nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 12 months ago
Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 28 2005,03:10)Hi cubes,Very helpful. I guess as scripture speaks of the Abomination of desolation 'standing in the holy place' that suggests that the temple and 'holy place' has to be rebuilt first?check Clarks commentary on this Da.9:27and the other commentariesthe KJV 1611 reads Dan 9:27 And hee shall confirme the…[Read more]
nashash replied to the topic Please be patient. i'm kind of freaked out. in the forum Exta-biblical Writings 19 years, 12 months ago
i agree with that , thanks
nashash replied to the topic Please be patient. i'm kind of freaked out. in the forum Exta-biblical Writings 19 years, 12 months ago
so is it accepted as scripture ?
nashash replied to the topic Please be patient. i'm kind of freaked out. in the forum Exta-biblical Writings 19 years, 12 months ago
what is the history of the book of Enoch, when i read things like son of man in this book and see reference of the book in scriptures, i've yet to read it all but plan toowow i did a search with son of man and i counted 19, and the character along with son of man i've read in the scripture.
nashash replied to the topic Breaking bread in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 12 months ago
Yeshua Is the word of God, and at Passover they eat unleaven bread , nothing added to the bread, so he wants nothing added to his word, as he warns in Matt. 16:6 , and in breaking bread he wants us to share God's word as it is , and the Holy Spirit will bring understanding ,
nashash replied to the topic Breaking bread in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 12 months ago
hello all , what you have to look at is the time of year the Passover took place from when it was first established and what it originally represent. So Yeshua tells his disciple to do this in remembrance of Him. now the following year at the passover after seeing our Lord rise from the dead at the previous Passover you know they are gonna hold to…[Read more]
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
here are some online radio programs that are bible base in teaching you can access there library
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
on Da. chapter 9 there is so much confusion taught about this chapter, at this time of Messiah people where expecting Messiah to come , cause of what was in the prophecies , Da 9 tells when he would appear and how he would die and why he would die, and also what to expect untill his coming,when people study the prophets they realize Jesus is the…[Read more]
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal good news to proclaim to those who live on the Earth, and to every nation, and tribe, and language, and people; Rev 14:7 and he said with a great voice, “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him Who made Heaven and Earth, and…[Read more]
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
William Miller said That Day of the Lord would be some where between March 21 1843 and March 21 1844
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. i wasn't talking about a lunar eclipseno one can know that timeMat 24:36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.oh there's this from the Clark c…[Read more]
nashash replied to the topic End time prophecies in the forum Prophecy 20 years ago
with a Mosque being in the place of the temple , this woud fit with the moon turning to blood, God's word is all about worship , and we know by history the people of the Mosque worship the moon , and we know now that they are a bloobie religion , not all but the one's who claim they speak for in truth are teaching killing ane hate, and they think…[Read more]