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    Thank you Brother Ken, I know we are not chosen by what church we attend, we are chosen because YAH loves us. blessings and love.

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    Hey Nick, First off, I ask for forgiveness. Second, I took the words that you wrote, the only addition was quotation marks were added, and NH attached. Now, I am heretic status, and he has decided not to speak to me. blessings and love

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    Brother Ken, Prepare yourself, I know this is gonna hurt………..yes, I abide by what YAH set in place for what we are and are not to eat. Act 10:14 And Peter said, `Not so, Lord; because at no time did I eat anything common or unclean;' Give me a second to duck and cover……………….And I am also working on inscribing the ten…[Read more]

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    Sorry, don't have editing rights yet. blessings and love.

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    Wrong on two points Ken.First, the love I feel in this passage, has nothing to do w/ sacrifice. Second, I am woman. blessings and love Second……

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    First I must give a litte laugh on the 'title' of this thread, who gave the law ? :D I truly wish deep in my heart, that one would think of the law as love, and not some harsh punishment. If you proclaim the law is written in your heart, given by the spirit, then why would the spirit go against itself ? Last time I check, I haven't had to sacrifice…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of olive

    Hey David, Thank you for your answer, it was greatly appreciated, one can ponder on this question regarding symbols attached to ones belief, budda's, crosses, fish, last supper portraits…..What some call now-a-days, or what I call new age, go to so many different places to have scripture 'read and understood', many 'self' help books, pamphlets.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of olive

    Brother Ken, His peace be upon you. AMEN to your words……….As it is written: Col 2:16-23 Let no one, then, judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a feast, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths, which are a shadow of the coming things, and the body is of the Christ; let no one beguile you of your prize, delighting in humble-mindedness…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of olive

    Thank you David, for your breif response, it was greatly appreciated, no offense, but at times it becomes quite tiresome w/ the long speeches, extended tassels, the best seats in the house writings. My favorite is requoting what another said, then another, then another, then adding their post. Oy Vey. The advent, is a reference guide to what the…[Read more]

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    The question I did ask, was if the spirit spoke to you, and you went to scripture and it was confirmed, then you went to the advent and they stated that it was a lie, where would your loyality lie. Christ or Catholic ? They have not answered yet.I feel deep in my spirit, that they know the truth, but don't want to leave, that it would be a…[Read more]

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    olive replied to the topic The Truth in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 4 months ago

    3n1You writeQuote Whenever you debate (aka “attack”) others viewsI forget to mentionBring it on……………Blessings and love

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    olive replied to the topic The Truth in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 4 months ago

    Notthreeinone, Keeping looking w/ that eye of yours………..okay chick. Thanks for sharing. Blessings and love.

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    notthreeinone, Have you ever spoken to a life long catholic? do you understand how deep deception they are in? How far will you go to bring someone to Christ? When is it time to shake the dust off of our cloaks ? blessings and love

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    olive replied to the topic The Truth in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 4 months ago

    WJ, I will admit openly, that your words are empty, you and nick constanly bicker between each other, as well as you do w/ others. Do you have an unteachable spirit? Are you now, 'spiritually superior' than others, no humbleness……………Your long speeches, does not Christ say watch out for ones that love to hear themselves talk, I guess it…[Read more]

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    olive replied to the topic The Truth in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 4 months ago

    You know Nick, I can understand and accept 'each other sharpening other's sword' this is somewhere spoken in the Hebrew scriptures, but your words are becoming empty to ones asking. Is there a reason for this ? Do you need prayer, as we all do, to unite and build each other up, so we all may worship in truth and spirit. What is needed Nick, please…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of olive

    Hey Nick, You know at times, there are 'babes' in Christ, I think this is one of those times, what you write, will not help me bring this man out of babylonian. I want him to worship in spirit and truth, need scripture, need him lifted in prayer. Not treated as chattle. Anyone else? blessings and love.

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    Quote Good thoughts, Olive.I hope we are not resting too long – I've never been one for naps! I tend to think we will be busy about Paradise (doing what, I'm not sure).I am all for naps………what will I be doing in paradise, praising, singing, rejoicing w/ all the other messengers, can't wait…………….blessings and love

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    Hey David, I do not know if you keep up w/ this thread, but I have a question for you. This is me: your post seem to be long at times, If you could breifly, briefly being the key word answer me this question. I will even settle for a yes or no. The catholic religion goes to the advent to receive answers for what others that ask, they have many…[Read more]

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    olive started the topic in the forum 17 years, 4 months ago

    At times my tongue gets sharp, I cannot even respond to one on this board, because I can feel my tongue sharpen. This also can happen in public, where I speak out, like when a women slaps her child, for what I forget. My tongue became sharp, and I spoke words to the child, that is not love……..

    When another, trys to ‘push’ their way to the…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick, Wikipedia Tritheism is the belief that there are three distinct, each powerful gods, who form a triad. In Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is one being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a mutual indwelling of three persons: the Father, the Son (incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth), and the Holy Spirit.…[Read more]

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