palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
A interesting lecture on our debate:….of_hell
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
“Fear of the the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Its an interesting angle about “Eternal torment is a lie against God” I find myself gradually rejecting and now accepting the hard parts I don't like in the bible, ie hell and damnation as if I do that, i'm inventing my own religion. John Stott's diatribe started with an emotional appeal which I…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Yes, the whole of Gods word is counsel, but scriptures about a particular subject do not neutralise each other which your position on the “eternal destruction” is doing, the other scriptures talk about eternal fires and the wicked being destroyed in this fire, the Thessalonians adds that is “eternal destruction” destruction that goes on for…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Did you listen to it? Essentially your saying the scripture does not mean what is says. It's clear what it says, I think we are trying to use less clear scriptures so try and change is clear meaning. Also, is religion all a bad thing? i'm off to work, so cant reply till after 2pm
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Have a listen to this
, this is what finally convinced me of the reality of eternity:….019.mp3
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
it's a simple question we return to, why did the HS put the words “eternal destruction” together if it is not “ongoing destruction for eternity” ? Why does it say what it says?
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
there are rules to interpretation. 1.what does it say. 2.who was it said to 3. what was going on. 4. are there any scriptures about the same subject. also clear interprets unclear, is it meant to be clear?. so, going from there, with all the scriptures we have included, we can see from them that the sinners and saints are all raised for…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Ill write some more later as off to work. I know enough about greek to know I don't know much. But the one thing I have learnt is that words have different meanings depending on their combinations. It's sort of like know and no. Jst because the word eon is used elsware does not mean it means the same things. Also, the OT scriptures were originally…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
You can say it makes no sense, but again, the words show the fire burns for ever and the destruction continues forever. It's crystal clear if you think about it and look at strickly what the words mean individually and what they mean together. The Holy Spirit put them together, I agree that they doeas seem to make no sence from our point, but God…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic The “AKJV Bible” in the forum Bible Texts & Translations 11 years, 9 months ago
I thought the AKV had obvious translation errors?
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
These are all quotes about destruction, in their context that all indicate a start and end to the destruction. Though Jude provides detail about this fire the it burns for eternity “eternal filre” A question we would never think to ask is what kind of destruction is it or how long? I would have thought destruction was destruction and it comes…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Well said, I am just a stunned bunny at the moment. 3 years ago I had this thing called “Latter Rain” preached at me. It was quite cool and exciting, I like to read, so I know most of the various endtime scenarios enough to know they all have good and bad points, so the Latter Rain stuff was new to me. Anyway, I thought I would study it, the…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Ill write more tomorro, but quickly, time is reltive, swiftly to God may not be to us, (you know 1000yrs as 1day to the LORD) Delivering to satan, we're talking about the context in Thessilonians where the HS put “eternal and destruction together” As to torture, God is sovereign and just so people get their penalty, Why do bad things happen to…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Jesus did say that, and it's clarified even further in that it's eternal. As for testing things, Do you think there comes a point where we stop testing as the test has produced a result? I read last week that some things are clear in the bible and usually the ones that aren't don't matter. In our case, it must end with what is written, the other…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Destroy =ruin completely; spoil: The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire 2. To tear down or break up; demolish.3. To do away with; put an end to. My understanding is it has a start point and an end point. Thats quite clear. The scary part is it is linked with “eternal” giving us a dichotomy, how can destruction with beginning end be…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
ahhh nope, it's eternal destruction not eternal death, destruction is a process while death is a state. We are stuck with it, thats what God says and as said the only way out is contradict the bible it's self. There are rules to understanding the bible.:(
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
WHat I find most interesting, ansd a clue to it's truth is the deliberate use of destruction, which is a word indicating start with an end with a word meaning time with no end. You cant be destroyed for ever. Looking to other scripture to change the clear meaning is not hermeneutical . Clear scripture trumps un clear, the ones in Peter say…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
COntext context context, those scriptures say every thing and the wicked are destroyed, the Thessalonians is a specific word, more detail on the destruction of the wicked, this detail adds that the destruction is “Eternal Destruction” and means wicked continuly destroyed for eturnity. So you can not say it's incorrect unless you choose to say its…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Your trying to mix individual accountability with the destruction of heaves and earth. COme on, your seriously believe that that seperat scriptures about different things that have the word destruction means the “eternal destruction” is wrong in the Thessalonians one?? It's a conspiracy theory, that all translators are biased is not really a…[Read more]
palal replied to the topic in the forum Is Hell eternal? 11 years, 9 months ago
Getting back to the same question, where are the scriptures to support your position? Again, the problem we have is it say's “Eternal Destruction” Another point is, if it's incorrect, why do all bible translations use the same words? (as far as I can find some use everlating) here's a link
I still dont…[Read more]
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