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  • #77058

     From Stu: Jeremiah 33:5 might be a good reason to stay at home.

    One thing I have learned in all of my studying is that when I go to quote a scripture, I need to look at the whole scripture because each scripture within that particular scripture comes together to complete a thought or message.  
    In the chapter of Jeremiah 33….the entire chapter holds the promise of restoration.  It is not a chapter about characters….it is a chapter of promise from the Almighty God to all who will hear.

    For every action there is a consequence.  When we choose to sin, we have to be accountable for our action.  There is always a result for each choice we make.  

    I have witnessed the promise made in vs. 3 so many times in my life and in the lives of many others.  
    If there is ever a question about not understanding anything in God's Word….I take it to Him and He truly answers in accordance to His Will not mine.  He knows what is best for us because He created us.

    Just like those of us who are parents, we want our children to come to us and ask us for help.  We let them know that we are there for them anytime and anywhere.  That is the same as what the Father promises in Jeremiah 33:3.  He is ALWAYS there……all we have to do is ask.

    Be blessed!


    A promise that is true and cannot be broken:

    Jeremiah 33:3


    This site is amazing!  I went back to the very first post that I posted on the 4th and I am amazed as to what has transpired.

    Here is what I posted:  
    Hi!  I am new to this site.  I was given this site as a link to check out.  I pray that I will be able to find my way around and be able to be a witness for the Lord while I am on this site.  I have checked out just a couple of forums before posting this.  It looks like there will be many moments spent in reading all the posts here. May God bless each and every one who comes on this site with what He wants to fulfill in each life in order for His Will to take place so that He will get ALL the praise and glory.
    I look forward to sharing and spending more time here.
    Joyfully in Christ,

    I had no idea as to what the response to this would be.  I can honestly say, that I for one will stand firm on God's truth and try with all my heart and soul to stay close to Him.  I am looking forward to posting in some of the other areas that I have had the opportunity to look at over the weekend.

    I would like to share these scriptures with you:

    Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
      “Wake up, O sleeper,
         rise from the dead,
      and Christ will shine on you.”    Ephesians 5:9-14

    May your evening be blessed with God's understanding in all you do and say.
    Joyfully in Christ,
    C :)


    God knows the heart of each of us.  I would like to reply further, but there is a time and place as to when to speak.  I stand firm in my conviction and I will continue to pray for those whose eyes are closed to the truth.  
    God bless you!
    Joyfully in Christ,


    It is written: ” 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord,  'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'
    Romans 14:11
    Isn't it wonderful to know that we can sit at the feet of our Father daily and learn His Will for us when we are in His Word?  We deny ourselves understanding of God's plan for all of mankind when we choose not to study God's Word.  I will pray that God will open the eyes of those who do not know His Word.  

    Have a blessed evening and may all eyes be open to His truth.


    Thanks for the warning!
    I do not have any doubts about teaching a Sunday School class.  I know that I myself cannot accomplish anything without the strength and wisdom from God.  It is His class and I am just a tool.  I was invited onto this page because there are few topics that I have been studying and I was told that this might be a good place to hear some good insight and have scripture references on different topics.  
    I will follow God's lead and continously ask for His discernment as I do in all areas of my life.
    Again, thank you for the warnings!
    Be Blessed!


    Thank you so much Timothy VI and IM4Truth for your help here.  

    Joyfully in Christ,


    Wow!  What a way to start off the day!  I have been preparing the Sunday School lesson for next Sunday for the past hour and a half and I thought I would check my messages before I take off and start my day around the house.
    I was amazed at the reply from Stu.  I would like to ask before I answer the question Stu asked, “Why on earth would you want to do that?”  I am pretty sure I know what you are asking….but I want to be sure so that I don't respond in a manner of misunderstanding.
    I can respond to the rest of your comment though.  
    First of all……God IS NOT a character…..  He IS the ALMIGHTY GOD.  He IS NOT violent…He IS fair and just. He IS NOT unpredictable….you can be sure that everything He says IS true and the things that have yet to come to pass WILL.
    God is not responsible for human sin…He is the source of all that is good.  He is unchangeable and He ALWAYS keeps His promises.
    As for the Sunday School, it is an honor to be go through the scriptures with those wonderful, precious people that God has created and given life and purpose to.  It shows them everything that God wants them to know about Him and His way of life.
    I do not want to in any way be argumentive.  I just want to speak joyfully about God and His Word and love like He does.
    May your day be filled with God's wisdom and discernment today.
    Be blessed!:)


    Thank you all for ackowledging my post so far.  I look forward to meeting with you from time to time on here.  I teach a Sunday School class for older members.  All except myself are between 60 and 97. Several of them don't have a serious knowledge of the Word and I am praying that God will allow me to speak His Word weekly so that they will truly understand who He is and what His Word says and how it applies to their lives.

    May you all have a blessed weekend!

    Jeremiah 33:3

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