outofbabylon replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 4 months ago
Sunday would be called the 1st on God's calendar and so on.
outofbabylon replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 4 months ago
We first need to understand that we must look to God for all things including time and days. The calendar we use today is a pagan one with each month named after a Roman god and each day of the week after a fallen angel. God's year starts in Abib Ex 12:2 and 13:4. The months of God's calendar are different from the pagan calendar but the days…[Read more]
outofbabylon replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 4 months ago
Hi Im new here but I have been reading on the site for a few weeks now. It is nice to see so many searching for the truth. Here is what has been revealed to me. The Sabbath Bible StudyAn old Jewish tradition or and everlasting covenant with the Creator?Why do so many people today reject one of God’s most rewarding commandments? What does the B…[Read more]