema: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” There are two words for 'one' in Biblical Hebrew: 'ehad ('one', 'alone', 'unity from parts') and 'yahid' (always means…[Read more]

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    Nick,I agree with you. Moreover, we should not go after jewish beliefs after birth of messiah, because they are already blinded by devil.Then we may also be led by suhch blind jews into a deep pit/impact.pulivarthy

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    Hi! Nick'Did you forget Isaiah 7:14 & 9:6-7? please go through the stuff given below and get strengthened?Virgin or Young Woman?The New International Version recounts the birth of our Savior: “This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be…[Read more]

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    gene,welcome!where were you for these many days.God is spirit.God cannot be our father unless he shows himself as blood and flesh.Therefore, God, the father sent his word(hidden spokesperson in him, a living spiritual being as powerful as himself) enveloped by himself .God is spirit.God is a person because he has personaality as us.God has has…[Read more]

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    GM,similarly , Jesus was indwelled God the father, as a firstborn of universe/creation.pulivarthy.

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    adam,I have not gone through fully.but, I grasped the contents/theme of your article.Word created everything according to genesis.that means life (living things)came through word.God the father created man and the word/God breathed the life/word into man so as to make lifeless(soulless) man a living being.when God (a person having spiritual…[Read more]

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    not3inone,'conception' or 'mary is conceived' means that mary sensed at that instant itself that she started carrying/forming a baby in her womb, as an ordinary mother feels when embryo gets formed.pulivarthy

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